Blog.nus – Create your own online teaching blog

Blog.nus is a free online platform which can organise and present information in the form of a website or a blogsite. This versatile facility is made available to all NUS and NUHS staff by the NUS Centre for Instructional Technology (CIT).

Blog.nus offers a user-friendly interface to publish, manage and customize your blog contents, so there is no need for coding or special design skills.

How do you know if you have access to this resource? As long as you have an “nus” or “nuhs” email userid, you have access. 

A hands-on workshop was held for NUHS faculty and staff in March 2017. Participants learned how to create a blog with various types of media content.

You can easily create a blog for:

  • Personal learning/reflection
  • Teaching: your module, tutorial class or any other group – organised teaching material (text, pdf and word files, videos, quizzes, survey links)
  • Admin: Your departmental/faculty news blog; conference or event – rosters, practice updates, notes from journal clubs, safety updates etc.

Here are some examples of blogs created with Blog.nus:

Now it’s time to practise … 

Here are links to the full User Guide on how to create your own blogsite. You may also find the step by step video guides useful.

  1. User guide Blog.nus March 2017 (PDF)
  2. Blog.nus CIT Wiki.nus
  3. Step by step video guide on creating your teaching blog

Enjoy your journey!