Who’s Your Daddy?
For marine flatworms, Pseudoceros bifurcus, “Who’s your daddy?” is a loaded question. As hermaphrodites, marine flatworms have both male and female sexual organs (Nelson, 2010). They engage in a battle of “penis fencing” to determine who will be a dad,…

How Emperor Penguins “Flirt” Before Having Sex
Fans of “How I Met Your Mother” would know that Robin loves how emperor penguins would bow to each other before mating (Youtube, 2008). This is interesting because human bow means respect and thus I researched more. The largest…
BLOODY Awesome: Reflex Bleeding (Autohaemorrhaging)
“World’s Weirdest: Blood-Squirting Lizard’” by National Geographic. NatGeo Wild Youtube Channel, 30 January 2013. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgB4u6Mgy2M (accessed on 20 March 2013) Bloody Awesome Defence ‘Blood-squirting’ sounds like a scene ripped out of horror movies, but this action can be found…

The Harmless Devil
The Thorny Devil, Moloch horridus, may look as scary as its name, but it is one of the world’s most harmless lizards. This lizard is one-of-its-kind as it is the only species in its genus. The Thorny Devil…
Do kind-hearted vampires exist?
Many of us have seen this animal appearing in movies and fictional stories, transforming into blood thirsty vampires and mercilessly preying on helpless humans. This misleading portrayal of the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) as a vicious and cold-hearted creature…
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