Tag Archives: turnitin


Many people in the NUS community are familiar with Turnitin, the plagiarism prevention tool for the undergraduate classroom.

NUS has added iThenticate to its plagiarism prevention portfolio. This plagiarism prevention tool, by the makers of Turnitin, is targeted at scholarly and professional plagiarism.

iThenticate enables academics, researchers and postgraduate students to check their own work. Unlike Turnitin, the submitted work is not added to a student database. This means that your submitted work does not become a source that other users' submissions are checked against.

Turnitin will remain for staff to check on students' work in a classroom situation. Unlike iThenticate, Turnitin also has additional features such as PeerMark.

The differences between iThenticate and Turnitin are summarised in the table below.

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CIT will host a talk titled Upholding Academic and Research Integrity. The presenter, Dr John Barrie, is the creator of Turnitin, a leading plagiarism prevention tool. The event will take place on Thursday 18 November at 2.30 p.m. in the CIT Auditorium, Level 2 of Computer Centre. More details and registration information available here.

CDTL Brief

I was looking through CDTL Brief today and found a couple of articles which I felt should be highlighted.

Dr Stéphane Bressan, from the Department of Computer Science, shares his experience using wiki to write lecture notes independently and collaboratively in CS2102S Database Systems. He describes how he used a wiki in this particular class (useful pointers if you want to use a wiki in the classroom) as well as the difficulties and challenges he faced. It's a quick and interesting read.

In a more recent issue, Associate Professor Brian Farrell writes about how members of the Department of History use Turnitin, the plagiarism detection service which CIT provides. Dr Farrell points out that Turnitin:

  1. categorically expos(es) crude and massive plagiarism,
  2. provid(es) a graphic illustration of general student practices regarding the use of sources and the composition of research essays,
  3. provid(es) a graphic teaching aid to instruct students on the problem of cut and paste and
  4. sends [a signal] about plagiarism, academic culture and responsibilities.