Urban farming is the growing of food in and around cities. This includes, but is not limited to, small-scale urban agriculture, growing produce in residential areas, rooftop gardens, schools, and restaurant gardens (Source). In a land-scarce and fast-paced country like Singapore, why would anyone bother doing something “extra” like urban farming? Well, urban farming has many benefits for food security, the environment and our health!
That’s why we wanted to encourage Singaporeans to take up urban farming as a part of their lifestyle. From the perception survey we conducted, we realised that many people are interested in and open to the idea, but most don’t know how to get started. So, to help implement urban farming in HDB households, we created Veggie-table – a one-stop site to educate new urban farmers and help them integrate into the local urban farming community. If you’re still on the fence, check out our website to find out more about the benefits of urban farming!
We’ve got tips on what tools you need, what soil or fertilisers to use and what to grow! We cater to everyone: Want to grow greens but don’t have the time? Try “Something Easy”, such as basil or microgreens. Want to be in charge of what goes into dinner tonight? Try “Something Leafy”, such as Kai Lan or Kang Kong. Have more time and want to add some colour to your life? Try “Something Interesting”, such as mandarin oranges or blue pea flower.
We will also teach you where you can grow in limited space and limited light! While our tips mainly cater to people in HDBs, you can easily apply them to your balconies or private gardens!
We also came up with the concept of “Farmer’s Wallet”, which gives everyone $100 to spend in our Farm Store. The “Urban Farmer Card”, an exclusive membership card for interested and passionate budding urban farmers, offers great discounts at partner stores and supermarkets. Lastly, our Farmer’s Market is an online forum where urban farmers can share tips and foster a close-knit urban farming community.
Excited to find out more? Head on over to our website. We look forward to you joining the farming community! (:
P.S. ‘Farmers’ Wallet’, ‘Urban Farmer Card’, and ‘The Farmer Store’ are concepts made solely for this project and will not actually be in effect. But we still have curated tips on urban farming and a collection of helpful and inspirational tutorial videos, so do check out our website!
Great post.Baksh Capital