Please note: There is an updated form of this web resource with more interactive elements, and new content! Come and visit Pathweb! |
Web Resource Survey
Lots of time has gone into creating this resource. For those of you who HAVEN”T already done so in the Neoplasia post- quiz, please do fill in this Feedback form below. This helps us to know if this is useful to you all. Please DO NOT fill it again if you have already done it using the Socrative platform!
Please send back the filled Consent Form and Info Sheet if you have not previously done so to Ms Norlela Bte Mohamed at
(note: The quizzes refer to the Neoplasia Quiz – you can still access the Pre- and Post-quiz in the Neoplasia chapter)
Your comments will be taken seriously, and, where the system allows, we will do our best to improve!
Dr Nga Min En and Education Team, Department of Pathology, NUS
Video Speed Controller
This video shows how to install a plugin in your Chrome browser so that you can adjust playback speed.