About CS2106

Aims and Objectives

This module introduces the basic concepts in operating systems and links it with contemporary operating systems (eg. Unix/Linux and Windows). It focuses on OS structuring and architecture, processes, memory management, concurrency and file systems. Topics include kernel architecture, system calls, interrupts, models of processes, process abstraction and services, scheduling, review of physical memory and memory management hardware, kernel memory management, virtual memory and paging, caches, working set, deadlock, mutual exclusion, synchronization mechanisms, data and metadata in file systems, directories and structure, file system abstraction and operations. Examples will be discussed from contemporary operating systems such as Unix/Linux and/or Windows.

Who, When, and Where

Instructor: Ooi Wei Tsang
Time: Tues, 1200 – 1400
Venue: LT15

Average Weekly Workload

  • 2 hours Lecture
  • 1 hour Tutorial
  • 1 hour Laboratory
  • 4 hours Preparatory Work

Assessment Criteria

  • 50% Final Exam
  • 20% Midterm
  • 30% Laboratory

Tentative Schedule

  1. 12/08: Introduction to CS2106 and Operating Systems
  2. 19/08: Processes and Threads
  3. 26/08: Inter-process Communications I
  4. 02/09: Inter-process Communications II
  5. 09/09: Scheduling
  6. 16/09: Deadlock
  7. 23/09: Recess Week
  8. 30/09: Memory Management I
  9. 07/10: Midterm Test
  10. 14/10: Memory Management II
  11. 21/10: I/O
  12. 28/10: Disk Management
  13. 04/11: File Systems
  14. 11/11: Review


Note: The cover for international edition might look different.

Required Textbook:
Modern Operating Systems, 3/E
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
ISBN-13: 978-0-136-00663-3
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Published: 2007
Links: NUS Library | Google Books

Optional, Additional Reference:
Operating System Concepts, 8/E
Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne
ISBN 978-0-470-50949-4
Publisher: Wiley
Publish: 2009
Links (to 6th Edition): NUS Library | Google Books

5 thoughts on “About CS2106

    • Dear Caitlyn,

      Without valid reasons, the policy is 0.1 marks for every late minute.

      Please email me if you have a strong justification to request for an extension.

      Wei Tsang

  1. This is kind of late but is the first edition of Modern Operating Systems good enough for the course or are there significant differences between it and the later editions?

    • Yes, there are some differences, especially in the chapter on Linux. Ordering of chapters changed as well. It is best to get borrow an updated copy and compare the differences.

  2. Hi Prof, I saw that there is some changes to the assessment criteria. In the introductory lecture, you mention that the assessment is as of below:
    50% final
    30% lab
    20% mid-term

    May I know which one is the finalized assessment criteria? Thank you..

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