Dr. WANG Tao Publications We are delighted to welcome Dr. Wang Tao, a recent addition to our group as a visitor scholar. Dr. Wang holds a PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Previously, he worked on improving charge...
Dr. NIU Xiuxiu Publications We are delighted to welcome Dr. Niu Xiuxiu, a recent addition to our group as a research fellow. Dr. Niu holds a PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology. Her research focuses primarily on the...
MENG Xin Publications We are delighted to welcome Meng Xin, a recent addition to our group as a PhD student. Her previous research at Huazhou University of Science and Technology focused on phase segregation of wide bandgap perovskite solar cells. She will work on...
Prof. Hou Yi has been invited to give a talk on perovskites-based tandem solar cells at ICMAT 2023. During the conference, Yi shared the rationale behind wide-bandgap perovskite design for both organic and Si tandems, explained how the thin-film-based tandem solar...
Congratulations to Dr. Li Jia and Wang Xi for setting new world record on the power conversion efficiency of the 1 cm2 perovskite solar cells. The p-i-n architectured device has reached an efficiency of 24.35% and the result has also been included in the Solar Cell...
Dr. JUNG Yujin Publications We are delighted to welcome Dr. Jung Yujin, a recent addition to our group as a visitor scholar. Dr. Jung holds a PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Korea University. Her research focuses primarily on solar cells and...