[RESOLVED] Turnitin slow report generation

Turnitin and iThenticate experienced slow report generation on Mon 29 Nov, from 1030 hrs to 1720 hrs.

Turnitin has fixed the issue.

If your report has not generated, please wait 24 hours from the report upload time. If the report has not been generated after 24 hours, please let us know. Please provide relevant details including the module code and the folder title.

For further information and Turnitin status updates, please:

You may also visit Turnitin System Status.

For status updates of CIT services, please subscribe to our Telegram channel.

Turnitin service disruption – Fri 3 Sep, 0840 hrs

Turnitin experienced an unexpected service disruption on Fri 3 Sep around 0840 hrs.

A fix has been implemented, and Turnitin is monitoring the result.

Turnitin invites you to track the progress of this disruption.

For further information and system updates, please:

You may also visit Turnitin System Status.

Turnitin and iThenticate maintenance from Sat 14 Aug, 2300 hrs to Sun 15 Aug, 0100 hrs

Turnitin and iThenticate will not be available from Sat 14 Aug, 2300 hrs to Sun 15 Aug, 0100 hrs (2 hours) due to scheduled maintenance.

Turnitin and iThenticate will be unavailable between those times.

This is also applicable to Turnitin submission folders in LumiNUS.

For further information and Turnitin status updates, please:

You may also visit Turnitin System Status.

For status updates of CIT services, please subscribe to our Telegram channel.

[RESOLVED] Turnitin similarity report generation delays on Thu 5 Aug from 1319 hrs to 1914 hrs

Turnitin experienced similarity report generation delays on Thu 5 Aug from 1319 hrs to 1914 hrs.

During this time, you may have found that you are unable to view submissions and/or Similarity Reports, as well as experience slowness when accessing the service.

Turnitin announces that this has now been resolved, and apologises for the inconvenience.

For further information and Turnitin status updates, please:

You may also visit Turnitin System Status.

For status updates of CIT services, please subscribe to our Telegram channel.