Poster ISBNPA Prague

International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA),
#ISBNPA 2019

ISBNPA hosts its 18th annual meeting in Prague (June 04-07, 2019) with the theme of ‘Healthy People. Healthy Planet’. For the first time, SLING attends an ISBNPA meeting and presents a poster on physical activity patterns of a population residing in 29 peri-urban South Indian villages.

Poster Presentation 07 June 10.50 am to 12.05 pm

Poster Number: P3.222

Title: Identifying patterns and determinants of physical activity in the Andhra Pradesh Children and Parent Study (APCaPS) Cohort in India: A Cross Sectional Study

Study description

What is APCaPS and why was it set up. Watch here



A total of 6073 individuals aged above 18 years from 1763 households across 29 villages in the Ranga Reddy district of Hyderabad, India participated in the third follow up of the APCaPS Cohort. A detailed demographic profile of these individuals is presented in Table 1. The median (IQR) age is 33 (57) years. Males comprised 52.9 % of the cohort. 76 % of the cohort is in active employment, 46.04 % of which are in unskilled manual occupations. 40.49% of the cohort is illiterate while 28.25% have completed education up till secondary school. 66% of the cohort lives in medium SLI. 14.64% of the cohort are overweight. 22.22% of individuals have WtHR > 0.5 mm. Descriptive statistics for MVPA reveal that a total of 7.4% individuals did not even meet the minimum of 600 MET-min per week MVPA in this population. 66.47% individuals expend >3000 MET-min per week MVPA. Table 2 displays population characteristics associated with each factor resulting from EFA. Characteristics of lowest and highest tertile of predicted factor scores are compared indicating what kind of individuals score high and low on a given factor.

Table 1: Socio-demographics of APCaPS

Variable (Unit) Total n = 6073   Summary Statistics
Age (years)  Median (IQR) 6073 33 (57)
Age groups (years) 6073
19 – <30 2789 45.92%
30 – <45 1186 19.53%
45 – <60 1770 29.15%
>=60 328 5.40%
Gender 6072
Male 3216 52.96%
Females 2856 47.04%
Occupation 6071
At home doing housework 856 14.10 %
Unemployed, not seeking work 106 1.75 %
Unemployed, seeking work 54 0.89 %
Student/Training 515 8.48 %
Unskilled manual 2795 46.04%
Semi-skilled manual 705 11.61 %
Skilled manual 686 11.30%
Skilled non-manual 198 3.26 %
Semi-professional 139 2.29 %
Professional 17 0.28 %
Education 6071
Illiterate 2458 40.49 %
Literate, no formal education 595 9.80 %
Up to Primary School  813 13.39 %
Secondary School 1715 28.25 %
Graduate/Diploma 399 6.57 %
Post-graduate/ Professional Degree 91 1.50 %
SLI 6070
Low (<25) 1020 16.80 %
Medium (25 – <32) 4008 66.03 %
High (>32) 1042 17.17 %
SLI (Continuous scale) [Mean + SD] 6070 19.04 + 5.74
Marital Status 6071
Married 4183 68.90 %
Never Married 1587 26.14 %
Widow/Widower 286 4.71 %
Separated/Divorced 15 0.25 %
Religion 5849
Hindu 5470 93.52 %
Muslim 252 4.31 %
Christian 123 2.10 %
Other 4 0.07 %
BMI (Kg/m2) [Mean + SD] 6059 21.02 + 3.79
BMI (Kg/m2) 6059
<18.5 (Underweight) 2042 33.70 %
18.5 – 22.9 (Lean/Normal) 2369 39.10 %
23 – 24.9 (Overweight) 761 12.56 %
>25 (Obese) 887 14.64 %
WtHR [Mean + SD] 6039 0.46 + 0.06
WtHR (mm)

Currently Employed 6073
Yes 4609 75.89 %
No 1457 23.99 %


Table 2: Population profiles for patterns of PA identified by EFA (First sub-column pertains to predicted factor scores to the lowest tertile and second sub-column pertains to the predicted factor scores of the highest tertile) Gender – F: Females, M: Males. Occupation – UM: Unskilled Manual,SM: Skilled Manual. Education – SS: Secondary School

Factor Population characteristics
Age Mean[S.D.] Gender Occupation Education level



96% F 95% M 49.77% UM, 37.91% At home doing housework 34% UM, 25.5% SM 54.86%Illiterate, 19.59% SS

41% SS,




48% M,
52% F


50% M,
50% F

50% UM,       37% At home doing housework 19% UM,
30% At home doing housework
54% Illiterate, 20% SS

25%Illiterate, 38% SS




56% M,
44% F

61% M, 39% F 71% UM 32% UM 60% Illiterate 41% Illiterate



71% M 66% F 33% UM,
17% S/T
61% UM 38% SS,
26% Illiterate
56% Illiterate

40 [14.70]

33  [11.99] 71% M 54% F 57% UM 38% UM 40% Illiterate, 26% SS

33% SS


35 [13.63]

38 [12.67]

73% M

64% F 41.42%  UM 66% UM 40% SS,

65.53% Illiterate


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