(E-SEAL) Environmental Sustainability and Economics Analytical Lab

Bioeconomic modeling for a sustainable future


Conservation Asia Conference 2016

The joint SCB and ATBC Conservation Asia conference was held in Singapore from June 29-July 2, 2016. The BioEcon lab held three different symposium throughout the conference with great success!

Francesca and Le hosted ‘Ecosystem Services and Market-Based Conservation: Challenges for the Tropics’.

Will and Yuchen hosted ‘Integrated Approaches to Reconcile Biodiversity and Land Use Change’. 

Roman co-hosted with Richard Corlett (XTBG) on ‘Reducing the Biodiversity Impacts of Infrastructure Development in the Tropics’. 

Amy presenting

Amy presenting

Will presenting

Will presenting

Winnie presenting her FYP

Winnie presenting her FYP

Yuchen presenting

Yuchen presenting


EME Lab at ATBC Asia-Pacific Chapter at Banda Aceh

3 EME Lab members presented at the Meeting: Roman with “Loss of ecosystem services through deforestation and trade-offs with agriculture”, Yi Hui with “Spatial correlates of human-tiger conflict in Hunchun, China”, and Dawn with “Effects of overgrazing and climate change on grassland sustainability in Chang Tang, Tibetan plateau, China”.


Dawn and Yi Hui presenting at the meeting

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