At the end of the semester

Source: Residential Life


Thirteen weeks of school, interjected by a recess and reading week, and finally, two weeks of final examinations. This is what a semester at NUS looks like. A semester that has become a unit of time for all university students and this one has finally come to an end.


It has been a gruelling experience, filled with assignments and tests, and topped off with unfortunate events and circumstances – you name it. Hell weeks, when the due dates for all assignments seem to collide, were disastrous. Nights were spent sleepless, struggling to complete our work. We struggled to stay awake with too many cups of coffee and unhealthy suppers. As if our bodies weren’t battered enough, 8 AM lectures meant dragging our lifeless bodies around campus like zombies. And who can forget that awful group member, the one that didn’t show up to meetings and ignored every single WhatsApp question? Fallouts with friends and arguments with family were probably part of this crazy semester as well.


Nevertheless, the end of the semester is a time of reflection and closure. First of all, congratulate yourself for completing the term and all the work that came with it. Give yourself a well-deserved break: catch up on sleep, relax and relieve yourself from the stresses of the semester. Finally, reflect on this semester, and put all unhappiness to rest. Forgive the person you were angry with. Seek forgiveness from the person that you may have wronged. Reconnect with friends and family. Finding closure for each and every period of our lives is important and beneficial in the long term for the health of our minds and hearts.


While we can all agree that a semester is never smooth-sailing, let us not forget the pleasant surprises and moments of serendipity along the way. Remember that classmate who went out of his way to help you with your assignment. Recall that random but much needed conversation with a friend. Every semester is sprinkled with unexpected instances of happiness and excitement. Remember them, give thanks, and end the semester on a good note.


The NUS Res Life team congratulates you on completing your semester. We hope that campus life has been exciting and fulfilling. As the semester closes, we encourage this period of reflection and we wish you all the best with your summer endeavours! Check out our next post for some summer trips to take – but first… Take a deep breath and reflect.


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