A Guide to Mental Wellness in University Life

As we approach the final lap of the semester, many of us can feel increasingly stressed out, or even burnt out. Assignments and deadlines are piling up incessantly, and the content covered in lectures are getting heavier and faster. It feels hard to keep up. Before we continue to drown in the heavy workload accumulated over the weeks, let us take a step back and prioritise our mental (and physical) health, and not just during a long weekend!


What is Mental Wellness and why is it important? 

According to the Singapore Association for Mental Health, Mental Wellness is a positive state of mental health. By first understanding what Mental Wellness is, we can then work towards sustaining it in the long run. Mental Wellness is important as it plays a huge role in our quality of life. Poor mental health could potentially affect our daily lives, relationships, performance, overall well-being and even our physical health.  


Setting Boundaries 


Source: The Wall Street Journal 


Personal space is vital in ensuring our Mental Wellness. By setting boundaries when necessary, we are safeguarding the personal space that we need in order to recharge. Learn how to say no when needed. If you are extremely worn out from a long day of studying and attending classes, and all you want is to lie down on your cozy bed and get a good night’s rest, learn how to say no to others. Decide for yourself what is best for you and act on it, instead of giving in to the fear of missing out (FOMO). If you are too tired to get supper with your friends, you can always say no and get some well-needed rest instead. By establishing clear boundaries when necessary, we can safeguard our mental wellness while learning to make decisions for ourselves. 


Dealing with Loneliness 

With everyone having different schedules and lives, loneliness can get even more prevalent in University. For those staying in hostels, the loneliness can intensify over the winter and summer breaks when most local residents have moved back home. Homesickness can also intensify at times.  

To deal with loneliness in University, consider being more involved in various activities, such as through Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)! Some CCAs are ongoing even during the semester breaks, so you can always find like-minded people to engage in your hobby together. Within hostels, there are also interest groups that you can form and join. Consider bringing an item from home that makes you feel at home—it could be a stuffed toy from your childhood, pictures of your family and friends, anything! You can also try to maintain contact with your family and friends back at home through frequent video calls.  


Finding Help and Seeking Support 

Ready to find help and seek support but not sure where to start? Here is a list of services provided by NUS that you can consider reaching out to. 


University Health Centre (UHC) 

UHC offers a wide range of healthcare services. 

University Counselling Services (UCS) 

Counselling services where you can speak to mental health professionals are available for free for all full-time NUS students. 

NUS Care Unit (NCU) 

NCU provides coordinated end-to-end care to NUS students and staff affected by sexual misconduct through a variety of channels and services. 

Faculty Student Support Managers 

Faculty Student Support Managers can help you through your academic journey, as well as refer you to services such as UCS if necessary.  

Lifeline NUS (+65 6516 7777) 

Lifeline NUS is a 24-hour hotline for life-threatening psychological emergencies.  

Peer Student Supporters (PSS) 

PSS are situated at PitStop@UTown, who will be able to lead you to the necessary help you may need.  


PitStop provides NUS students with a cosy place to recharge during the day. There are currently five PitStops operating around campus.  

Student Wellness, OSA 

OSA Student Wellness is a team of mental health professionals who provide students with socioemotional support during times of distress. They also provide training for students to increase their knowledge of self-care and seeking help.  


You can always approach your lecturers, tutors, or professors if you need help, especially in the academic realm. Speak to them about the difficulties you are facing, and they will be ready to listen to your concerns.  

Family and Friends 

Your family and friends know you the best. While mental health professionals can offer you specialised help, the emotional support from your family and friends is unique and valuable.  

Hostel Residential Life Staff   

Each hostel has their own Residential Wellness Managers (RWMs), Masters and Resident Fellows to provide residents with the support they need. 

List of RWMs of the respective hostels. 



Navigating University Majors and the Campus Hostel Experience

Choosing a major in university may be one of the most significant decisions a student can make as they navigate their way through their academic journey. Shortlisting a handful of majors and ultimately deciding on one or two may seem like a big step in shaping your future career. Behind every faculty, major, and degree, there are bound to be unique trials and triumphs to be faced. Let’s hear from some of our fresh undergraduate students, who are also residents of the various hostels in NUS! 


Architecture (College of Design and Engineering) 

For new Architecture student Xing Huiying (Year 1), striking a work-life balance has proven to be difficult for her. From design projects to technical drawings and model-making, the Architecture programme is highly intensive. “Managing this amount of workload can be quite challenging for me, especially when balancing it with other commitments. I’m always struggling to manage my time effectively to meet deadlines and juggle multiple projects simultaneously,” she confessed. Considering the amount of work students from the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) must grapple with, it is no wonder that the stereotype of CDE students not getting sleep exists. 

While there may be inevitable struggles Huiying has to go through, there are also as many moments of joy as an Architecture student. “One such moment is when I see my hard work come to life. For architecture, we always have a final presentation for our projects. After countless hours of hard work, we present our design to our peers, tutors and professors. I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment after the presentation as all my hard work and dedication are finally paid off,” Huiying shared. All the blood, sweat and tears poured into Huiying’s numerous projects eventually culminated in joyful feelings! 

As a Helix House resident, Huiying has met a few fellow Architecture students to study in the lounge with, which in turn motivates her to study. The power of study buddies! Apart from having neighbours as her study buddies, staying on campus has made Huiying’s commute more convenient. “It helps to save a lot of time as I don’t have to travel all the way back to my house, which takes about an hour, so I’m able to spend more time on my project,” she shared. When necessary, Huiying also stays over the weekend to work on her projects.  

Huiying (second row, second from right) at her final project review  

A word of advice from Huiying to fellow Architecture students, and students considering majoring in Architecture: 

Pursue Architecture only if you have a genuine passion for it as it is a demanding and competitive field that requires dedication, perseverance, passion for design, as well as a strong mentality to deal with pressure. I do have friends and studio mates who are not interested in Architecture, but they chose it because they had “no choice”. Ultimately, they end up struggling a lot and plenty of them are considering changing majors. 


Political Science and Second Major in Philosophy (College of Humanities and Sciences/Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) 

From struggling to keep up with weekly readings to entangling in disagreements, to receiving unexpected grades, Alisya Binte Mohamed (Year 1) has had her fair share of hurdles to cross. She elaborated, “It can seem like an exaggerated stereotype that students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) have to read 10,000 readings before the next week, but it can be true to some extent. Being a Political Science and Philosophy major means that I am bound to meet people from all walks of life, people with different ethos, values and ideologies. This can oftentimes mean major disagreements. I thought the Humanities were subjective, but sometimes I get a shock when I get a grade I least expected.” 

While having too many disagreements can pose a struggle to Alisya at times, she enjoys engaging in such discussions where various enlightening views are brought up. In order to propel the discussion further, Alisya jokingly mentioned that she enjoys playing devil’s advocate. On top of such discussions, Alisya enjoys seeing her learning bear fruit. “I’m happy when I get to apply a political or philosophical theory to real-life contexts. I know people can get tired of Political Science majors talking about politics, but when you realise that almost everything in life can be seen through a political lens, it’s so enlightening. This also means that I finally understand a concept,” she reflected.  

As a resident of Ridge View Residential College (RVRC), Alisya finds her hostel to be in a prime location. “Everything is a stone’s throw away, including my examination venues.” Despite being the only Political Science major in her friend group in RVRC, Alisya has no trouble studying with them. “Everyone is so willing to be my support system even when I have to write back-to-back 3000-word essays while they have to do their 3000-word report. It is also really convenient to chat about exam matters before an examination in my room,” she shared. 


Alisya (bottom row, first from left) with her RVRC friend group, celebrating one of their birthdays in RVRC. 

A word of advice from Alisya to fellow FASS majors: 

No opinion is wrong (unless you haven’t read the required readings before class), so speak up! That’s how you get to learn.  


Data Science and Analytics (College of Humanities and Sciences/Faculty of Science) 

As a fresh Data Science and Analytics major, Chaemin Lee (Year 1) has never learned coding before. This intensified her academic difficulty in the beginning. “Taking both R and Python courses in semester one was quite a task for me,” she shared. Indeed, coding is never easy, especially for a beginner! 

While Chaemin had to overcome her struggle with coding, which makes up a huge bulk of her major, she fondly remembers a success story, “I once came up with a solution for a CS1010S assignment after spending 8 hours on it.” What a featconsidering the amount of pain, perseverance and patience Chaemin must have had in order to successfully complete her assignment, despite the difficulties she faced throughout those 8 hours!.   

To Chaemin, staying on campus makes going to classes extremely convenient for her. “Lecture theatres and tutorial rooms are very close so I can spend more time studying,” she noted. Chaemin is a resident of UTown Residence, which is located in the heart of UTown. 


Medicine (Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine) 

Widely known as a highly demanding course, Adele Lim’s (Year 2) experience is testament to this sentiment. Apart from the academic stress that comes with being a medical student, having to balance life outside of school can be difficult for Adele at times. “Given the pretty high workload of my course and the huge amount of content to cover, there is quite a bit of academic stress especially nearing the examination period. With the relatively heavy schedule of lectures daily, there is also the challenge of being able to balance my time between school and other aspects of my life, such as playing sports or hanging out with my friends,” she shared. 

Despite the inevitable academic demands, Adele finds joy in putting her learning to use. “There are allocated sessions where we are attached to hospitals to practice our physical examination skills. To be able to successfully complete an examination on patients, who are extremely patient with us, and interact with them brings me small moments of joy. I also think that being able to witness how our learning from lectures translates to real-life conditions patients face puts things into perspective and reinforces the relevance of what we’re learning now.”  

Although it is well known that staying in Hall requires one to be actively involved in its activities, and that most medical students choose not to stay in Hall, Adele has stayed at King Edward VII (KEVII) Hall as a Year 1 student. As KEVII Hall is located near the Medicine+Science Library and the Medicine buildings, Adele has managed to get essential extra sleep since it only takes around 10 minutes to travel to class. She has also managed to study in the library with her friends till late since their hostel is within walking distance. Adele highlighted, “More importantly, staying on campus with friends also has its perks. We can hang out in the wee hours and take study breaks together. Having a good support system has been essential in making sure that I don’t get burnt out during the school term. The occasional welfare provided by Hall was also nice. It acted as a morale booster to me.” 


Adele (bottom row, first from left) making a meal with her friends at KEVII Hall. 

A word of advice from Adele to fellow medical students: 

There will be some compromises that will have to be made along the way, but it is a process of learning how to prioritise different things at different points in time. I think it’s always important to have balance! To have a life beyond school with interests that keeps you going and connections that bring joy. School might be tough, but we are tougher!   

Recess Week Retreats: Short Getaway Destinations

Recess week—a week of revision for most, a week of travelling for some, and a week of rest for a few. As the semester enters its halfway mark, we hope that you are coping well and getting enough rest this week. Even if you’re still hustling hard this recess week, you can bookmark this post for the upcoming long summer vacation in May!



What better place to enjoy a few days of relaxation by the beach than in Bali? Best known for its iconic beaches and resorts, Bali is also home to sacred temples and volcanic mountains.  

Source: Tripadvisor 

Handara Gate—one of the most photographed spots on the island. 

Whether you are looking to unwind through a rejuvenating stay at one of the many resorts, explore the island, or ride the big Bali waves, Bali has something for everyone. Within the domain of food, Bali almost never misses. Vegan food is known to be good there! 

Source: Tripadvisor 

Vegan Nasi Campur 


Rough breakdown of costs: 

Flights: From $180  

Accommodation: From $80/night 

Food and Activities: From $60/day (Spas usually range from around $30 to $40 per session.)  


Ho Chi Minh City 

With Vietnamese fashion brands on a steady rise, why not travel to the country’s largest city to procure your wardrobe for the rest of the semester? Create your very own curated wardrobe with trending local brands like Cara Club, Rechic, and Tiem Mem, just to name a few. For those looking for a suit that fits you perfectly, look no further as Ho Chi Minh has multiple tailors to put together a custom-made suit just for you! 

Source: The New Playground 

The New Playground—a one-stop store housing various local clothing brands. 


Apart from the endless coquette fashion items, Ho Chi Minh City is a food paradise for Vietnamese cuisine lovers. With 1SGD food options like Banh Mi and Bun Bo Hue, a few days in the city alone will surely leave you wanting for more Vietnamese food. For coffee lovers, get your daily caffeine fix with the strong and robust Vietnamese coffee! 

Source: Tripadvisor 

Rough breakdown of costs: 

Flights: From $180 

Accommodations: From $40/night 

Food and activities: From $50/day (Depending on the amount of shopping, clothes from local brands can be on the pricier side.) 



A popular getaway destination among Singaporeans, Bangkok has its charms. Just like Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok boasts a wide range of trendy local clothing brands and street food options. With Siam Square revamped into a hippy shopping district catering not only to tourists but also mainly to local teens, you can shop for clothes to your heart’s content just within the district. From the Singaporean favourite Gentlewoman to stores selling items from local indie brands, there is plenty of exploring to do! To enhance your shopping experience, enjoy some vibey street performances in the evening.  

Source: Pattaya Mail 

Bangkok’s Chinatown has rows of street food during the night. From piping hot noodle soup made from a hundred-year-old recipe to crispy fried dishes, the district is truly a treasure trove of authentic Thai (Chinese) food.  

Source: Tourism Authority of Thailand 

The main street of Bangkok’s Chinatown at night is full of brightly lit signboards, making the street strikingly picturesque, especially in-person. 


Rough breakdown of costs: 

Flights: From $180  

Accommodations: From $40/night 

Food and activities: From $50/day 


Johor Bahru 

Closer to Singapore, a short getaway to Johor Bahru requires no flight at all. In fact, if you are lucky, you can reach Johor Bahru from Woodlands in under 40 minutes! While most travellers from Singapore enjoy going to Johor Bahru for a short day trip, opting to stay a night or two can make for a fun getaway too. From popular 1SGD Lok Lok to café hopping, there are plenty of food and activities to explore. Additionally, with the exchange rates between the Singapore Dollar and Malaysian Ringgit at an all-time high, a short trip in Johor Bahru is even more affordable now.

Source: TheSmartLocal 

Besides indulging in the multitude of food options available, you can opt for a wide-ranging list of activities to do. From visiting cafes with quirky activities like toast painting, to thrifting and even go-karting, your days in the city will be filled with fun. Whether you are looking to shop, eat or partake in both indoor and outdoor activities, Johor Bahru is the closest one-stop city away from Singapore.  

Source: Confirm Good 


Rough breakdown of costs: 

Flights: – 

Accommodations: From $50/night 

Food and activities: From $50/day 


And that concludes our list of destinations to consider travelling to for your upcoming recess weeks! Whether you are studying, travelling, or resting, we hope that this recess week will serve as a good break for you! 



Campus YouTubers

7-15 seconds. That’s the recommended length of an idea reel, as suggested by Mireia Boronat, Senior Content Marketing Executive at the Social Shepherd. With the rise of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, long-form video content may have lost its allure for many in the audience. An oft-cited statistic is that humans have an attention span of 8 seconds, even shorter than that of a goldfish. Interestingly, this number has been debunked as nothing more than an extrapolation made out of context. However, what science does show is that immersive storytelling holds the secret to capturing the human imagination 

While short-form video content is more accessible (at the flick of a finger on your Instagram app), and more addictive (switch to the next video by a single swipe), perhaps demanding less intentionality while watching, can they really beat the charm of an old-school YouTube vlog? The familiar “Hey guys, welcome back to the channel,” has a well-worn warmth to it. And with that, we present to you some YouTube storytellers in the realm of university content for you to enjoy while slurping down cup noodles during the school week.  


1. Charlene Yap 

A still from one of Charlene’s videos titled ‘finals week at NUS | studying for 4 finals, lots of coffee, exam study tips’. 


Charlene is a current NUS undergraduate student. She documents her life through silent vlogs that are accompanied by soothing background music and slow visuals. From her life as a university student to her travels, Charlene’s vlogs share her insights in a short and sweet manner. A perfect channel to pop by if you are looking for something more relaxing.  


2. Zhishinn 

Valentine’s Day celebrations at Raffles Hall shared by Zhi Shin in her vlog titled ‘6AM UNI VLOG📚 | NUS open day, hall life, valentine’s day!💗’. 


Zhi Shin is a Business student now in her final semester at NUS. An international student from Malaysia, Zhi Shin shares her days as a university student through her YouTube vlogs. They are uplifting and lighthearted, sprinkled with Zhi Shin’s bubbly personality. The videos are subtitled in English for non-Chinese speakers. If you are looking to find out what the day-to-day affair of an NUS undergraduate looks like, do check out her channel! 


3. Daniel Tamago 

A still taken from Daniel’s tour of study spots in NUS, a collaboration between him and NUS.  


Perhaps a household name in NUS, Daniel Tamago is a former student turned entrepreneur. While his newer vlogs focus on his life journey, scroll down a little bit and you will come across videos taken during his university days. Packed with energy and Daniel’s infectious personality, his vlogs take you through not only his daily routine but also his tips on productivity and personal growth. Head over to his channel to find out more! 


4. Nicole Bernadette 

Nicole in Vietnam during her NUS Overseas College (NOC) experience, taken from her video titled ‘My NUS Overseas College Experience | NOC Ho Chi Minh’. 


Nicole is a recent graduate from NUS. She shares small tidbits of her life through her video journals on YouTube. Her videos focus on inner growth and takes viewers through her various seasons of life. Narrated in her soothing voice, Nicole’s vlogs are the perfect watch for those who are looking to end their evenings with warmth and positive notes. 


5. Jia Yee 

A scene from Jia Yee’s first month at NUS vlog where she attends the NUS Student Life Fair 


The excitement of starting university is unparalleled. Heading to your first lecture, exploring campus, finding your favourite study spot, and the list is endless. Jia Yee is a freshman at NUS and her vlogs take viewers through her experiences as a newcomer to NUS. We look forward to seeing more from her! 


NUS has a wealth of creatives who put out wonderful pieces of content for the student community here. They come from all walks of life and reflect the vibrant student life at NUS. We hope this article introduced you to some of them (and there are many more). Go show them some love and support 🤗. Happy watching! 

Residential Colleges: Shaping Citizens of Tomorrow

Living-learning ecosystems are found in many universities across the world, and are increasingly adopted by more and more universities. What sets them apart from traditional university housing is that the student communities at these hostels take part in academic and/or extracurricular pursuits, formed around a specific theme, outside of their core disciplinary studies. They are credited with providing a more holistic university experience that combines technical knowledge with real-life experiences and skills. The Residential College (RC) programme in NUS, too, was implemented with this objective in mind. Offering four residential housing options, the NUS RC programme infuses the best practices from overseas living-and-learning programmes with a Singaporean flavour. Read on as we explore the different RCs in NUS and what they have to offer! 


College of Alice & Peter Tan  

The College of Alice & Peter Tan was previously known as the Angsana College, named after the Singaporean heritage tree of the same name. The Angsana tree still features on the RC’s crest, symbolic of the RC’s commitment to nurturing many talents and qualities, much like the Angsana tree’s role in sheltering and nurturing various life forms.  


College of Alice & Peter Tan, or CAPT for short, is located within the University Town complex. With its characteristic maroon and golden crest, this residential college is designed around the themes of active citizenship and community engagement. There are various approaches to reaching out to communities. You could choose to go the charity route, which focuses on one-way giving back to the less-privileged groups or the service-learning model, where you provide a service to a community and analyse their needs through the experience. “At CAPT, however, we place a strong emphasis on a community engagement model. You are engaging with the community deeply to learn what their assets and strengths are,” explained Dr. Kankana Mukhopadhyay, Senior Lecturer and Resident Fellow at CAPT. “The vocabulary is very consciously incorporated in all aspects of classroom and out of classroom learning. We are not here to serve, help or raise funds. Students are encouraged to build a critical consciousness of what active citizenship means by engaging with marginalised communities. Where are my privileges and what are my responsibilities: these are the kind of questions we want students to ask themselves.” 

Dr. Kankana, who joined the college in 2014, describes the student community as being hardworking and creative. “I have no hesitation in saying that the culture of CAPT is strongly shaped by our students,” the proud CAPTain shared. For her, CAPT is a place for students to be bold and outgoing with their ideas, even if they fail and have to try again. “It’s been as much of a learning experience for me as it has been for the students.”  

Undergraduate life is definitely a very precious time in a student’s life as they transition into adulthood. There is a lot of unlearning and re-learning involved in the process. “Tertiary education goes beyond just being trained in your discipline. This education is about being able to critically question and process complexities,” Dr. Kankana said. She encourages all students to consider what they would like to get out of their time as an undergraduate in NUS and make a choice that aligns with their values! 


Dr. Kankana catching up with CAPT alumni. 

(Credits: CAPT Alumni) 


CAPTains on a study trip to Nepal.
(Credits: CAPT STEER Nepal 2023 Photography and Videography Team) 



An ORCA is the mascot of RC4, the youngest residential college in UTown. The name stems from “One RC4”. ORCA stands for Open, Respectful, Caring, and Appreciative, reflecting the values of RC4. 


Small systems, big hearts: so goes the tagline of RC4. Located within UTown, RC4 has two focal themes: systems thinking and more recently, entrepreneurship. From its beginnings at MIT in the 1950s, systems thinking is about zooming out of looking at a problem as a lone-standing issue and considering the processes that influence and inform the problem at hand. While traditionally taught in Engineering departments, RC4 takes the systems thinking approach to every problem and discipline we face. “My studies aren’t going so well. So you think the solution is to stay up late and catch up on work. But what happens as an after-effect? You are more tired and stressed out leading to weaker grades,” Dr. Lynette Tan, Director of Studies at RC4, explained through a very simplified example. “The idea is that a single action can have long lasting repercussions and must not be seen in isolation. At the basic level, it is a concept that can be applied to every field,” she added on.  

A newer area of interest for the RC4 community, following its focus on systems thinking, has been on Technology, Innovation and Enterprise. The residential college is headed towards encouraging entrepreneurial efforts by students guided by a systems thinking approach in the coming years. Recently, RC4 launched two new courses emphasizing community engagement through systems thinking, facilitating social cohesion among Singapore’s aging population by involving RC4 undergraduates, seniors from Active Ageing centers, and secondary school youth in an intergenerational and tri-generational co-creation. 

“The students at RC4 are warm, welcoming and keen to learn new things,” Dr. Lynette, who has been involved with the college since its beginnings, reflected. “When you come into RC4, you have the opportunity to be and to grow into the person you want to be. Whatever the cohort is, that’s the direction that RC4 takes,” she shared on the student culture at RC4.  

The most important quality to become an RC4 resident is a growth mindset. You must be willing to learn, fail, and try again. “We want to see that you can fall and then pick yourself back up,” Dr. Lynette said. It goes without saying that every residential college experience also has a focus on community building. “Character builds community. We hope to see students have a good heart, take an interest in the world and are willing to contribute at RC4.”  


Dr. Lynette Tan and students from RC4 during Inter-College Games (2019) when Dr. Lynette ran alongside the residents! 


Sweet moments from a baking session led by Dr. Lynette where she teaches students how to bake brownies, pizza, and pineapple tarts.  


Ridge View Residential College  

RVRC is otherwise known as the “College in Nature”, being surrounded by lush greenery with an emphasis on sustainability stewardship.  


Ridge View Residential College, often shortened to RVRC, is the only residential college located outside of UTown. With its focus on sustainability and workplace readiness, RVRC has nurtured many cohorts of conscious students. At RVRC, sustainability is seen as a holistic connector with not just environmental but also economic, social and cultural significance. Dr. Corinne Ong, Director of Studies and Senior Lecturer at the college shared, “While the formal curriculum under the college is important, we are always thinking about the informal curriculum too. How do we connect the students who live in RVRC to learning beyond the classroom and beyond coursework?.” She continued, “This is where activities that fall outside conventional class timings come into play: whether it is a walk that has a charitable or environmental cause or other outdoor learning opportunities like interacting with our industry partners in Let’s Talk dialogues or industry visits themed on sustainability or workplace readiness, organised by College Fellows.” 

Dr. Corinne noted that students at RVRC are driven and passionate towards the cause of the college, “Even with a lot on their plates, students step up to take up service positions, committee roles or engage in interest groups. These are all very vital to forming a strong community at the college.” Living in a community means that incoming students play a role in nurturing one another and contributing to the development and growth of their fellow  RC residents. By taking on leadership roles and proactively taking part in RVRC initiatives, the students co-create a vibrant student-led community.  

If you are considering applying to an RC, Dr. Corinne advised that students ask themselves whether they are willing to live with, contribute, to, and develop themselves through a community that is passionate towards sustainability and workplace readiness causes. With its focus on experiential and outdoor learning, this residential college welcomes all with passion, drive, and grit.  


Word is that RVRC student leader trainings take place against the backdrop of Marina Bay! 


RVRC’s Intertidal Walk and Clean initiative at Pulau Semakau 


Tembusu College 

Tembusu College was the pioneering Residential College in NUS which started off with a pilot project of just 51 students. 


It all started with Tembusu College. Back in 2010, a pilot programme consisting of just 51 students housed in Prince George’s Park Residences marked the humble yet promising beginnings of the Residential College programme at NUS. Almost 14 years later, Tembusu College is now a thriving residential college located in UTown. “We did not theme our RC definitively. Instead, our programmes and the courses we offer take a strong interdisciplinary approach across a broad spectrum of interests,” shared Dr. Kuan Yee Han, Senior Lecturer at Tembusu College. Dubbed ‘The Home of Possibilities’, Tembusu values the development of each student according to his or her own path through life. From offering courses that explore the intersections between science and technology to out of classroom learning  programmes such as the Urban Farmers, Tembusu College strives to ensure that all residents are afforded an interdisciplinary experience.  

Central to the Tembusu experience has been the student community and their involvement with the college. “The student life experience has really evolved through every batch that has come into our college,” shared Dr. Yee Han. The rule of thumb, as Dr. Yee Han put it, is “don’t do nothing”. Tembusu offers various platforms for students to engage themselves in from pursuing their passions while also supporting them at it. The possibilities are endless in this home of possibilities if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone just a little. Although no longer residing in Tembusu College, Dr. Yee Han occasionally still visits the dining hall for a meal, “The best part about Tembusu for me is really the small informal interactions I have with the students outside the classroom. It’s always good to hear about what the students are learning and experiencing.” 

“I would encourage incoming students to come with an open mind and curiosity to learn. You will encounter new ideas and alternate ways of thinking. RCs are a great avenue to make lifelong friends and interact closely with professors in small-classroom settings,” Dr. Yee Han, who has been with Tembusu College since his graduate student days, added on. The curated and holistic educational experience offered by Tembusu is truly what makes it stand out. 


 A snap from Tembusu’s formal dinner 


 Tembusu Art Week features performances in the lobby by resident artists at the college! 


Kurt Hahn, devoted German educationalist, believed that “there exists in everyone a grand passion, an outlandish thirst for adventure, a desire to live boldly and vividly in the journey through life” and that “this passion must be embraced in wholesome ways”. In a way, this is what the Residential Colleges of NUS set out to do for every student who walks in through their doors. If you are a student looking to explore big, bold ideas and truly understand communal living, Residential Colleges are truly for you. We hope to catch you there soon 😉! 


Psst! Wondering why NUS College isn’t here? NUSC is an honours college with residential components, with students having access to more than 50 majors, minors, specialisations and other programmes, as well as facilities and opportunities across the University. While also having the word ‘college’ in its name, its nature is closer to a faculty. More on NUSC here. 

Valentine’s Special: Campus Sweethearts

February—the month of love! February could be dreadful for some, especially for all the singles out there who will have to put up with the seemingly incessant Instagram stories of your friends with their Valentine’s dates. February could also be an unforgettable month for those with a date, as they lovingly celebrate the occasion with each other. Follow us as we take you down memory lane of the love stories of three couples who met in NUS!


Joshlyn and Po Yan

Joshlyn Looi (Y3, Economics) and Chuan Po Yan (Y4, Business Analytics) met in Pioneer House while working together as student leaders. Joshlyn initially thought Po Yan was a completely different person compared to when she saw him leading a Zoom meeting. “He came off really unexpected as he was pretty quiet the first time we met in person”, Joshlyn shared. For Po Yan, who fondly remembers how Joshlyn thought of him the first time they met, shared, “She was helpful and friendly. I received a lot of help from her even though I was supposed to be guiding the team. I also remember her saying I was awkward the first time we met.”


Joshlyn (left) and Po Yan (right) at McDonald’s when they first befriended each other.

“He used to have no emotions”, Joshlyn joked.

For Valentine’s Day this year, Joshlyn and Po Yan are planning to have dinner at McDonald’s, their go-to place for celebrations, as evident in this picture.


The couple enjoys hiking from Kent Ridge to Harbourfront, as they think it is a good way to take a break from studying. When it is not a good time to hike, Joshlyn and Po Yan find joy in watching shows together. In fact, they have finished the entire Japanese Anime series Attack on Titan together, and are now starting on the Japanese Drama series Fermat’s Cuisine!


The couple on one of their many outdoor dates.


The couple also enjoys going out of NUS for their dates. “We love looking for good food, activities and window shopping—anything that brings us out of NUS. I love my greens, and he loves steak so it’s hard to find a balance of both, but the options outside expose us to more cuisines and dishes”, Joshlyn shared. Sometimes, these dates not only go out of NUS and within Singapore, but also out of the country.


Joshlyn and Po Yan on a trip to South Korea.


When asked about having to juggle between university and a relationship, the couple agreed that they did not find it hard to do so. “She actually benefited a lot academically from the relationship as I became her private tutor for subjects that I don’t even take”, Po Yan shared. “He is the reason why I decided to try things that I was afraid of, like being a Teaching Assistant in the Economics department. His constant presence and encouragement helped me find my passion in education, an area which I would love to pursue in the future”, Joshlyn shared. Seems like Po Yan has provided extensive help in turning Joshlyn into an academic weapon!

“He benefitted a lot emotionally from the relationship as he smiles and laughs more now and is generally a happier person. He finally has emotions now”, Joshlyn continued with her joke.


When asked to share a heartfelt message to each other, Po Yan expressed, “Having you in my life has made it more exciting”, while Joshlyn reflected, “People say that university will be the best time of your life, but I entered university during Covid years, and I thought my university life was going to be pretty sad. But, thank you for appearing in my life and adding so many colours to it! I can’t wait to create even more memories with you. University is now the best time of my life.”

Some words of advice from the couple:

Po Yan: While academics are important, cherish the time you have with one another while you’re still a student.

Joshlyn: Uni can be quite stressful at times, but the affirmation and encouragement you give your partner can mean the world to them and they are what keeps them going. Ultimately, the end goal is not to run fast alone but to run far together!


Pauline and Sourabh

Just like Joshlyn and Po Yan, Pauline Wo (Y4, Business) and Sourabh Jaiswal (Y4, Computer Science) also met in Pioneer House. (We promise we weren’t specifically looking just at Pioneer House – it’s just a coincidence!) Through an event organised for international students, Pauline and Sourabh’s story started when they were coincidentally assigned to the same group. When they first met, Pauline was captivated by Sourabh’s musical talent, “This guy is very talented in playing the guitar. He is also smart and hard working”, she shared. For Sourabh, he thought Pauline was “a very cheerful girl, who knew what to say to avoid awkward silences”. Seems like both Pauline and Sourabh are both very talented individuals!

Sourabh showcasing his guitar skills. No wonder he caught the attention of Pauline!

Serenading someone through music has long been a prized skill and has left its mark everywhere, even in Greek Mythology. From Sourabh, we can see that such a skill still works till this day.

A regular date within NUS usually comprises of the couple studying together. As final-year students, they must have plenty of study dates together! Outside of NUS, Pauline and Sourabh enjoy food hunting, ice skating, and travelling overseas together. From planning the trip to being on the trip, travelling together as a couple is a thrilling adventure that creates memories that last a lifetime! For Valentine’s Day this year, the couple did not reveal their surprise plan. How exciting! We hope that they will enjoy their date with each other!


Pauline and Sourabh on a trip together to Thailand.


When prompted to share a heartfelt message to each other, Pauline expressed, “I really appreciate your company when I was experiencing highs and lows for almost 4 years. It was really sweet to meet you here.” Thinking about the future, Sourabh anticipates, “I hope to make more memorable moments from our couple trips to trying out new activities and all the jokes we make to cheer each other up.”


For Pauline and Sourabh, having to juggle between university and a relationship was not a huge challenge. Instead, the relationship has helped the both of them get through the tough times in university. “You have a common understanding and are open about your university commitments, it feels good to have someone you can share anything with and support each other through the hardships”, Pauline shared.


A word of advice from the couple:

Ensure that communication is always open and always explicitly discuss expectations which would include your financial/personal situations since we are still university students.


E Ler and Kar Yi

Ng E Ler (Y1, Business Analytics and Economics) and Yong Kar Yi (Y1, Real Estate) met through mutual friends at a gathering. “We talked for a bit, but she “forgot to reply” me for a whole month and decided to initiate the conversation again. That’s when I asked her out for dinner”, E Ler shared. During the dinner, it was apparent to him that they clicked well. “She was really bubbly and energetic and the conversation kept flowing throughout the night. We were only supposed to meet for dinner but we ended up going for drinks as well. I could tell that she is a very down-to-earth and genuine person who takes very good care of her family and friends.” For Kar Yi, E Ler’s height certainly left an impression. “I thought he was way too tall. But I also felt that he had super good and fun vibes because he matched my energy really well. My most memorable impression of him is that he is very hard working because he was always pulling all-nighters to study”, she shared.


According to Kar Yi (left), the freshmen couple has a 26cm height difference.


Just like most campus sweethearts, E Ler and Kar Yi spend most of their time studying and having meals together on campus. On top of having meals, the couple also enjoys watching movies and attending seasonal events together outside of NUS. They also shared that their plan for their first Valentine’s together this year will be a surprise. “But we are most likely going to spend most of the day attending lessons.” Even though lessons might take up most of the couple’s day, we hope that they will still enjoy Valentine’s Day with each other’s company!


When requested to share a heartfelt message to each other, E Ler shyly conveyed, “I really appreciate you for all the little things you do for me—from bringing me meals to taking care of me when I’m sick, you understand me really well as a person. Thank you for being someone I can share anything with without being judged and for giving me a safe space to express myself. Thank you for always ensuring that we never go to sleep being upset with each other and for always trying to be the bigger person when we have disagreements.” Kar Yi, who is just as thankful as her partner, shared, “I really want to thank you for everything you’ve done so far. Despite my imperfections, you’re always forgiving and I really appreciate it! Because I always suffer from bad period cramps, you’d always be there to check up on me every month without fail, doing whatever you can to make me feel better. Yet, this is just one of the many things you do for me and I’m just so thankful.”


E Ler and Kar Yi never fail to express their gratitude for each other.


Luckily for the couple, they are able to meet regularly as they both stay on campus—E Ler resides in Kent Ridge Hall, while Kar Yi resides in Cinnamon College. When asked about the difficulties of juggling between university and a relationship, the couple quoted their stay on campus as one of the reasons for their smooth-sailing journey. The couple also makes sure to include each other as much as possible, such as during gatherings with their friends. Yet, they have also managed to ensure that they both have personal space. “We do give each other a lot of space to do the things that we wish to do”, E Ler shared.


Words of advice from the couple:

Communication is very important!! It’s inevitable that couples argue from time to time and to be very honest, arguments are really important for our growth as it helps us to understand the way we express ourselves better!

Finding a good balance in your relationship is very important too! Be it with school, family or friends, I think being in a relationship does not mean that you change your life entirely where it just revolves around your significant other. Instead, it’s always about finding a middle ground and being accommodating, and still having some time for yourself as well.


And that concludes the wholesome stories of our three campus sweethearts! We wish Joshlyn and Po Yan, Pauline and Sourabh, E Ler and Kar Yi all the best and a Happy Valentine’s!



Making The Most out of University Life: Tips for Making Friends in University

In university where everyone has their own hectic schedules and lives, it can be lonely at times, especially if you do not have a single buddy there for you. Yet when you decide to start looking for one, you realise that making friends has never been more difficult. One-off coursemates where everyone leaves right after the lecture or tutorial ends, classmates who have very different schedules from you…the struggle is real. Diving into some tips and advice from students and their success stories, this article hopes to guide you through your quest of looking for a friend in university! 

Join a CCA 

While oft quoted, joining a Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) in school is a great way to make friends. What better way to make friends than through meeting new people who share the same interests and hobbies as you! International student Wynnona Pheeby Yansen (Y2, Data Science and Analytics) hails from Indonesia, and has lived in various parts of the country including Makassar, Kalimantan and Surabaya. For Pheeby, joining a CCA in NUS has played a big role in her friendship-making journey. She is a student volunteer in the NUS Rotaract Club, and a member of NUANSA Cultural Production.  


Pheeby (bottom row, second from the right) with her friends from NUANSA Cultural Production.  


“Take part in as many activities as you can (of course you need to strike a balance with academics too!) because friendship [requires] a two-way communication, if you imprison yourself in the library or in your room, you suppress your chances of making friends”, Pheeby shared. “I think as university students, the most challenging part is to find a common timing where everyone can make it because of our own schedules and priorities.” This is where CCA sessions can help ensure that you and your potential friends get to meet at least weekly or fortnightly! Regular sessions where members take part in their favourite activities; be it a sport, the performing arts, or volunteering, it is no wonder why so many lasting friendships were formed through CCAs. With a wide-ranging list of CCAs to choose from, there will certainly be something in store for you! If you decide that the CCA is not for you, fret not as most CCAs are generally flexible with their memberships.  


Stay on campus 

Every semester, hostels see lasting friendships bloom among their residents. Living together in close proximity for the entire semester will naturally facilitate the forming of friendships. As student leaders of Pioneer House, Joshlyn Looi (Y3, Economics) and Chuan Po Yan (Y4, Business Analytics) met while working closely together for hostel events. For the pair, a meet-up does not require months of planning and scheduling as they spend a large amount of time planning and executing events for residents together to begin with. On top of that, Joshlyn and Po Yan meet up regularly with their mutual friends from Pioneer House to have meals or to go on a breezy night run to West Coast Park.  


What a cute duo! Keep a lookout for our upcoming Valentine’s article featuring campus sweethearts including Joshlyn and Po Yan, as we take you through their journey from friends into lovers! 


As you navigate your way through living on your own along with your fellow residents, you will most likely end up with at least one friendship (or even a relationship, just like Joshlyn and Po Yan)! 


Be proactive 

While staying on campus makes it easier to meet new people and forge lasting bonds, it is not a compulsory factor when making friends. Despite not having stayed on campus throughout her four years at NUS, Hasanah Haja Mydin (Y4, Psychology) has made her own fair share of friends. “You have to be proactive and take initiative to ask people. If you want to be friends with them, just ask. The worst they can say is no”, she shared. One of Hasanah’s many friendships sparked at the Central Library, which she frequents. She initially developed a hi-bye relationship with a fellow Central Library frequent, before engaging in study sessions together. Today, they are close friends. Outside of class, Hasanah maintains her friendships by proactively setting time aside for her friends. “For me personally, the whole ‘see you when I see you’ won’t really allow you to maintain a good friendship”, Hasanah added. “I think it takes intention, and we must learn to manage our expectations, as well as develop empathy.” Indeed, forming and sustaining a friendship can be no easy feat!  


Hasanah and her friends on the last day of lecture. 

(Bottom row right side: Hasanah) 


As a Utown gym regular, Hasanah admits that she has made two friends in the toilet near the gym. “I made two friends in the toilet. One friend introduced herself and we had the usual What’s your name and major conversation, while another friend started the conversation by asking me if I gym often.” From Hasanah, we’ve learnt that friendships can start anywhere, even in toilets! All it takes is to be proactive and reach out to people.  


Be open-minded 

University is substantially made up of students from diverse backgrounds and with various personalities, so you can’t expect everyone you meet to be the same, or to be the perfect ideal friend you have in mind. Being open-minded not only helps you get along with others, but it can also be beneficial for others as well! When Pheeby first reached NUS, she knew no one as she had missed all of the orientation camps before the start of the academic year. Yet, she still managed to befriend her CCA mates and classmates as they were extremely open-minded and welcoming towards her. “People here are just so nice and open, so after a few CCA sessions or tutorials, it was easy to start a conversation and build the connection” she shared.  

As an exchange student, Andrea Nugrahaputri (Y4, Chemical Engineering) from Jakarta, Indonesia initially struggled with living alone and making friends in a foreign country. “For the first two weeks or so, it got a bit lonely, but I tried my best to step out of my comfort zone and just say hi to my neighbours” she shared. Andrea also reached out to her friends and family from back home for advice. “They told me to be a bit more open to others and step out of my comfort zone more. And so that’s what I tried to do.”


Andrea (far right) with fellow exchange students enjoying Singapore’s traditional breakfast, Kaya Toast!  

 A tip from Andrea to fellow exchange students in NUS: 

Join any (smaller) activities whether it’s an NUS Club or Interest Group within the hostels, as I feel that it’s easier to make friends from there.  


Don’t rush 

In reality, not everyone you meet will be the right friend for you. Give the new friendship time to blossom, and there’s no need to rush into trying to make it work. Instead, be proud of yourself for taking the first step in making a friend. On top of advising Andrea to step out of her comfort zone, her friends and family from back home also reminded her that there is no rush when it comes to befriending others. “I got tremendous help from my family and friends of mine back home to remind me that making friends might take time”, she shared. Similarly, Joshlyn and Po Yan pointed out, “Remember that [forming a] friendship takes time and that you won’t click with everyone immediately.”  

The university is huge, you can take your time and eventually, you will meet the right friends. Slow and steady wins the race!  


And that brings us to the end of our friendship-making guide! Of course, these tips are not exhaustive and completely foolproof, but we hope that you have at least gained an idea of how to go about making friends in university. All the best and have fun in your journey of making friends! 




Campus Festivities 

Festivals are joyous celebrations that bring families and loved ones together, creating moments of joy and warmth marked by shared food, laughter, and cherished memories. These festive occasions offer a respite from our fast-paced lives and are meaningful opportunities for reflection and celebration.  

At NUS, our student community is vibrant and diverse, with students hailing from different parts of the world, practicing different cultures and following different faiths. Keep reading to find out how various festivals are celebrated here at the National University of Singapore! 


Chinese New Year 

Chinese New Year, as the name suggests, marks the beginning of a new year in the Chinese calendar. The new year celebrations are symbolic of welcoming the new and the good and a time of gathering and reuniting with family and friends.  

Claressa Beh (Y3, Psychology) stays in Pioneer House and is part of the Student Council. “At Pioneer House, we welcome Chinese New Year with a big annual party,” she shared. Last year, the event showcased a Lion Dance, which is believed to bring good luck and prosperity into the coming year. Another highlight of the event was Lo Hei, a tradition where members of the community come together and toss yusheng, a dish made of fish slices, shredded vegetables, and other condiments. The event attracts many residents and is an opportunity for attendees to make new friends and learn about Chinese culture.  


Lo Hei (Image credits: Singapore Motherhood) 


Chinese New Year is celebrated by Chinese families across Singapore and is a much-awaited public holiday. “On the day of Chinese New Year, we have a family reunion dinner at home,” Claressa continued, “I help my mom cook Chinese and Nonya dishes for the dinner spread.”  

Of course, one cannot skip mention of ang pao or more familiarly known as “the red packets” while mentioning Chinese New Year. The elders in the family will give out money as gifts to the younger generation in red packets to pass on a year of good fortune. “For students like me, red packets are a great way to earn some extra pocket money,” Claressa laughed.  


Claressa and her floormates at Pioneer House posing for a photo at last year’s Chinese New Year event – PHuat Ah!! – organised by Pioneer House.  (Bottom row, second from right: Claressa) 


For her, the best part about Chinese New Year is spending time with her family. “Because I stay in dorm [Pioneer House], I don’t go home so often and I look forward to the family getting together on the day of Chinese New Year!” 

Here’s a fun fact for our readers as Chinese New Year 2024 is coming up soon: 2024 is the Year of the Dragon! Find out more about Chinese zodiac animals and their significance here 



Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, Christmas carols are familiar to everyone. Christmas is celebrated globally amongst the Christian community to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated with a lot of joy here in Singapore too.  

“For me, Christmas is important because of the message that it shares. It’s amazing to me that God would choose to be born into our world in a humble manger,” Mark Yeo (Y4, Physics) from the NUS Catholic Students’ Society shared with us. Students from the Catholic Students’ Society take part in a four-day long Christmas Retreat hosted by the Office of Young People, a Catholic body that oversees Catholic youths in Singapore. During the retreat, apart from attending mass (an important worship service) and different prayer activities, students also share their stories to inspire hope in others. “And of course, we have the usual joyous carolling and fellowship too!” Mark added.  


From one of the prayer sessions at the Christmas retreat.  


On Christmas Eve, Mark and his family attends the Christmas Vigil Mass at church. “It’s a pretty big celebration as everyone anticipates Christmas. There will be a lot of candles, long processions, and longer prayers,” he explained. The day of Christmas is spent catching up with family and loved ones. “There will be good food, you know: turkey, chicken, log cakes,” Mark continued, “we sometimes set up games for the younger ones too!” His favourite part about Christmas is the time spent with family, “I have a big extended family and the day really is about bringing joy to one another.” 


After Christmas, the Catholic community in NUS get together for a Christmas party.  



Deepavali or Diwali, is the Hindu festival of lights. Depending on family backgrounds, the mythology behind the festival of Deepavali differs. But the common thread is that Deepavali celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness.   

Hailing from the city of Kolkata in India, Ishita Mandal (Y3, Computer Engineering) moved to Singapore in 2022 to pursue her undergraduate degree in NUS. Back home in India, Deepavali was a much-celebrated festival for Ishita and her family. A few days before the festival, Ishita would take initiative to decorate the whole house in lights and diyas, a traditional oil lamp. On the day of the celebration, she would meticulously draw a rangoli outside the front door to her house. Ishita reminisced, “I would google rangoli designs for Diwali months before. On the day, I would spend a good 2-3 hours drawing out the design with chalk meticulously and filling it with colours.” In the evening, the family would take part in a puja (worship ritual) dedicated to Goddess Kali. The day ends off with a bang – quite literally. “My cousins and I will go up to the terrace and bust firecrackers. I’ve stopped doing it for the past 5-6 years now because of pollution but it is still a fond memory,” Ishita smiled.  


 Rangoli is an Indian art form in which intricate designs are drawn on the floor using coloured powder, flower petals, and puffed rice. Here Ishita is placing diyas (oil lamps) in her rangoli! 


Deepavali in Singapore looks a little different for Ishita. Last Deepavali, she attended the event hosted by Prince George’s Park Residence (PGPR), where she stays. “There was good Indian food and music. It was good to be amongst others and know you are celebrating something together,” she shared. While she misses putting up lights and decorating her house, she looks forward to other aspects of Deepavali now that she’s away from home. “In Singapore, during Diwali, I especially look forward to good Indian food. I love to dress up in Indian clothes, wear Indian jewellery and spend the day celebrating my culture!” 


Diyas are traditional oil lamps. They come in various shapes and colours! (Image credits: Medium) 


Hari Raya 

Muslims around the world have two celebrations every year: Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha or locally known as Hari Raya Puasa and Hari Raya Haji respectively. Hari Raya Puasa is celebrated at the end of a month-long fasting period and Hari Raya Haji is celebrated during the Muslim pilgrimage called hajj. Both occasions are important days for Muslims and welcomed with much joy.  

Rasyidah Binti Mudzzaffar (Y3, Life Sciences) is the NUS Muslim Society’s curent Vice President. “Last year, for Hari Raya Puasa, we organised an event with the NUS Malay Language Society at Ridge View Residential College. The event showcased traditional Malay/Muslim performances,” she noted. The event was open to both Muslims and non-Muslims. But that’s not all. While there is only one official event, each ad-hoc group under the NUS Muslim Society will conduct their own raya gatherings. Each committee will travel together to a few of the member’s houses. “We will visit the houses that people volunteer to open for us. It’s a full day affair!” Rasyidah elaborated, “This carries on throughout the month.” 


Rasyidah and the NUS Silat team after their performance at the raya event – Raya with Ridge – last year. The event also featured performances from NUS Dikir Barat and NUS Ilsa Tari.  (Bottom row, first from left: Rasyidah) 


Rasyidah spends the day of the raya at home with her family. After attending morning raya prayers at the mosque, she will help her mother in putting together a delectable meal. “A few days before raya, I help to weave ketupat. Then on the day, we will have it with other dishes like ayam lemak cili padi, sambal goreng, and of course, rendang is a must!” The rest of the day is spent visiting relatives and exchanging raya greetings. “The family is always getting bigger and there are new people to meet.” Rasyidah added with a chuckle, “Also the more houses you visit, the more green packets (ie. raya money) you get.” 


A raya open house gathering of NUS Muslim Society’s Overseas Community Project (OCIP) ad-hoc committee.  


Mid-Autumn Festival 

The Mooncake Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. The celebration traces its origin back to the Zhou Dynasty, where Chinese emperors are believed to have worshipped the moon in autumn in order to seek a successful harvest the next year. There are many stories behind the festival, some of which you can find here 

For Lee Wei Da (Y2, Pharmacy), an international student from Malaysia, Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated with fellow students as part of celebrations organised by the NUS chapter of AMCISA (Association of Malaysian Chinese Independent School Alumni). “We gather at UTown in the evening to play games and share mooncakes,” Wei Da told us. Last year, he also helped out at the Mid-Autumn Festival organised by PGPR. The event featured a pomelo peeling competition, a lantern painting station, a photo booth, and lots and lots of mooncakes. “It was nice to see people come down and celebrate the festival together,” Wei Da recalled.  


Attendees holding up lanterns at the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration conducted by AMCISA last year.   


In Malaysia, Wei Da’s family celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival by coming together at nighttime to watch the moon, eat pomelos and mooncakes, and hang lanterns around the house. “We would even carry lanterns and walk around the neighbourhood. It was a lot of fun and I miss it dearly,” Wei Da said. 


The Mid-Autumn Festival event at PGPR held in September 2023 attracted not only Chinese residents, but others who were experiencing the festival for the first time. The event even featured staff members who sang some favourites.  


Celebrations bring together people in a way nothing else can. Good food, great company, and laughter: what else does one need? What other festivals do you celebrate? Let us know below 😊.

Striking A Balance: Hall Life Edition 

Hall life got a lot of commitment sia, hard to juggle studies and CCA. If you’ve considered staying in Hall, one of the many residential options in NUS, you’ve probably heard this sentiment. Halls are known for their focus on co-curricular activities (CCAs) which help residents earn points to secure their stay for the next academic year. Many have mixed opinions on the point system in Halls. Some say it makes hall life competitive and create yet another thing to worry about in university, while others laud hall life and the exposure they receive through being part of the Hall community. What do students in Hall themselves think about their stay so far? This article shares first-hand experiences of Hall students and their stay thus far.  


Hall – what’s that? 

The NUS campus hosts a total of six Halls, namely: Eusoff Hall, Kent Ridge Hall, King Edward VII Hall, Raffles Hall, Sheares Hall, and Temasek Hall. Hall is one of the more popular hostel choices for NUS students who want to complement their academic endeavour with a vibrant student life. Over the many years, different Halls have come to develop their own unique Hall culture. Whether sports or arts, there is something for everyone who chooses to stay in Hall. One of the biggest platforms for Halls to showcase their Hall spirit is at the annual Inter-Hall Games (IHG). The IHG could be described as the ‘Olympics for Hall’. But this is not to say that the cultural arts scene isn’t equally thriving. From theatrical productions to bands, Halls foster many talents. Halls are largely student run, making Hall life an avenue for developing leadership skills too.  While most students will stay in Hall for two years, some choose to stay longer.  

For Chong Khai Tjie (Y2, Pharmacy) from Eusoff Hall, there were two main reasons for opting to stay in Hall. “I live around 50 minutes away from NUS, so staying in Hall provides a lot of convenience.” But more importantly, “I wanted to experience Hall life and especially play as many sports as I could while in university,” the captain of the Eusoff Road Relay team shared. 

Many students are attracted to the meaningful relationships that are built in Hall. “On Instagram, my seniors who stayed in Hall would share photos. It looked so cosy in terms of the camaraderie they shared with their Hall mates, from studying together to going to parties together,” Ivan Tan (Y2, Business) from Kent Ridge Hall pitched in. 


Over his time in Kent Ridge Hall, Ivan is most grateful for the friendships he has made. “I’ve grown so close to some of my Hall mates that we’ve promised to become each other’s children’s godparents,” he shared. 


Reuben Lim (Y2, Biomedical Engineering) from King Edward VII Hall had another perspective to offer, “Personally, I like to see university as more than just the academics. It’s also about the friends you make along the way and the experiences you have. This is what led me to choose to stay in Hall.” 

Reuben, now in his second year, is a Block Head under the Block Committee. The Block Committee is in charge of taking care of the residents in each block. This photo was taken during King Edward VII Block Committee’s outing to laser tag.  

(Bottom row left side: Reuben) 


CCAs – how many ah?  

Here’s where a lot of students get a little intimidated. What you’ve heard is true. Students in Hall, especially in Year 1, do take on quite a number of CCAs. “When I asked my friend how Hall was like, she mentioned that she had 7 CCAs. My mind was completely blown. Like are you studying or are you CCA-ing?” Khai Tjie laughed over our Zoom call.  

In Year 1, hall life can be a little heavy on the CCA side since residents need to accumulate points to secure their stay for the next academic year. In Year 1, Ivan, Khai Tjie, and Reuben had 4-6 CCAs. Now in their second year, they’ve dropped most and focus on just 1 or 2.  


With the increase in his course workload in Year 2, Khai Tjie now concentrates his efforts on a few CCAs, such as Road Relay. (Second from left: Khai Tjie) 


From speaking to these three Hall residents, here’s advice for you on how to manage your academics and CCAs: 

  1. Set your expectations right: Some courses are more workload intensive than others (eg. Medicine or Law students do not commonly opt to stay in Hall). If you are choosing to actively partake in Hall activities, do manage your expectations. If you want to ace all courses with an A, it may require some disciplined time management and intentional planning every semester.  
  2. Choose CCAs that interest you: Burnout is more likely if your CCAs seem like a chore. Pick CCAs that you will enjoy to a certain (or large!) extent so that they can become a means for you to wind down and relax. 
  3. Strategise: The greater the commitment to one CCA, the higher the points you can earn. A good mix of high and low commitment CCAs are the way to go! 
  4. Plan your time well: Most Hall CCAs operate in the evening after classes. Create a timetable for yourself and stick to it. Be aware of upcoming deadlines and exams and get the work done before you get absorbed in your CCAs later in the evening.  
  5. Hold each other accountable: The best way to stay on top of work is to do it with friends. Study together, attend events together, and hold each other accountable. This way, you won’t slip through the gaps. 


What if I’m not a pro? 

University is the safest space to try out new things before you graduate and enter the ‘real world’. Reuben reflected, “For me, it was important to join CCAs that would add on to my university life and help me gain new experiences and friendships.” As such, we encourage incoming Hall residents to try their hand at new CCAs too.  


Inter Hall Games are always something to look forward to. King Edward VII Hall came third place in Road Relay during IHG 22/23. The team, led by Reuben as captain, intends to keep the momentum going for this year’s IHG. 


“I joined Eusoff Drama with zero background in acting and went on to participate in two drama productions. It was a very fresh experience for me and one of the highlights of my Hall life,” Khai Tjie said. Hall gives a very safe space to try out new things and along the way you meet friends who are also trying out the same CCA for the first time.   


For Khai Tjie, new experiences have been the highlight of his time in Hall. From editing his first video ever to taking part in drama productions, he appreciates the safe space that Hall offers.  


Ivan also noted that most people in Hall are willing to lend a helping hand, “One thing that drew me to Kent Ridge Hall was that the Hall wants you to try everything. You can enter at beginner level and people around you want you to grow too. It’s something I really appreciate about Hall.” 


Is Hall for everyone? 

The seniors shared that Hall was definitely an important part of their university journeys that helped them develop a more holistic and memorable university life. Their advice to freshmen: keep an open mind and go for it. “I don’t think hall life is for everyone. But you would only know once you try. If you get into Hall and don’t think it’s the right fit for you, you can always leave the next year, or simply just not participate in certain CCAs or activities” Khai Tjie continued, “There is a large diversity of people in Hall, and there will always be people you can click with.” Reuben reflected on how it was important to step outside one’s comfort zone, “I think moving to Hall is a good step for university students to take. If you’re always going to be comfortable, it’s difficult to attain personal growth.”  

If your concern is whether hall life will impact academics, these seniors’ experiences suggest that with an open mind, proper balance and disciplined time management, students can certainly navigate both successfully. 


Hall can sure keep you on your toes. Ivan’s most important commitment is being part of the Junior Common Room Committee. They key is to surround yourself with a deep-rooted community that will keep you accountable. Ivan and his friends say: stay calm and join Hall! 


As this article is being published, the 23/24 Inter-Hall Games are back in full force. Do follow the IHG Instagram page to stay updated with match fixtures! 

Exchangers In The Little Red Dot

For many university students, their semester abroad is a golden chapter in their university lives. The excitement of moving to a new place, immersing in local cultures, and forging long-lasting friendships is definitely one for the books. Exchange programmes operate on a 1-for-1 basis, if University X sends one of its students to University Y, in return, University Y sends one of its students to University X. Here at NUS, we boast an impressive number of exchange programmes with partner universities from all over the world. As each academic semester comes to a close, NUS bids goodbye to a diverse group of exchangers who had called NUS their home for some months.  

We were curious: how was their stay in Singapore? Did they settle in well? What new foods did they try? What surprised them about Singapore? It’s always exciting to hear about Singapore and NUS from the fresh perspective of an exchanger who’s visiting our Little Red Dot for the first time.   


Choosing Singapore  

For Nikolaus Hellner (Master of Science (Industrial Engineering)) from Germany’s Hamburg University of Technology, the decision to come to NUS for exchange was motivated by the chance to explore Asia while also earning himself a credible experience, “Singapore has a high reputation in Germany. Completing a semester abroad here increases my job prospects.” English being a widely spoken language here, too, made the decision easier for Niko to make.  


On his undergraduate exchange programme, Niko had gone to Canada. For his graduate exchange programme, he wanted something different and chose Southeast Asia.  


The campus life that NUS offers its students is another selling point for foreign students considering Singapore as their exchange destination. This was the case for Abeer Ladhani (Y4, Bachelor of Arts and Sciences) from University College London. Her home university’s campus is located in the middle of the city where the buildings are very much integrated within the city’s infrastructure. “I wanted to experience a college with a campus community that feels like that of NUS: with the campus being a world of its own,” she shared. Moreover, moving to Singapore for a year allowed Abeer to gain first-hand experience of what the island city had to offer, and consider whether this would be a place she could see herself live in the future.  

An exchange semester can also open up opportunities for higher studies. DiscoverNUS and NUS Master’s ASEAN Scholarship Programme is a two-part programme that allows selected students from partner universities to spend a semester in NUS. Afterwards, they may submit an application for the Master’s Scholarship, which if accepted, will grant them a fully funded admission into a Master’s programme in NUS upon graduation. It is through the DiscoverNUS programme that Chan Elina (Y3, English Language) from Vietnam National University landed in Singapore in August 2023. “I found it to be an interesting programme and the possibility of being chosen for a Master’s scholarship pushed me to apply,” Elina said.  

For other students, like Jasmin Saleh (Y4, Computer Science) from Germany’s Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, coming to Singapore for exchange was a last-minute decision that turned out to be a life-changing experience. “Due to some reasons, I had to extend my candidature by a semester. So I decided to go on exchange to Southeast Asia, a region I’ve always wanted to explore. My brother and I liaised with the university and we were informed that there were just 2 spots left for NUS. We jumped at the opportunity, applied, and there we were in August 2022!” exclaimed Jasmin over our Zoom call.  


Jasmin’s exchange trip to Singapore was a spontaneous decision. Looking back, it was one of the best decisions she ever made. This photo of Jasmin and her brother was taken at Mt. Batur in Bali at sunrise.  


Getting To Know Local Cultures 

When we asked Niko what his most enjoyable experience in NUS was, without batting an eye, he replied, “Meeting people from different cultures.” During his exchange period, Niko was introduced to cultures he had never encountered before. The entry into other cultures, for him, was through food. “I had no prior exposure to Asian food. I especially fell in love with Indian cuisine,” Niko narrated. He recommends the classic combination of butter chicken and cheese naan to fellow Indian cuisine novices!  

Elina echoed Niko’s answer. “The people I spent time with were from all over the world. I love them all so much and they motivate me to come back here to pursue my Master’s,” she shared. Elina, too, fell in love with Indian food during her stay in Singapore. “Try the prata!” is her enthusiastic recommendation to incoming foreign students.  

When Jasmin and her brother arrived in Singapore, they were simply amazed at the number of halal food offerings here in comparison to Germany. Hawker centres became a regularly frequented spot for them. “It was so affordable and the food portions were great!” Jasmin recalled with a big smile. “I lived near a Korean stall in Sengkang. The food was so, so good!” Now back in Germany and busy completing her final year thesis, Jasmin says that she still “dreams of eating at the Korean stall again”. 


The Korean stall that Jasmin used to frequent in Sengkang. 


A semester abroad is also an opportunity to immerse yourself in different cultures academically. Jasmin took on a Malay Studies course which helped her to understand the local culture better. Abeer added, “It was really cool to see that NUS had a South Asian Studies department which I was able to take advantage of during my time there. It’s something that my home university does not have.” 


Staying On Campus 

During her exchange, Abeer stayed in Temasek Hall. Although she struggled to find accommodation until a week before classes started due to the high demand for on-campus residence, her stay at Temasek was hospitable and warm. As she put it, “The second you’re out of your room, you’re talking to people. People are always saying hi and having a chat with you when you pass by.”  

Temasek Hall is also well-known for its edge in sports. “It was really cool to have national athletes who play for the Singapore volleyball team sit next to you in the dining hall,” Abeer shared excitedly.  

The hot and humid Singaporean weather often catches incoming exchange students off guard. Without an air conditioner in her room, Abeer, too, felt the heat – quite literally. But life is all about making lemonade from the lemons it gives you, “Not having an air conditioner encouraged me to get out of my room and explore more!”  

Niko was surprised at how easy it was to make friends at NUS. Residing in Tembusu Hall during his time at NUS, he recounted how fellow residents were open and eager to make new connections. Niko noted, “Every time I went down to the dining hall alone, there was always someone waving me over to their table and asking me to join them.” 

When Elina was on exchange here in Singapore, she stayed at Pioneer House and simply loved her time there. “I got to connect with both local and international students [at Pioneer House]. There were also so many interest groups I could join. I joined PH Dance and had a wonderful time there,” Elina described. Definitely another residential option for exchangers to consider! 


  As part of the Pioneer House dance group, Elina was exposed to various dance forms. Her favourite was street jazz.  


Studying While On Exchange? 

A common trope about exchange students is that they are indifferent to their academic performance. But the reality is not as clear-cut as full-time students might assume.  

Niko, now pursuing his Master’s, shared that he wasn’t too bothered about his grades since they didn’t have a huge implication on his future. He found the academic rigour and workload to be higher than what he was used to back home due to continuous assessments that were distributed throughout the semester. “You can’t mug everything before final exams. In Singapore, you have to keep up all the time due to the graded class participation and group project components,” Niko reflected. 

Abeer, on the other hand, shared a concern that many exchangers face when it comes to selecting courses. “Due to the high demand for courses, exchange students are not given priority for high-level classes. As a result, you’ll see a lot of exchange students in General Education classes that are at a lower level than what they would have taken back in their home universities. This meant that I found it quite easy to do well in my courses although it was a pass/fail year for me,” she said.  

But for Elina, who is hoping to be chosen for the ASEAN Master’s Scholarship as part of the DiscoverNUS programme, grades mattered more. She planned her academic schedule in such a way that she would have an interdisciplinary education, selecting courses from outside her faculty. After much freedom to explore her interests, she realised what she truly likes and now has a clearer direction for what she would like to do as a graduate student. “I found both the lecturers and tutors to be very professional and helpful,” Elina said, “ and I enjoyed my studies very well.”  


Elina enjoyed her academic exposure in NUS with the freedom to choose from various departments. The above photo was taken during a meeting with DiscoverNUS programme coordinators. 


Grades were not very important for Jasmin, too, on her exchange semester. “But there was one computing course which took over my whole life,” she chuckled, “It was an experience.” Like Elina, the exchange programme was also an opportunity for Jasmin to take courses that she otherwise wouldn’t have taken – like an Arabic language course. “Even though I’m a native Arabic speaker, I was surprised at how advanced some of the students in my Arabic class were. It was so cool to see even a Chinese girl in my Arabic course: like all these people from different backgrounds are so invested in my language!” Jasmin exclaimed.  



Of course, this article would be incomplete if we didn’t mention the travels of our exchange friends. Singapore is the perfect location to come to for exchange if you’re looking to travel across Southeast Asia. The accessibility is great and the tickets are affordable. “I was able to go to Japan (so wow, would totally go again), Malaysia (especially Langkawi with its beautiful sunsets), Bali (in Indonesia), Thailand, Vietnam, and Brunei (so relaxing),” Jasmin shared the list of countries she visited.  


Niko and his friends, Chris and Julian, on a road trip in Taiwan.  


But there’s much to see in Singapore too! “Because I’m from Vietnam, I wasn’t as motivated to travel around Southeast Asia as other exchange students. Instead, my local Singaporean friends took me around the city and showed me many hidden gems. I explore Singapore thoroughly,” Elina explained.  


If you are new to Singapore, Abeer recommends cycling from East Coast Park to Marina Bay Sands. You’ll get forest, beach, and city! 


Connecting With Other Exchangers 

NUS has a very unique exchange student culture. Abeer was the one to make note of this during our interview. “Amongst the exchange students, there were many different group chats for different things like hiking, travelling, movies, and so on,” she explained. People would constantly try to make plans and get to know others. “People would message on the group chats all the time. Hi, I’m going to hike the Southern Ridges on Saturday, does anyone want to join?” That kind of energy and openness in the exchange student community was fantastic for her and not something prevalent in all universities.  

Even more surprisingly, during the first semester of Abeer’s year-long exchange programme, the exchangers were even more creative and engaging. They took the initiative and started doing classes and sessions. “One guy who was into dance led salsa sessions. I know there was this girl who taught Zumba. And another guy did HIIT sessions because he was a personal trainer,” she elaborated. Simply put, “The vibes were great!” 

The sense of community was really there. Jasmin recalled how some students took initiative to make a group chat for Muslim exchangers in NUS, too. “People slowly started joining the group chat and soon there was a very cosy group of us [Muslim exchangers],” she shared.  


Abeer (far right) loved the openness of the exchange student community at NUS. In fact, every time she travelled, it was with a different group of people. 


The camaraderie between exchange students is very welcome, too. Exchangers are looking to have a good time, travel, socialise, etc while the priorities of full-time students are different.  By connecting with other exchange students, the experience of a semester abroad is enhanced for exchangers coming to NUS.  

If you are looking to go on exchange and weighing your options, we hope this article made the decision easier for you 😉. And if you are coming to NUS in the coming semester, we look forward to having you on campus. Happy exchange ✈️!