
Hello friends! Welcome back 😊 When I first started this blogging assignment, it was quite daunting. Nonetheless, I am thankful for this assignment as it gave me the opportunity to explore the relationship between technology and the environment. Through online research and my own primary research, I now have a better […]

The Two Sides of Technology

Hello friends! Welcome back! 😊 With the growing consciousness of environmental issues such as rapid depletion of resources and climate change, came the invention of technologies to mitigate this crisis. One such technology is geoengineering, which is defined by Oxford as the Deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural systems […]

Add to Cart

These are some screenshots of the conversations I had recently. It seems that more and more people are turning towards online shopping. This comes as no surprise, considering the greater convenience, ease, and plethora of options available online. A few clicks on our mobile phones and parcels get delivered straight […]