In various places, you may see 2010. Since this year is 2020, it would appear that this 2010 a mistake. However, is not. In NUS, we use the following shorthand for semesters:
- AY19/20 Sem 1: 1910
- AY19/20 Sem 2: 1920
- AY19/20 Special Term 1: 1930
- AY19/20 Special Term 2: 1940
- AY20/21 Sem 1: 2010
- AY20/21 Sem 2: 2020
- AY20/21 Special Term 1: 2030
- AY20/21 Special Term 2: 2040
- AY21/22 Sem 1: 2110
- etc.
You will see this shorthand in LumiNUS and other NUS websites and online services.
There are also esoteric codes such as 2000, 2011, etc. but these apply to specific faculties/schools (e.g. Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine) or postgraduate terms as their semesters may not align with typical undergraduate semesters.