Dr. Shankar Prinja
Dr. Shankar Prinja is an Additional Professor of Health Economics at the PGIMER School of Public Health, Chandigarh, India. He is a medical doctor with specialization in community medicine/ public health. Subsequently he trained in health economics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and London School of Economics. His main research interests involve economic evaluation of health care interventions and programs, costing of health care services, and analyzing impact of health financing policies in the context of universal health coverage. He is a member of the subgroups of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council on “Investment in Human Resources and Infrastructure” as well as “Converging Health Care and Social Security Financing Platforms”, member of Government of India’s taskforce on costing for health care services; member of the Technical Appraisal Committee for Health Technology Assessment Board; member of the Expert Group for costing of National Health Assurance Mission; member of the Research Advisory Council of the Public Health Foundation of India, and Temporary Advisor to World Health Organization on use of Health Intervention and Technology Assessment and Universal Health Coverage. At the PGI School of Public Health, he has set up a Resource Centre for India’s Health Technology Assessment Board. He has authored 127 research papers in leading national and international peer-reviewed scientific journals. He is also an Academic Editor of the PLoS One and member of the editorial board of Pharmacoeconomics Open.
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