Goats yell like humans… Because they knew you were trouble?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpccpglnNf0 If you’re among the millions who have heard the last remix of Taylor Swift’s hit song ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’, or other related videos of goats yelling like humans, you must have wondered why these goats yell like…

Seal, You Think You Can Dance?
Gangnam Style? Harlem Shake? Now even a Seal can dance! Ronan the sealion, (credits: University of California, Santa Cruz) The ability to entrain, which is to consistently keep beat to auditory stimuli was first discovered in 2009 amongst animals with…

Horned ghost crabs: Using camouflage based on day-night cycle and not simply environmental colours?
A study has revealed that horned ghost crabs (Ocypode ceratophthalmus) change their appearance from day to night for camouflage. The ghost crab lives in the Indo-Pacific region from East Africa to the Philippines and the Great Barrier Reef. It has extended eyestalks which point skywards resembling horns, hence…

3 Deaf Mice, 3 Deaf Mice, See How They Speak, See How They Speak
YOU “MOUSE” BE KIDDING? Mice Do Not Need To Hear To Learn Courtship Vocalisation?! When human babies learn to speak, they listen to the speech of the people around them, imitating their language and articulation. However, do mice require such…
![Source: [The Guises of Mimic Octopuses]. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocketscience/files/2009/12/the_mimic_octopus_my_first_ever_post/Mimicoctopus-guises.jpg](https://blog.nus.edu.sg/lsm1303student2013/files/2013/04/Mimicoctopus-guises-ztrxz1-150x150.jpg)
And the Oscar goes to…an octopus?
Have you ever wished that you could change your appearance and look like somebody else, even if it is just for awhile? You may be surprised to know that this is entirely possible – for some animals at least, and…
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