(E-SEAL) Environmental Sustainability and Economics Analytical Lab

Bioeconomic modeling for a sustainable future

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1 Postdoctoral Research Fellow and 1 Research Assistant in economic valuation of tropical ecosystem services

In the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS)

The Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) and the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS) invite applications for 1 Postdoctoral Research Fellow and 1 Research assistant positions in economic valuation of ecosystem services, to begin on 1 January 2018 or soon thereafter. The position will be for a period of 2 years. The successful applicant will be part of the project ‘A Natural Capital Assessment for Singapore’.

The overall aim of the project is to quantify the economic, social, and cultural value of Singapore’s environmental assets (its ‘Natural Capital’), and present and model the information in such a way that it can inform future policy and urban development. To protect and enhance natural capital in Singapore and secure the long-term foundational benefits from this capital, we need to understand how the values of Singapore’s ecosystems services vary across space and under different scenarios. This will be achieved by:
1. quantifying the current status of Singapore’s terrestrial and coastal-marine ecosystems
2. quantifying the value of Singapore’s terrestrial and coastal/marine ecosystems to society.
3. assessing tradeoffs between urban development (urban assets) and natural capital (natural assets)
4. assessing future policy and development opportunities that integrate natural capital

The Research Fellow will have expertise in working on ecosystem services valuation using a range of GIS, spatial and survey-based techniques. GIS and data analysis skills are preferred. The RF will take a significant lead in research relating to ecosystem services valuation to develop maps and spatial models to assess future trade-offs under different scenarios. The RF will take the lead in writing the research for publication. In addition, the RF will also contribute to the coordination of research assistants, and work alongside other Research Fellows working on the terrestrial and coastal working packages of the project.

The Research Assistant will support the research fellow in data collection and management and model development. The Research Assistant will help conduct surveys. Experience with GIS and data analysis is considered an advantage.

The Singapore-ETH Centre was established in 2010 by ETH Zurich and Singapore’s National Research Foundation, as part of its CREATE campus. The vibrant hub for research aims to provide practical solutions to some of the most pressing problems through its programmes – Future Cities Laboratory and Future Resilient Systems.

The Times Higher Education World University rankings place NUS as the 22nd top university in the world and number one in Asia. The Department of Biological Sciences has over 70 principal investigators and 300 graduate students. Facilities and research support in the department are world-class and are highly regarded internationally. The successful candidate will join the BioEcon Lab: https://blog.nus.edu.sg/bioeconlab/

1. Both appointments will be tenable for a period of two years
2. The positions come with competitive remuneration
3. Singapore citizens and permanent residents are eligible for central provident fund benefits

Applicants for the Research Fellow position must hold a PhD (or awaiting conferment), have research experience in a related field of natural and economic sciences, and a record of (or potential to deliver) good quality research publications.

Applicants for the Research Assistant position much hold at least a relevant degree related to environmental sciences, economics or geography.

Interested applicants should submit the following via email to L. Roman Carrasco (dbsctlr@nus.edu.sg) by 31st October 2017:
• Brief letter of application
• Curriculum vitae, with description of experience applying relevant statistical and modelling skills
• At least one sample of their published work in the case of Research Fellow applicants

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted to arrange an interview. For further information on the project please contact the PI of the economic valuation Working Package L. R. Carrasco (dbsctlr@nus.edu.sg)

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