A Warm Welcome to Dr. Wang Tao Join Our Group

Dr. WANG Tao Publications We are delighted to welcome Dr. Wang Tao, a recent addition to our group as a visitor scholar. Dr. Wang holds a PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Previously, he worked on improving charge...

A Warm Welcome to Dr. Niu Xiuxiu Join Our Group

Dr. NIU Xiuxiu Publications We are delighted to welcome Dr. Niu Xiuxiu, a recent addition to our group as a research fellow. Dr. Niu holds a PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology. Her research focuses primarily on the...

A Warm Welcome to Meng Xin Join Our Group

MENG Xin Publications We are delighted to welcome Meng Xin, a recent addition to our group as a PhD student. Her previous research at Huazhou University of Science and Technology focused on phase segregation of wide bandgap perovskite solar cells. She will work on...

A Warm Welcome to Prof. Jung Yujin Join Our Group

Dr. JUNG Yujin Publications We are delighted to welcome Dr. Jung Yujin, a recent addition to our group as a visitor scholar. Dr. Jung holds a PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Korea University. Her research focuses primarily on solar cells and...