(E-SEAL) Environmental Sustainability and Economics Analytical Lab

Bioeconomic modeling for a sustainable future

Category: In the Media (page 1 of 2)

Global economic trade-offs between wild nature and tropical agriculture

Our research on the global economic trade-offs between wild nature and tropical agriculture is featured in SciDev.Net.

Our research on deforestation worsening child health has been covered by the media

Roman interviewed about Aedes mosquito control

Roman was interviewed for a recent Straits Times article explaining why it’s not practical to eradicate Aedes mosquitoes. Concern about these mosquitoes has been growing due to the risk of Zika outbreaks. Read the full article here.


International trade damages tropical nature, study shows

Our research on the effects of international trade on nature in the tropics has been featured in Science Daily. Read the full story here.



Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD)

Our research on protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) is featured in sciencedaily, science codex, phys.org, and Mongabay!

paddd_mongabay paddd_sciencedaily paddd_sciencecodexpaddd_phys

Green Space and Happiness in Singapore

Our research on the link between green space and happiness in Singapore is featured in CityLab



Do Protected Areas Stop Deforestation?

Our research on deforestation and protected area effectiveness in Indonesia published in Global Environmental Change was featured in Phys.org, ScienceDaily, NewsDesk, Today

GEC paper_physorg

GEC paper_science daily


GEC paper_Worldnewsreport


Conservation news in social media

Our research on conservation research, online news and social media has been featured in NUS research highlights and various news outlets, including zeenews, medindia.net, ScienceNewsline, Bignewsnetwork, sifynewsnewkerala, brightsurf, phys.orgeco-business

nus highlight FB TW studyFB paper_ecobusiness


Biodiversity as an economic value

Our research on valuation of ecosystem services published in Biological Conservation has been featured by CIFOR Forest News and Mongabay


Biocon eco value paper_Ciformongabay interview



Oil Palm: A double edged sword

Research on oil palm published in Science has been featured in Scientific American and Phys.org

oil palm1oil palm2

oil palm3


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