(E-SEAL) Environmental Sustainability and Economics Analytical Lab

Bioeconomic modeling for a sustainable future

Category: Uncategorized (page 2 of 2)

Auction winning, social dynamics and non-compliance in PES in Indonesia

Our research paper “Auction winning, social dynamics and non-compliance in a payment for ecosystem services scheme in Indonesia” has just been accepted in Land Use Policy! See our list of publications

The link between green space and happiness in Singapore

Our research titled “The Relationship between Natural Park Usage and Happiness Does Not Hold in a Tropical City-State” on the link between green space and happiness in Singapore is published in PLOS One! See our list of publications

Pest risk in Southeast Asia

Our research on pest risk analysis in Southeast Asia has been accepted for publication in Risk Analysis: An International Journal! The article is called “A regional decision support scheme for pest risk analysis in Southeast Asia”. See our list of publications

Deforestation and protected area effectiveness in Indonesia

Our paper “Analysis of deforestation and protected area effectiveness in Indonesia: A comparison of Bayesian spatial models”  has been accepted in Global Environmental Change! See our list of publications

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