LumiNUS – not just a different look

We designed the LumiNUS interface for consistency and to reduce the number of steps needed to get things done. Here are a few of the more significant interface changes.


Consistency between tools

Previously, some tools’ design did not fit in with the rest of the learning management system (LMS). In particular, Forum and Gradebook stuck out like sore thumbs.

LumiNUS tools use a common design language. Besides looking orderly, it also allows users to find what they want with ease.

Note: we are not in control of the layout of external tools. Thus, Turnitin and Panopto/MediaWeb folders do not conform to the LumiNUS look and feel.


Common view

Some tools, such as Forum and Multimedia, used to look very different to staff and to students. This made a student/edit mode toggle necessary in the past.

In LumiNUS, we have designed the facilitator’s view to be as close as possible to the student view in all tools. Your students will not see the settings links and any items you have not allowed them to view.

You will know what items students cannot see via the not-visible icon. It is an eye against a yellow background with a slash across.

Not visible icon. Click for full view.

In the old paradigm, you would switch between student view and edit mode to scan for differences. Then you would hunt around in individual items’ settings for the reason it was visible (or not).

Instead, you can now hover over the icon, and the pop-up will inform you why that particular item is not visible. Then you can change that particular setting immediately.

We are aware that this is a major shift from having a dedicated student view, but we ask that you try this out.



Drag and drop. Click for full view.

Where possible, we have implemented drag-and-drop. If you can rearrange a set of items, it will involve drag-and-drop. This includes forum sections, module information sections and manual arrangement of files, to name a few.

You can also drag-and-drop to upload files and multimedia.


Bulk edit

You will be able to bulk edit in Files and Multimedia (in list view) as well as to a limited extent in other tools.

Bulk edit in Files allows you to download, delete, move or copy folders en masse. Using Bulk Edit Folders, you can also edit folder open dates, close dates and sort files options at one go.

While you can edit dates this way for Turnitin submission folders, specific Turnitin settings can only be set on a per folder basis.

Bulk edit in Multimedia (list view) allows you to delete and unpublish videos in one click.


Learning Flow

Learning Flow. Click for full view.

Learning Flow replaces Lesson Plan, which is a week-by-week or topic-by-topic view of the Module. You can use it to attach the relevant resources for the week or the topic.

Previously, Lesson Plan was a separate tool. Now, Learning Flow is built directly into the Module – there is no separate Learning Flow tool.

If you activate Learning Flow (using NUS Academic Calendar), you will see a horizontal bar with links to each week of the semester at the top of the Module Overview page. You can see this in the screenshot above, click to expand. You will also notice that when you enter the module, the landing page of the module is the week of the semester.

For example, if it is Week 3 of the semester, you and your students will see Week 3 of the Learning Flow as the front page. On entering the Module, you and your students will see the materials, activities and assignments for Week 3.

Learning Flow is ideal for modules that incorporate blended learning or flipped classrooms. Additionally, Learning Flow offers the possibility of adding submission folders. This was not possible in Lesson Plan without copying and pasting URLs manually.