[RESOLVED] Turnitin similarity report generation delays on Thu 5 Aug from 1319 hrs to 1914 hrs

Turnitin experienced similarity report generation delays on Thu 5 Aug from 1319 hrs to 1914 hrs.

During this time, you may have found that you are unable to view submissions and/or Similarity Reports, as well as experience slowness when accessing the service.

Turnitin announces that this has now been resolved, and apologises for the inconvenience.

For further information and Turnitin status updates, please:

You may also visit Turnitin System Status.

For status updates of CIT services, please subscribe to our Telegram channel.

IMPORTANT LumiNUS refresh from EduRec service unavailable on Sat 7 Aug from 1200 to 2000 hrs due to maintenance

Education Records System (EduRec) will be undergoing system maintenance on Saturday 7 August from 1200 to 2000 hrs (8 hours).

During this period, you will not be able to refresh data from EduRec in LumiNUS pages such as:

  • Modules,
  • Class & Groups, and
  • Profile.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

For queries about the EduRec maintenance, please contact NUS IT Care itcare@nus.edu.sg

Turnitin & iThenticate service degradation: Thu 22 Jul, 2037 hrs to Fri 23 Jul, 0150 hrs

Turnitin and iThenticate experienced service degradation from Thu 22 July, 2037 hrs to Fri 23 July, 0150 hrs.

During this time, you may have been unable to receive Similarity Reports for their submissions to Turnitin and iThenticate.

Turnitin announces that this has now been resolved, and apologises for the inconvenience.

For further information and Turnitin status updates, please:

You may also visit Turnitin System Status.

For status updates of CIT services, please subscribe to our Telegram channel.

CIT services urgent maintenance Fri 9 Jul, 2000 hrs to Sat 10 Jul, 0200 hrs

CIT services will undergo maintenance from Friday 9 July, 2000 hrs to Saturday 10 July, 0200 hrs. During this period, you will may experience slowness or intermittent disruption.

Various application will experience slowness or disruption during this period:

  • luminus.nus.edu.sg
  • wiki.nus.edu.sg
  • cithelp.nus.edu.sg
  • srs.cit.nus.edu.sg
  • NUS Courseware

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.