Breeze maintenance on Mon 26 Jan from 0800 hrs to 1200 hrs

Breeze is scheduled for maintenance from Monday 26 Jan from 0800 hrs to 1200 hrs (4 hours).

Normal recording/authoring of your presentation in PowerPoint will not be affected. However, users are advised not to publish/upload any content onto the NUS Adobe Connect server during this period.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this period.

Please contact Mr LIM Han Leong if you have any queries.

IVLE and CIT services intermittently unavailable on Sat 7 Jun from 0300 to 0700 hrs due to network maintenance

IVLE and other CIT services may be intermittently unavailable on Saturday 7 June from 0300 hrs to 0700 hrs (4 hours) due to network maintenance.

Please refrain from critical activities during the maintenance period.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Breeze upgrade Tue 17 Dec from 0800 hrs to 2000 hrs

Breeze is scheduled for maintenance on Tuesday 17 December from 0800 hrs to 2000 hrs (12 hours).

Service will be disrupted during this period. Users are advised not to publish any new content during this period.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this period.

Please contact Mr LIM Han Leong (, 6601 1302) if you have any queries.

Disruption to various CIT services between Fri 20 Sep, 2200 hrs to Sun 22 Sep, 0600 hrs due to Disaster Recovery Drills

Disaster Recovery (DR) Drills have been scheduled this weekend according to the schedule below.

Due to these drills, you may experience intermittent service disruptions to CIT services.

Event Start End
DR Drill Phase 1 Fri 20 Sep, 2200 hrs Sat 21 Sep, 0800 hrs
DR Drill Phase 2 Sat 21 Sep, 2000 hrs Sun 22 Sep, 0600 hrs

Additionally, the following IVLE services will be unavailable from Fri 20 Sep, 2200 hrs to Sun 22 Sep, 0600 hrs (32 hours):

  • GEM Module Listing
  • IVLE Profile Page
  • Modules Taken
  • Refresh Modules
  • Gradebook Export to IMMS

For any query or assistance, please contact NUS ITcare at or 6516 2080.