Exam special: Seven great study spots in NUS

The semester flew by so fast! One blink, and it’s already the start of Week 13. For many of us, its time to hit the books again. More than we have in the last few weeks, that is! NUS Residential Life has made a list of great study spaces on campus to help you in your revision.


Central Library – the Classic

central library

The 6th floor Study Room of the Central Library | Anna Villarica

This is the best place to go if you are really looking to  focus on your work. It’s quiet, comfortable (thank you, aircon), and has all the resources you need like books, power plugs, and even hot coffee in a can! Most spaces are made for quiet self-study, but people who learn better in groups can also book discussion rooms. It is usually filled to the brim during exam season, so come early to get a seat. From today until May 6, the 6th floor study room of Central Library is open 24 hours.


Lounges at the Utown Residence and Residential Colleges* – study and play

UTR Lounge - OHS

Photograph of the UTown Residence Lounge | NUS Office of Housing Services: nus.edu.sg/ohs/

Gather some friends and bounce ideas off each other in the relaxed atmosphere of your hostel lounge! Some even have walls and glass that you can write on to help you memorise tough formulas! Study, but also take little breaks by watching TV or playing some games in the lounge.


Education Resource Centre (ERC) – something for everyone

the fan

Students studying under “The Big Fan” opposite Town Green | Anna Villarica


Photo of the Ian and Peony Ferguson Study | NUS University Town: utown.nus.edu.sg

There are plenty of study spaces in the Education Resource Center (ERC) that cater to the different study styles of students. Those that like quiet study can go to the study rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floor (pictured), while those who prefer some background noise can go to the computer commons or the open study area underneath “The Big Fan” (pictured). The best part? All are open 24 hours – including Stabucks, for those needing a caffeine boost!


Price George’s Park Reading Room*

pgp study room

PGP’s very own study room in R5 | Anna Villarica

This comfortable and spacious reading room is located in Prince George’s Park (PGP) Residence 5, just one minute away from PGP’s popular supper place, Supersnacks. Residents burning the midnight oil can grab some fuel before resuming their all-nighters here!


YIH Study Room – the one you forget about until exam season

YIH study room

The 2nd level of the YIH Study Room | Anna Villarica

This is a lesser known study space; it mainly fills in end-April to May when people look for a place to wait at before their exams in nearby MPSH. It is, however, a fantastic place for quiet revision. It is less crowded than the libraries and the ERC, and is surrounded by many food outlets for when you get hungry from writing that marathon essay!


Town Plaza desks – away from the crowd

utown plaza

Study areas on the 2nd Floor of Town Plaza | Anna Villarica

Hiding on the second floor of the University Town Plaza are some wall-facing tables for quiet self-study. There is also a mini computer station, in case you forgot your laptop and need to do a quick IVLE post! Come and revise here, before the crowds discover it!


Kuok Foundation House rooftop benches* – the secret


Rooftop benches of KFH | Anna Villarica

For those looking to get away from it all (even just temporarily), have we the spot for you! On either side of the rooftop of the Kuok Foundation House are benches you can use for studying. What’s so special about the benches, you ask? The view is breathtaking. You have probably never seen the school from this angle before, and the amazing view will definitely inspire you to study:

view KFH2

The view of Kent Ridge from the KFH rooftop | Anna Villarica

Have we missed out your favourite study spot? Leave us a comment below!

Happy studying, everyone! 🙂



*Featured study spaces that are in residences are for the residents’ use.

Anna Villarica


    • Hi Wenzy, big apologies for the late reply to your comment. There are indeed great study spots in UTown that are open to the public! You can find several picnic chairs around UTown around the Stephen Riady centre, and if you want to study indoors, the Yale-NUS College Library is open to public until 6pm every day (timings might defer, please refer to YNC Library’s page for more info). We recently uploaded another post on study spots here! 🙂

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