Last Why

All of us have different reasons for the need to conserve/live sustainably.

I have two agenda today.

Firstly, I would first like to share an email I received from Ms. Sun Xueling, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for National Development, on 5 November:

Email from Ms. Sun Xueling. SOURCE: AUTHOR


In addition to the email from Ms. Sun Xueling, I have also heard from the Ministry of National Development (MND):


As some of you have asked me questions, personally or on my blog, in regard to my blog post on Louis Ng’s Why, I hope the two emails above clarify some of the doubts pertaining to the statement made in Parliament about how developers would not be penalised for not implementing measures to mitigate environmental impacts (Sim, 2018).

Agenda 2: to wrap up this blog.

I have always believed that environmental issues are complex and messy because they are too often intertwined with many social and economic factors. And it’s very interesting how whilst we are all in the same environmental crisis, every one of us has, however, different opinions towards this sticky situation. I have learnt a lot through my interaction with others, and in the process, I have also begun to ask myself questions and understand myself better.

The making of this blog made me realise that my initial decision to read Environmental Studies was an excellent decision because I can still work towards my goal of becoming a better journalist while studying in a course I enjoy.

I guess, although we don’t always get the answers we want in life, what’s important, is for us to keep believing that everything happens for a reason and that they would always fall into place eventually. More importantly, we need to believe that anything in life is possible. And I hope you, who are reading this, will have a little faith too.

We got this! And I hope you will always be curious enough to ask the “why” questions.

Till our path cross again in the future!

P.S. Sharing a Chinese article about Ms. Eng, written in June this year. If you read Chinese, feel free to follow me using my byline, although I haven’t been writing as actively for 2 months now.


Sim, F. (2018). No penalty for not implementing environmental impact mitigation measures: Sun Xueling. Channel NewsAsia. Retrieved from

2 thoughts on “Last Why

  1. Hello Wei Qian!

    I have enjoyed reading your blog on the different “why(s)” each individual is doing for the environment. As I read your series of blog post, I guessed I have also found my reasons why I chose to read Environmental Studies and to see it in a whole new light. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful insghts and all the best for finals!!


    1. Hello Joey!

      Thank you for your kind comments! I have also enjoyed your blog posts! And like you said, “Regardless of our age or social status, there are different ways that we can all contribute towards going green.” Let us work together, and I hope to see the world becoming an even better place to live in!

      P.S. Have a great week ahead, and all the best for your finals too!

      Wei Qian

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