
Current team member
  • GUO Qilong, Ph.D. student, 2023 —
  • HE Runyang (co-supervised with Shen Zuowei), Ph.D. student, 2023 —
  • ZHANG Tianjing, Ph.D. student, 2022 —
  • MA Zhiyuan, Ph.D. student, 2022 —
  • LI Xingyao, Ph.D. student, 2021 —
  • ZHAO Yutian, Ph.D. student, 2021 —
Past postdoctoral research fellow
  • Dr. LI Ji, 2019–2023, now Associate Professor at Academy for Multidisciplinary Studies, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
  • Dr. DING Qiaoqiao, 2018–2021, now Research Scientist at Institute of Natural Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
  • Dr. LIU Jiulong, 2018–2021, now Associate Professor at Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • Dr. QUAN Yuhui, 2013–2015, now Associate Professor at School of Computer Science & Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Former Ph.D. student
  • ZHENG Huan, Ph.D., 2024, now working at Netvirta, Singapore
  • WANG Weixi, Ph.D., 2023, now working at DBS Bank, Singapore
  • YANG Ziyi, Ph.D., 2021, now working at Advanced.AI, Beijing, China
  • NAN Yuesong, Ph.D., 2021, now working at Zoom, USA
  • YANG Liuge, Ph.D., 2020, now working at DBS Bank, Singapore
  • PANG Tongyao, Ph.D., 2019, now Assistant Professor at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • XU Guodong, Ph.D., 2018, now working at Netvirta, Singapore
  • ZHAO Yufei, Ph.D., 2016, now Associate Professor at School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
  • BAO Chenglong, Ph.D., 2014, now Associate Professor at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • WANG Kang, Ph.D., 2013, now working at UBS Investment Bank, Hong Kong

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