We carried out GWAS meta-analysis (imputed to 1000G Phase 3) for type 2 diabetes in up to 433,540 East Asians. Each contributing study performed study-specific sample and variant quality control. Within each study, all variants were tested for association with T2D assuming an additive model of inheritance within a regression framework (FIRTH, mach2dat, BLOT-LMM), including age, sex, and other study-specific covariates. Additional models were performed adjusting for BMI (total N ≤278,712). We then carried out fixed-effects inverse-variance weighted meta-analysis as implemented in METAL.
The files below contain association summary statistics for the AGEN T2D meta-analysis of 23 studies.
Each file contains the following information:
- MarkerName: Chr:pos_ref/alt
- Chrpos: Chr:pos
- Chr: Chromosome
- Pos: Position (hg19)
- EA: Effect allele
- NEA: Other allele
- EAF: Effect allele frequency
- Neff: Effective sample size
- Beta: Effect estimate
- SE: Standard error of effect estimate
- P: P-value
Maximal sample size = 433,540
Maximal sample size = 278,712
Please refer any queries to Dr Xueling Sim (ephsx@nus.edu.sg)