Please note that we are in Phase 1 of the changes to Turnitin integration in NUS.
Phase 1 involves the following:
Submission to Turnitin in IVLE Files
- Old submission interface in IVLE Files disabled.
- Staff not able to create new Turnitin submission folders in IVLE.
- Students not be able to upload files to existing Turnitin submission folders in IVLE.
Viewing Originality Indices and Reports in IVLE Files
- Reports submitted via the old submission interface in IVLE can still be viewed.
Direct access to Turnitin
- Can log in using NUSNET user ID and password.
Phase 2 begins on Monday 27 June 2016.
For more information, please refer to major changes to Turnitin integration in NUS, which was announced to Turnitin users (with Instructor permissions) in NUS on Thu 2 June 2016.