Fred: The Movie (Video)

Our group created a short film based on the story of Fred from the GET1029 topic “Eating meat” with a humorous twist. The film aims to follow Fred through the origins of his damaged Godiva gland and how he obtains his supply of Cocoamone. The film introduces the analogy presented by Norcross in his paper “Puppies, Pigs & People”.


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To M(eat) or not to m(eat)? (Video)

The aim of the project video is to expose people to Norcross’ argument and the counter argument, especially targeting lay audiences who do not have prior philosophical knowledge and mindsets. The proponent stated is mainly based on Lomasky’s argument against Norcross’ argument, to which we’ve simplified into a light-hearted video for better understanding


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The Tunnel Problem & The Ethics of Self-Driving Cars (Video)

Our video describes the Tunnel Problem, a modern interpretation of the Trolley Problem where self-driving cars have to choose between protecting passengers or pedestrians in an emergency. We aimed to spark an interest about this ethical and moral debate among a lay audience.


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The Problem of Evil (Video)

Our group uses popular mobile application Snapchat to create our version of a typical personality test, thus exploring the (co-)existence of God and Evil in a fun and quirky way. If an omnibenevolent (totally good) and omniscient (all-seeing) God exists, would it be possible for Evil to exist?

Note: Videos are best viewed on a desktop/PC/laptop browser, otherwise the links to the choices will not appear in the videos. However, if you do use your mobile to view our videos, you may scroll down to the video description for the link to the next video, which depends on the choice you make.


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Is there really a difference between eating different types of meat? (Video)


Our group project is mainly targeted at audiences who hold strong views on how it is supposedly “right” or “wrong” to eat certain types of meat. Hence, this video seeks to educate in a light-hearted way the fact that there is no difference in moral status between different animals.


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Nocross’ Puppy Argument and Eating Factory Farmed Meat (Video)

In this video, our aim is to explore whether it is morally permissible to support factory farming by consuming factory farmed animals as food using the Nocross’ Puppy argument and the Utilitarian argument. Our target audience are the consumers of factory farmed meat.


  • Amanda Ng Pei Yi – Acting
  • Sim See – Filming
  • Chew Hwee Chee – Acting
  • Ong Ting Yong – Documentation
  • Low Sen Ern Gabriel – Acting and Editing

Acknowledgements and Reference

  • Nocross and his Puppy argument

A Real Demon (Video)

The submission is a short original song and supplementary infographic explaining the references made. The intended audience is a layperson with minimal background in philosophy. The submission aims to bring together existing concepts in some well-known references and show that they can be organised as a single philosophical issue.


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