The Provost Office, Computer Centre, CIT and CDTL are organizing the NUS'
Technology Experience Day on the 25th April 2017 from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m at
Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL).
The aim of this inaugural event is to inspire and encourage faculty to experience first-hand technology tools and services that can enhance and create a positive
impact to teaching and learning.
This session is open to all NUS faculty and some of the projects will be showcased during this event:
- A/P Erle Lim, Department of Medicine, YLLSOM
Oculus Rift
- Computer Centre
Google Cardboard + 360-degree Media
iBeacon + NUS Virtual Cards
- Centre for Instructional Technology
GoPro HERO5 Black and 360fly Cameras
HTC Vive with Tilt Brush
- Dr Emelyn Tan, Department of Chemistry, FOS and
Mr Giam Kok Leng, Computer Centre, NUS
3D Augmented Reality App
- A/Prof Kelvin Foong, FOD
EON iBench
- Ms Amanda Chia, ST Electronics (Training & Simulation Systems) Pte Ltd
Flight Crafter
- Dr Kevin Yap, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, NUS
- Dr Rainer Dumke, Director and Dr Claus Dieter Ohl, Director, Edu2VR
- Mr Tan Kay Chuan, Director, School of Electronics & Info-Comm
Technology, ITE
CPR+AED Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation
Learning Apps for Special-Education-Need Students
Smart Living Solutions
- Asst Prof Lu Weiquan and A/Prof Yen Ching-Chiuan, Keio-NUS CUTE
Center, NUS Interactive & Digital Media Institute
Virtual Interactive Human Anatomy (VIHA)
Virtual Interactive Simulation Environment (VISE)
Project AILE
- Mr Loh Mun Yew, ReVR Pte Ltd and Mr T K Ng, Side Effects Asia Pte Ltd
Tilt Brush
Details of event:
25 APR 2017 | 2 PM to 5.30 PM
Seminar Rooms@ CDTL
15 Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119225
For more information, visit website:
NUS Tech Experience Day
Or register here: