Antibiotic use in the human and animal sectors in Cambodia

  This two-pronged project aims 1) to understand factors associated with antimicrobial use in Cambodia’s general public and 2) to explore social networks in farming communities and their role in dissemination of health information. Inappropriate antibiotic use is widespread in Cambodia with numerous sources for non-prescription access to antibiotics in both human and farming communities.…

Antibiotic use in the animal sector in Singapore

  This study aims to understand the patterns and determinants of antimicrobial use in Singapore’s animal sector. Singapore launched its national strategic action plan to address AMR in November 2017 which includes as a specific priority to reduce inappropriate use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals. However, little is known about patterns and determinants of antimicrobial…

KIDs In View

KIDs In View is a novel sentinel surveillance network for the study of childhood respiratory viral infections. Respiratory infections are a major cause of disease burden worldwide. Young children are a particularly vulnerable group since their immune system is more prone to be affected by viruses, have high levels of contact with other potentially infectious children…

Community MRSA

This study focuses on the community transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the Singapore population. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a type of bacterium that has developed resistance to methicillin and other types of antibiotics. MRSA is usually harmless but may enter the body through breaks in skin and cause skin infections. There have been very few…

Hawker Trade Network

We are conducting this study to help better understand the food supply network to hawker centres in Singapore. Food distribution networks are becoming increasingly complex. Even within Singapore, the wide range of importers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers means that local food distribution takes place in a very complex network. In this pilot study, we are conducting surveys…


In this study, we are using electronic medical records to study the transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospital. MRSA is the most common multidrug-resistant organism in healthcare settings worldwide. Although many people carry MRSA and a perfectly healthy (known as colonisation), in some cases in can lead to infections that are more difficult to treat…


We are using historical data on clinical, epidemiological, and virological features of fever patients to improve understanding of influenza and other respiratory infections in adults. Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Most of the work to describe the epidemiology of respiratory viruses has been in children. In this…


We are studying the transmission of influenza in an army barracks, using RFID tagging technology to measure high-resolution contact patterns between recruits. The transmission of influenza and other respiratory infections is influenced by social interactions and contact patterns between infectious and susceptible individuals. A number of methods have been developed to measure contacts between individuals,…

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