Our Travelogue Is Up!

ENV3102 Travelogue

Hi, it’s Team Mabuti (aka Team 8) again!

Today, we have compiled our experiences in a Google Maps Travelouge, with descriptions of the places we have been to for the past few days. At the moment, there are no pictures available for viewing, but we hope to get some up when our Internet connection is better. In the meantime, please enjoy viewing and reading about our adventures so far. You can access the map here, or view the embedded map below (if it works!). Do click on the pins to view a short write-up about each location. We hope to continuously update this map – so stay tuned to hear more about our exciting adventures in ENV3102!

P.S. Please forgive us for any inaccuracies: let us know and we will try to correct it ASAP! Also, if any student would like to contribute to this undertaking, please contact us. 🙂


Group 8 – Team Mabuti