About me

My name is Marcus Chua and I am interested in the ecology and conservation of mammals in threatened, human modified and fragmented landscapes.

I completed my BSc(Hon) from the National University of Singapore, examining the diversity and distribution of medium-sized mammals in Pulau Ubin and possibility of human coexistence for my honours research. My MSc research was on the ecology and conservation of leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) in Singapore.

The enigmatic glance of the leopard cat seems to hold so much within. During the course of research, I often subconsciously try to examine the world through the eyes of the leopard cat my attempt to understand more about these cats, hence the blog title.

Articles and Publications

Chua, M.A.H., Tan, A., Carrasco, L.R. 2021. Species awareness days: Do people care or are we preaching to the choir. Biological Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109002

Choo, Y.R., Kudavidanage, E.P., Amarasinghe, P., Nimalrathna, T.S., Chua, M.A.H., Webb, E.L. 2020. Best practices for reporting individual identification using camera trap photographs. Global Ecology and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01294

Guerrini, M., Forcina, G., Chua, M.A.H., Theng, M., Al-Sheikhly, O.F., Haba, M.K., Gupta, B.K., Ruby, T., Nguyen, T.T., Khan, A.A., Barbanera, F. 2020. Spatial genetic structure in the vulnerable smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata, Mustelidae): towards an adaptive conservation management of the species. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68: 719–734. 10.26107/RBZ-2020-0084. [PDF]

Webb, E.L., Choo, Y.R., Kudavidanage, E.P., Amarasinghe, T.R., Bandara, U.G.S.I., Wanninayaka, W.A.C.L., Ravindrakumar, P., Nimalrathna, T.S., Liang, S.H., Chua, M.A.H. 2020. Leopard activity patterns in a small montane protected area highlight the need for integrated, collaborative landscape conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01182

Chua, M.A.H., Lane, D.J.W., Ooi, S.K., Tay, S.H.X., Kubodera, T. 2019. Diet and mitochondrial DNA haplotype of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) found dead off Jurong Island, Singapore. PeerJ 7:e6705 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6705

Nimalrathna, T.S., Choo, Y.R., Kudavidanage, E.P., Amarasinghe, T.R., Bandara U.G.S.I., Wanninayaka, W.A.C.L., Ravindrakumar, P., Chua, M.A.H., Webb, E.L. 2019. First photographic record of the Rusty-spotted Cat Prionailurus rubiginosus (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831)(Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(4): 13506–13510. doi: https://doi.org/10.11609/jott.4094.11.4.13506-13510

Chua, M.A.H., Aziz, S.A. 2019. Into the light: atypical diurnal foraging activity of Blyth’s horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus lepidus (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) on Tioman Island, Malaysia. Mammalia 83(1): 78–83. doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/mammalia-2017-0128

Meijaard, E., Chua, M.A.H., Duckworth, J.W. 2017. Is the northern chevrotain, Tragulus williamsoni Kloss, 1916, a synonym or one of the least-documented mammal species in Asia? Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 65: 506–514. [PDF]

Chong, K.Y., Chong, R., Tan, L.W.A., Yee, A.T.K., Chua, M.A.H., Wong, K.M., Tan, H.T.W. 2016. Seed production and survival of four dipterocarp species in degraded forests in Singapore. Plant Ecology & Diversity 9(5–6): 483–490. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2016.1266404

Lim, K.K.P., Chua, M.A.H. & Lim, N.T-L. 2016. Freshwater fishes, terrestrial herpetofauna and mammals of Pulau Tekong, Singapore. Nature in Singapore 9: 165–198. [PDF]

Chua, M.A.H., N. Sivasothi, Meier, R. 2016. Population density, spatiotemporal use and diet of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in a human-modified succession forest landscape of Singapore. Mammal Research 61(2): 99–108. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13364-015-0259-4

Chua, M.A.H. 2015. Leopard cat in Central Catchment Nature Reserve. Singapore Biodiversity Records 2015: 20. [PDF]

Chua, M.A.H. 2015. Leopard cat in Western Catchment Area. Singapore Biodiversity Records 2015: 6. [PDF]

Jain, A., Chong, K.Y., Chua, M.A.H., Clements G.R. 2014. Moving away from paper corridors in Southeast Asia. Conservation Biology 28(4): 889–891. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12313. [PDF]

Chua, M.A.H., Baker, N., Yeo, R., N. Sivasothi. 2013. New locality records for two species of flying squirrels (Mammalia: Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Singapore. Nature in Singapore 6: 301–305. [PDF]

Chua, M.A.H., Lim, K.K.P., Low, C.H.S. 2012. The diversity and status of the civets (Viverridae) of Singapore. Small Carnivore Conservation 47:1–10. [PDF]

Chua, M. A. H. 2011. The herpetofauna and mammals of Semakau Landfill: A Project Semakau checklist. Nature in Singapore 4: 277–287. [PDF] [Corrigendum]

Chua, M.A.H. & Lim, K.K.P. 2011. Mammals: A – Z entries. In Singapore Biodiversity: An Encyclopedia of the Natural Environment and Sustainable Development, eds. Ng, P.K.L., Corlett, R.T. & Tan, H.T.W. Editions Didier Millet (Singapore). 552 pp.

Chua, M. 2011. Carved in granite: the natural history of Pulau Ubin. BeMUSE 4(1):56–63. [Link]

Chua, M., N. Sivasothi, R. Teo, 2009. Rediscovery of greater mouse deer, Tragulus napu (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Tragulidae) in Pulau Ubin, Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2: 373–378. [PDF]

Low, C., M. Chua. 2009. On the trail of the greater mousedeer. Nature Watch 17(2): 2-5.


  • Linda Kerley, Zoological Society of London

    We are studying leopard cats in Russia and would like to communicate with you about the species. I think we could learn a lot from you. Our work is only just now getting started. How can I contact you on email?

  • Hi Marcus
    I would like to share with you an image of what I think was probably Leopard Cat roadkill on 22 Feb 13 near the Central Catchment Area (on Thomson Road). Grateful if you could email. best.shash

  • Hi Marcus, thanks for the clarification that the roadkill was a juvenile wild pig. Rgds, shash

  • Hi Marcus, have enjoyed reading your site. I live in the UK and have some examples of possible leopard scat that I’d like to show you and wonder if you could comment. We don’t have leopards in the UK apparently but for many years people have claimed to have seen them and I collate evidence. Is it possible to email you?

    • Dear Neil, thanks for your comments. I am not familiar with leopard (Panthera pardus) scats, but could give it a go. I’ve sent you an email. Cheers.

  • Rainer Wunderlich

    Hi Marcus,

    I am researching small carnivores in Taiwan and one of my focal species is the leopard cat. Would you share the location data of your observations? Please email me to discuss. Thanks.


  • Hi Marcus,
    I just happened to stumble upon this blog when searching for cat scat. I’m doing research on the ecology and behaviour of urban fishing cats in Sri Lanka, so was extremely excited to see your work! Is there anyway in which I could directly contact you? Would love to learn more about what you’re doing.


  • hello, I hope you saw the article about the dead leopard cat found near Bukit Regency Condo. A pity but that’s good news that they’re still around the Bukit Timah/Bukit Batok area – and it’s not a smashed up roadkill as well. Hopefully someone managed to get the carcass and preserve it.

    • Thanks very much. My colleague has recovered the leopard cat carcass and it is deposited at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum now. That is not a known individual and we would be interested to learn more about it. Shall examine it soon.

      There was an individual at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in June 2015 that NParks passed to us too:

  • Hello Marcus,
    I am currently located in Singapore, and my lab is interested in the study of civet cat scat. I believe that your expertise would greatly help us with our desire to help the species. May I know how I can contact you?

    Thank you for your time.


  • Hi Marcus!

    I would like to contact you with regards to some educational material that we are producing. There is a photo of a Black Marsh Terrapin that we would like to feature.



  • Hi Marcus,

    I wanted to get in touch with you via e-mail. I have a couple of questions about this endangered species. I am a film student and have a little idea I’d like to share with you.


  • Hi Marcus,

    I am currently a Master student in South Korea, Ecology and behavior laboratory. My thesis will be about the leopard cats in the world (all of the subspecies). Since i just started my research, I would like to share ideas and data that I collected in South Korea. Can we talk about it more by email?


  • Are there plans to translocate individuals between Tekong, Ubin and Mainland? It could go some way to Ensure genetic diversity.


    • Dear Adrian, there are no plans currently for this, but it could certainly happen if we can find out what the genetic make up for individuals on the main island is like. There are other concerns regarding this as well, e.g., capture and survival of translocated individuals that require much thought and planning.

      • Hi Marcus,

        Wish you all the success towards conservation of leopard cats. Now that you armed with more knowledge about the status of wild cats in Singapore, hope you will have less roadblocks from the authorities.

        I remembered there was a desire from NParks and the Zoo to introduce leopard cats in the reserves back in the 1990s , but that project was canned following public concerns.

        Best regards

  • Hi Marcus,

    I love you website, the informations you have published and I have been following you for a while.

    I’ve worked on a visual info guide about the LC and would love to be able to communicate with you to get your input on this.

    Thanks in advance!



  • Hi Marcus,

    I’m a producer at BBC Natural History Unit. Very interested in reading about you study on leopard cats. Know the study was nearly 10 years ago and the situation might have changed, but very keen to speak with you about filming possibilities.


  • Hi Marcus! was wondering if you know of any research on culturing leopard cat tissues in culture or generation of stem cells from leopard cat tissues.


    • Dear Christina. I know that Dr. Ng Soon-Chye together with WRS have started a project to culture native wildlife tissues, but I am uncertain if leopard cats are included in the project. Hopefully this helps.

  • Dear Marcus
    I read your work with great interest. I am an amateur nature enthusiast and makes videos of singapores wildlife. No surprise, I am yet to see a leopard cat! Although my friend saw one on trail 15 about 8 months ago. I wondered if you shot video of the leopard cats on tekong and how I could view the video? Thank you for kind attention and I hope to hear from you (my channel is on YouTube under the name Christian Bassett).

  • Andrea A. Cabrera

    Hi Marcus,
    I read about your work with the ancient Bryde whale found in Thailand and it sounds great. I am currently a postdoc working on ancient DNA of marine mammals in Copenhagen and would love to chat with you about possibilities of working with that specimen. Is it possible to contact you by mail?

  • Hi Marcus, I am a cat lover and would love the chance to spot leopard cats in the wild.
    Is there any chance for members of the public to join you in assisting in your research?

    Thank you!

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