
SpeakerTitleEventPresented onSlides
Mankei TsangQuantum-inspired incoherent imaging and optomechanical sensingIQIM Seminar, Caltech, USA2024-01-12PDF
Mankei TsangQuantum Waveform Estimation and Noise SpectroscopyCQIQC/QO/AMO Seminar, University of Toronto, Canada2023-11-24PDF
Mankei TsangQuantum Conditional ExpectationsCQIQC/QO/AMO Seminar, University of Toronto, Canada2023-11-10PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum PerspectivePME Distinguished Quantum Colloquium, University of Chicago, USA2023-11-07PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum PerspectiveCQIQC/QO/AMO Seminar, University of Toronto, Canada2023-10-20PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum PerspectiveKITP Program: New Directions in Quantum Metrology, University of California-Santa Barbara, USA2023-09-13PDF
Mankei TsangQuantum Conditional ExpectationsCentre for Quantum Technologies Seminar, Singapore2023-05-29PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum PerspectiveAtomic and Laser Physics Seminar, University of Oxford, UK2022-12-02PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum Information PerspectiveQuantum Information and Metrology Seminar, University of Nottingham, UK2022-07-27PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum PerspectiveIQUIST Seminar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA2021-09-21PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum PerspectiveAP 483 Seminar, Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, USA2020-11-16PDF
Mankei TsangResolving Starlight: A Quantum PerspectiveSpecial Lecture, College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA2019-03-28PDF
Mankei TsangSeize the Moments: Enhancing Moment Estimation for Subdiffraction Incoherent ImagingSeminar, Kastler Brossel Laboratory, Paris, France2018-07-03PDF
Mankei TsangSeize the Moments: Enhancing Moment Estimation for Subdiffraction Incoherent ImagingSeminar, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada2017-09-05
Mankei TsangQuantum Metrology Kills Rayleigh's CriterionSeminar, Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu, China2016-09-28
Mankei TsangQuantum Theory of Superresolution for Incoherent Optical ImagingSeminar, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore2016-09-14
Mankei TsangIntroduction to Quantum MetrologyLecture, University of Nottingham, UK2016-06-13
Mankei TsangKilling Rayleigh's Criterion by Farfield Linear PhotonicsSeminar, Department of EECS, University of California - Berkeley, USA2016-06-02
Mankei TsangKilling Rayleigh's Criterion by Quantum MeasurementsSeminar, Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore2015-11-18
Mankei TsangResonantly Enhanced Microwave Photonics: Coupling Microwave Circuits and Optics via Cavity Electro-Optic ModulatorsSeminar, Institute of Modern Optics, Peking University, China2014-10-12
Mankei TsangQuantum Metrology for Dynamical SystemsSeminar, Center for Quantum Information and Control, University of New Mexico, USA2014-02-27
Mankei TsangQuantum Microwave Photonics/Quantum Waveform Detection and Estimation TheorySeminars, RIKEN Institute, Wako, Japan2013-02-14
Mankei TsangContinuous Quantum Hypothesis TestingColloquium, Department of Applied Mathematics, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University2013-01-07
Mankei TsangQuantum Microwave PhotonicsSeminar, A*STAR Data Storage Institute, Singapore2012-04-20
Mankei TsangTheory of Quantum Sensing: Fundamental Limits, Estimation, and ControlSeminar, Center for Quantum Technologies, Singapore2011-10-18
Mankei TsangTheory of Quantum Sensing: Estimation, Control, and Fundamental LimitsSeminar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore2011-02-28
Mankei TsangTheory of Quantum Sensing: Estimation, Control, and Fundamental LimitsSeminar, JILA, USA2011-02-21
Mankei TsangTheory of Quantum Sensing: Fundamental Limits, Estimation, and ControlSeminar, A*STAR Data Storage Institute, Singapore2011-01-21
Mankei TsangGeneral Theory of Quantum Sensors: Estimation, Control, and Fundamental LimitsNRF Fellowship Presentation, National University of Singapore2011-01-19
Mankei TsangGeneral Theory of Quantum Sensors: Estimation, Control, and Fundamental LimitsNRF Fellowship Presentation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore2011-01-17
Mankei TsangUsing Hindsight to Improve Quantum SensingSeminar, Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong2011-01-10
Mankei TsangTheory of Quantum Sensing: Fundamental Limits, Estimation, and ControlColloquium, Department of Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong2011-01-07
Mankei TsangEstimation, Control, and Fundamental Limit of Quantum SensingSeminar, School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia2010-08-04
Mankei TsangFundamental Quantum Limit to Waveform EstimationSeminar, Center for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia2010-07-27
Mankei TsangReversing Time and Space in Classical and Quantum OpticsSeminar, Center for Quantum Information and Control, University of New Mexico, USA2009-10-08
Mankei TsangBeating Classical and Quantum Limits in OpticsEE 590 Colloquium, Penn State University, USA2007-05-03
Mankei TsangBeating Classical and Quantum Limits in OpticsECE 294/296 Seminar, UCSD, USA2007-03-02

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