
Dr. WU Zhe

Assistant Professor (2021 – Present),

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, NUS Artificial Intelligence Institute

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles

B.S. in Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University


Full Curriculum Vitae



Awards and Honors:

  1. Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientists List, 2024
  2. Highly Ranked Scholar in the Speciality of Machine Learning, ScholarGPS, 2024
  3. Best Paper Award, Mathematics, 2019, 2021
  4. Top Reviewer Award, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 2020-2024
  5. Top Reviewer Award, Digital Chemical Engineering, 2021
  6. Outstanding PhD in Chemical Engineering Award, UCLA, 2020
  7. Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA, 2020
  8. CAST Director’s Student Presentation Award Finalists, AIChE, 2019


Professional Appointments:

  1. Editorial Board, Digital Chemical Engineering
  2. Early Career Advisory Board, Control Engineering Practice
  3. Early Career Advisory Board, ACS Chem & Bio Engineering
  4. Chair of “Data-driven Modeling, Estimation and Optimization for Control” and “Advances in Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems” sessions for AIChE Annual Meeting, 2024
  5. Co-chair of “Data science and analytics for process applications” and “Data-driven Optimization” sessions for AIChE Meeting, 2024
  6. Associate Editor, American Control Conference, 2024, 2025
  7. Co-chair of “Advances in Process Control II” session for AIChE Annual Meeting, 2023
  8. Co-chair of “Machine Learning and Data Analytics in Process Control” session for the IFAC World Congress, 2023
  9. Chair of “Energy Systems” session for the 7th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, 2022
  10. Chair of “Model Predictive Control” session for the IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, 2022
  11. Guest co-editor for Special Issue “Role of Intelligent Control Systems in Industry 5.0”, Processes, 2022
  12. Guest editor for Special Issue “Machine Learning in Model Predictive Control and Optimal Control ,” Processes, 2022
  13. Guest co-editor for Special Issue “Autonomy, Safety, and Security for Cyber-Physical Systems in the Process Industries ,” Digital Chemical Engineering, 2022
  14. Chair of Workshop on “Digital Twin and Edge Computing for Cyber Physical System: Communication, Modeling, and Learning” for the 8th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data, 2022
  15. Guest editor for Special Issue “Advances in Intelligent Autonomous Control: Methods and Applications”, Frontiers in Control Engineering, 2022




Postdoctoral Researchers


WANG, Yujia

Research Fellow (September 2022-present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering (2022), Harbin Institute of Technology

Research areas: adaptive control, Machine-learning-based control, and their applications




SHI, Yao

Research Fellow (August 2024-present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering (2024), Zhejiang University

Research areas: Model predictive control, Machine-learning-based control, and their applications



Graduate Students

ZHAO, Tianyi (Ph.D. Candidate)

Ph.D. (2021 – present) Co-advised by Prof. Gong Jinlong, Tianjin University

B.S.(2016~2020), Dalian University of Technology




XIAO, Ming (Ph.D. Candidate)

Ph.D. (2022 – present)

M.Eng in Control Science and Engineering (2019 – 2022), Zhejiang University

B.Eng in Automation (2015 – 2019), Northeastern University



WU, Guoquan (Ph.D. Candidate)

Ph.D. (2022 – present)

MSC (2021) in Chemical Engineering,  Imperial College London

B.S. (2016-2020) in Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University




WANG, Wenlong

Ph.D. (2023 – Present)

MSc (2020-2023), Dalian University of Technology

B.S. (2016~2020), Dalian University of Technology



WU, Wanlu

Ph.D. (2023 – Present)

B.S. (2019~2023), National University of Singapore



Yilian Dhirayuvati Chen

Ph.D. (2023 – Present), Co-advised by Prof. Yan Ning, NUS

B.Eng. (2018~2022), National University of Singapore




JI, Yuxiao

Ph.D.  (2024 – Present)

B.S. (2020~2024), Zhejiang University



Keerthana Vellayappan

Research Engineer (2023 – Present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

M. Eng (2021-2023), National University of Singapore

B.S. (2016~2020), National Institute of Technology, Warangal


YU, Donghan

Research Engineer (2024 – Present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B.S. (2019~2023), National University of Singapore



ZHU, Xinji

Research Engineer (2024 – Present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

MSc (2022-2023), National University of Singapore

B.S. (2018~2022), National University of Singapore



Oo, Yue Yang

M. Eng (2022 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

Dipl. Ing. (2020 – present), CentraleSupélec, France

B.Eng (2018 – 2022), National University of Singapore (NUS)



Tsoi, Wai Mun

M. Eng (2024 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B.Eng (2020– 2024), National University of Singapore (NUS)


Lee, Max

M. Eng (2024 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B.Eng (2020– 2024), National University of Singapore (NUS)


YE, Haonan

MSc (2024 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B. Eng (2020– 2024), Fuzhou University


HUANG, Tianle

MSc (2024 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B. Eng (2020– 2024), Sichuan University


QU, Yuchen

MSc (2024 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B. Eng (2020– 2024), University of Technology Sydney


TIAN, Zhiqi

MSc (2024 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B. Eng (2020– 2024), Central South University


Elita Kabayeva

MSc (2024 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)

B. Eng (2020– 2024), University of Indonesia


ZHANG, Ruocheng

MSc (2025 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)


FENG, Changling

MSc (2025 – present), National University of Singapore (NUS)




Visiting Professor

  1. Karl Ezra Pilario (Associate Professor, University of the Philippines Diliman)


Visiting Students

  1. LIU, Jianan (PhD student, Southeast University, 2024-2025)
  2. LIU, Dongqing (PhD student, Southeast University, 2024-2025)
  3. QIAN, Cheng (PhD student, Southeast University, 2025)
  4. HUANG, Xin (PhD student, Jiangnan University, 2025)


Undergraduate Students

  1. Tan Yi Long (UROP, FYP)
  2. Wang Qirui
  3. Alumni: Foo Ping (FYP, 2024), Tan Ren Jie (FYP, 2024), YE Haonan, WU Yifei, Rezwan Ahmed, Jordan Foo Bao Luo, Le Nguyen Quang Dang Khoa



Ph.D. Students
  1. Zhiyuan Wang (PhD, 2023, Co-advised by Prof. G. P. Rangaiah; Lecturer, DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore)

Research staff
  1. Pravin P S (Research Fellow, 2021 – 2022;  Assistant Professor at Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Silchar, India)
  2. Cheng Hu (Research Fellow, 2022 – 2023; Assistant Professor, Shanghai University, China)
  3. Tan Zhi Ming, Jaswin (Research Engineer, M.Eng, 2021 – 2022; process engineer in Micron Semiconductor Asia Pte Ltd)
  4. Yingzhe Zheng (Research Engineer, 2021 – 2022; master student in Chemical Engineering with full scholarship, MIT, 2022-2023; Machine learning engineer, ByteDance, Singapore, 2024)
  5. Tan Gian Yion, Wallace (Research Engineer, 2022 – 2023; PhD student in Chemical Engineering, MIT, 2023)
  6. Zihao Wang (Research Engineer, 2023 – 2024; PhD student in School of Medicine, NTU, 2024)
  7. Zeyuan Xu (Research Fellow, 2022 – 2024)

M.S. Students
  1. Ziang Wang (MSc student, 2022-2023; process engineer in China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation)
  2. Jiahao Cui (MSc student, 2023-2024)
  3. Yiming Lang (MSc student, 2023-2024; process engineer in Leadmicro, Jiangsu, China)


Visiting students
  1. Cui Wang (Visiting PhD, 2022-2023; Ph.D., Xi’an Jiaotong University, Assistant Professor, Chang’an University, China)
  2. Wenqi Wu (Visiting PhD, 2022-2023; Ph.D. student at China University of Mining and Technology)
  3. Zhongxin Fan (Visiting PhD, 2023; Ph.D. student at Southeast University)
  4. CHEN, Zhuo (Visiting PhD, 2023-2024; PhD student, Southeast University)
  5. ZHANG, Haohao (Visiting PhD, 2023-2024; PhD student, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  6. WU, Jie (Visiting PhD, 2023-2024; PhD student, Jiangnan University)
  7. WANG, Yian (Visiting PhD, 2023-2024; PhD student, Zhejiang University)



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