Principal Investigator


Presidential Young Professor


Yi Hou is a Presidential Young Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was appointed the Head of the Perovskite-based Multijunction Solar Cell Group at the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) in September 2020. Yi obtained his Ph.D. degree (SAOT scholarship) in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. His postdoctoral training in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto was mainly focused on photophysics and transport properties of the hybrid semiconductor in photovoltaics. He has several visiting scholar experiences at various universities overseas, such as the University of Oxford, UK; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland; Australia National University (ANU), Australia; and Stanford University, US.

Yi was recognized as one of the Innovators Under 35 (Asia Pacific) by MIT Tech Review due to his contributions to advancing perovskite-based tandem solar cell technology. In 2022, his achievement in setting a world record for the efficiency of a perovskite/organic tandem solar cell was documented in the “Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 60)”. In 2023, the Hou Group set a new world record for single-junction perovskite solar cell efficiency (1 cm²), recognized in “Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 62)”. Concurrently, Yi has been named a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers in the field of Cross-Field category for the second consecutive year, from 2022 to 2024.

Research Fellows

Dr. LIU Shunchang

PhD, Chemistry
Institute of Chemistry, CAS

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Dr. NIU Xiuxiu

Beijing Institute of Technology

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Dr. LI Nengxu

Peking University

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Dr. JIA Zhenrong

PhD, Chemistry
Institute of Chemistry, CAS

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Dr. WANG Tao

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

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Dr. HU Jingcong

PhD, Physics
Beijing University of Technology

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Dr. KAN Chenxia

Zhejiang University

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Dr. YAO Yuxin

Zhejiang University

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Dr. LUO Chao

PhD, Physics
Peking University

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PhD Students

SHI Zhuojie

PhD Student (2021-now)
University of Science and Technology Beijing

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CHEN Jinxi

PhD Student (2021-now)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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PhD Student (2021-now)
National University of Singapore

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GUO Xiao

PhD Student (2021-now)
Peking University

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PhD Student (2021-now)
Tianjin University

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PhD Student (2021-now) 
Tianjin University

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PhD Student (2021-now)
Beijing Institute of Technology

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WANG Yuduan

PhD Student (2022-now)
Institute of Chemistry, CAS

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ZHOU Qilin

PhD Student (2022-now)
ShanghaiTech University

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DONG Zijing

PhD Student (2022-now)
Beihang University

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LEE Ling Kai

PhD Student (2021-now)
National University of Singapore

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WEI Zhouyin

PhD Student (2021-now)
Chongqing University

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PhD Student (2023-now)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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DU Xinyi

PhD Student (2024-now)
Xi’an Jiaotong University

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Zhang Xinyu

PhD Student (2024-now)
Fudan University

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PhD Student (2024-now)
Northwestern Polytechnical University

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Dr. CHEN Wei

Postdoc (2021-2022)

Dr. FENG Jiangang

Postdoc (2021-2022)

Dr. JIA Xiangkun

Postdoc (2022-2023)

Dr. LI Jia

Postdoc (2021-2023)

Dr. JUNG Yujin

Postdoc (2023-2024)

Dr. GUO Renjun

Postdoc (2022-2024)

Dr. Donny LAI

Postdoc (2021-2024)

Dr. LIANG Haoming

PhD Student (2021-2024)

National University of Singapore

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