UHC: from ideology to implementation

Led by Saudamini Dabak

Session Synopsis

The achievement of universal health coverage (UHC) has become common currency across the world and is now enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) 2030. Translating the vision of “health for all” into reality is viewed as a political rather than a technical process; it requires reconciling competing interests and marshalling resources underpinned by a strong leadership.

This session aims to inspire participants to convert the aspirations embodied in the call for UHC by providing examples of three countries that have trodden this path. Through this session, participants will have a chance to explore the many questions that confront policy makers such as1:

  • What is the role of political ideology in adopting UHC?

  • Does a country have to be rich to implement UHC?

  • Are legal commitments essential and adequate for ensuring UHC in a country?

  • How do the relative strengths of supportive and opposing institutions shape the course of UHC?

  • What are the windows of opportunities that countries can take advantage of to implement UHC?

Participants will have the opportunity to engage on these types of questions with practitioners from countries at different stages of implementing UHC. Through this session, participants will learn from experiences on what it takes to transform UHC from an idea to a reality and the session will set the stage for the rest of the Leadership Development Programme.

1 Adapted from Stuckler et al, Kelsall et al and McKee et al (see references)

Session format

Panel session with presentations followed by plenary discussion

Session learning objectives

  • To appreciate the objectives underpinning the pursuit of UHC

  • To understand the factors enabling and the barriers impeding implementation of UHC

These learning objectives will be examined through the lens of the country represented by the speakers.

Session outlines

Introduction and overview by moderator (10 mins)

Keynote Speaker (20 mins)

Speaker 1 (15 mins)

Speaker 2 (15 mins)

Open discussion (30 mins)

Session Lead and Panellists

Dr. Suwit Wibulpolprasert

Keynote speaker

Prof. Teo Yik Ying


Dr. Shankar Prinja


Wei Maoguo


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