Journal Publications

AuthorsTitle/Full TextJournalPublished onNotes
Mankei TsangQuantum Onsager relationsQuantum Science and Technology 10, 015015 (2024)2024-10-17Focus Issue on Thermodynamics in Quantum Coherent Platforms
Xiao-Jie Tan and Mankei TsangQuantum limit to subdiffraction incoherent optical imaging. III. Numerical analysisPhysical Review A 108, 052416 (2023)2023-11-16
Mankei TsangOperational meanings of a generalized conditional expectation in quantum metrologyQuantum 7, 1162 (2023)2023-11-03
Xiao-Jie Tan, Luo Qi, Lianwei Chen, Aaron J. Danner, Pakorn Kanchanawong, and Mankei TsangQuantum-inspired superresolution for incoherent imagingOptica 10, 1189-1194 (2023)2023-09-06
Mankei TsangQuantum noise spectroscopy as an incoherent imaging problemPhysical Review A 107, 012611 (2023)2023-01-19
Mankei TsangEfficient superoscillation measurement for incoherent optical imagingIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11, 513-524 (2023)2022-10-05Special Issue on Recent Advances in Wideband Signal Processing for Classical and Quantum Synthetic Apertures
Mankei TsangGeneralized conditional expectations for quantum retrodiction and smoothingPhysical Review A 105, 042213 (2022)2022-04-21
Mankei TsangQuantum limit to subdiffraction incoherent optical imaging. II. A parametric-submodel approachPhysical Review A 104, 052411 (2021)2021-11-10
Mankei TsangPoisson Quantum InformationQuantum 5, 527 (2021)2021-08-19Perspective by Cosmo Lupo in Quantum Views
Mankei TsangPhysics-inspired forms of the Bayesian Cramér-Rao boundPhysical Review A 102, 062217 (2020)2020-12-23Editors' Suggestion
Mankei Tsang, Francesco Albarelli, and Animesh DattaQuantum Semiparametric EstimationPhysical Review X 10, 031023 (2020)2020-07-30
Mankei TsangResolving starlight: a quantum perspectiveContemporary Physics 60, 279 (2019)2020-03-11Invited review paper
Mankei TsangSemiparametric estimation for incoherent optical imagingPhysical Review Research 1, 033006 (2019)2019-10-02
Mankei Tsang and Ranjith NairResurgence of Rayleigh’s curse in the presence of partial coherence: commentOptica 6, 400 (2019)2019-03-25
Mankei TsangQuantum limit to subdiffraction incoherent optical imagingPhysical Review A 99, 012305 (2019)2019-01-03Editors' Suggestion. Covered by APS Physics Buzz
Xiao-Ming Lu, Hari Krovi, Ranjith Nair, Saikat Guha, and Jeffrey H. ShapiroQuantum-optimal detection of one-versus-two incoherent optical sources with arbitrary separationnpj Quantum Information 4, 64 (2018)2018-12-07
Ranjith NairQuantum-Limited Loss Sensing: Multiparameter Estimation and Bures Distance between Loss ChannelsPhysical Review Letters 121, 230801 (2018)2018-12-03
Ranjith NairFundamental quantum limits in optical metrology from rate-distortion theoryJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 434001 (2018)2018-09-18Special issue on "Shannon's Information Theory 70 years on: applications in classical and quantum physics"
Mankei TsangSubdiffraction incoherent optical imaging via spatial-mode demultiplexing: Semiclassical treatmentPhysical Review A 97, 023830 (2018)2018-02-21
Mankei TsangQuantum limits on the time-bandwidth product of an optical resonatorOptics Letters 43, 150 (2018)2017-12-22
Fan Yang, Ranjith Nair, Mankei Tsang, Christoph Simon, and Alexander I. LvovskyFisher information for far-field linear optical superresolution via homodyne or heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator modePhysical Review A 96, 063829 (2017)2017-12-19
Mankei TsangConservative classical and quantum resolution limits for incoherent imagingJournal of Modern Optics 65, 1385 (2018)2017-09-18Special issue for PQE Winter Colloquium 2017
Shan Zheng Ang, Ranjith Nair, and Mankei TsangQuantum limit for two-dimensional resolution of two incoherent optical point sourcesPhysical Review A 95, 063847 (2017)2017-06-29
Ranjith NairNonclassical distance in multimode bosonic systemsPhysical Review A 95, 063835 (2017)2017-06-21
Mankei TsangSubdiffraction incoherent optical imaging via spatial-mode demultiplexingNew Journal of Physics 19, 023054 (2017)2017-02-28
Ranjith Nair and Mankei TsangFar-field Superresolution of Thermal Electromagnetic Sources at the Quantum LimitPhysical Review Letters 117, 190801 (2016)2016-11-04Editors' Suggestion
Mankei Tsang, Ranjith Nair, and Xiao-Ming LuQuantum Theory of Superresolution for Two Incoherent Optical Point SourcesPhysical Review X 6, 031033 (2016)2016-08-29Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics. Popular coverage.
Xiao-Ming Lu and Mankei TsangQuantum Weiss-Weinstein bounds for quantum metrologyQuantum Science and Technology 1, 015002 (2016)2016-08-23
Shilin Ng, Shan Zheng Ang, Trevor A. Wheatley, Hidehiro Yonezawa, Akira Furusawa, Elanor H. Huntington, and Mankei TsangSpectrum analysis with quantum dynamical systemsPhysical Review A 93, 042121 (2016)2016-04-27Blog
Ranjith Nair and Mankei TsangInterferometric superlocalization of two incoherent optical point sourcesOptics Express 24, 3684 (2016)2016-02-12Covered by Laser Focus World. Experimentally demonstrated by Tang et al. [Opt. Express 24, 22004 (2016)]
Shawn Y. Siew, Soham S. Saha, Mankei Tsang, and Aaron J. DannerRib Microring Resonators in Lithium Niobate on InsulatorIEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28, 573 (2016)2016-02-11
Mankei TsangVolterra filters for quantum estimation and detectionPhysical Review A 92, 062119 (2015)2015-12-14
Sumei HuangQuantum state transfer in cavity electro-optic modulatorsPhysical Review A 92, 043845 (2015)2015-10-30
Dominic W. Berry, Mankei Tsang, Michael J. W. Hall, and Howard M. WisemanThe Quantum Bell-Ziv-Zakai Bounds and Heisenberg Limits for Waveform EstimationPhysical Review X 5, 031018 (2015)2015-08-18
Ranjith Nair and Mankei TsangQuantum Optimality of Photon Counting for Temperature Measurement of Thermal Astronomical SourcesThe Astrophysical Journal 808, 125 (2015)2015-07-27
Mankei TsangQuantum limits to optical point-source localizationOptica 2, 646 (2015)2015-07-13
Xiao-Ming Lu, Sixia Yu, and Choo Hiap OhRobust quantum metrological schemes based on protection of quantum Fisher informationNature Communications 6, 7282 (2015)2015-06-08
Trevor A. Wheatley, Mankei Tsang, Ian R. Petersen, and Elanor H. HuntingtonImproved mirror position estimation using resonant quantum smoothingEPJ Quantum Technology 2, 13 (2015)2015-05-20
Davide GirolamiObservable Measure of Quantum Coherence in Finite Dimensional SystemsPhysical Review Letters 113, 170401 (2014)2014-10-20
Adam Zaman ChaudhryUtilizing nitrogen-vacancy centers to measure oscillating magnetic fieldsPhysical Revew A 90, 042104 (2014)2014-10-07
Shilin Ng and Mankei TsangOptimal signal processing for continuous qubit readoutPhysical Review A 90, 022325 (2014)2014-08-22
Sumei Huang and Girish S. AgarwalCoherent perfect absorption of path entangled single photonsOptics Express 22, 20936 (2014)2014-08-21
Davide Girolami, Alexandre M. Souza, Vittorio Giovannetti, Tommaso Tufarelli, Jefferson G. Filgueiras, Roberto S. Sarthour, Diogo O. Soares-Pinto, Ivan S. Oliveira, and Gerardo AdessoQuantum Discord Determines the Interferometric Power of Quantum StatesPhysical Review Letters 112, 210401 (2014)2014-05-27Editors' Suggestion
Mankei TsangMicrowave photonics: Optomechanics sets the beatNature Physics 10, 245 (2014)2014-03-23Invited News & Views article
Girish S. Agarwal and Sumei HuangNanomechanical inverse electromagnetically induced transparency and confinement of light in normal modesNew Journal of Physics 16, 033023 (2014)2014-03-19
Ranjith Nair, Saikat Guha, and Si-Hui TanRealizable receivers for discriminating coherent and multicopy quantum states near the quantum limitPhysical Review A 89, 032318 (2014)2014-03-12
Sumei HuangDouble electromagnetically induced transparency and narrowing of probe absorption in a ring cavity with nanomechanical mirrorsJournal of Physics B 47, 055504 (2014)2014-02-20
Mankei TsangTesting quantum mechanics: a statistical approachQuantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology 1, 84-109 (2013)2013-12-31Invited Tutorial
Shan Zheng Ang, Glen I. Harris, Warwick P. Bowen, and Mankei TsangOptomechanical parameter estimationNew Journal of Physics 15, 103028 (2013)2013-10-28
Kohjiro Iwasawa, Kenzo Makino, Hidehiro Yonezawa, Mankei Tsang, Aleksandar Davidovic, Elanor Huntington, and Akira FurusawaQuantum-Limited Mirror-Motion EstimationPhysical Review Letters 111, 163602 (2013)2013-10-18
Mankei TsangQuantum transition-edge detectorsPhysical Review A (Rapid Communication) 88, 021801(R) (2013)2013-08-13
Mankei TsangQuantum metrology with open dynamical systemsNew Journal of Physics 15, 073005 (2013)2013-07-02
Mankei Tsang and Ranjith NairFundamental quantum limits to waveform detectionPhysical Review A 86, 042115 (2012)2012-10-15
Mankei Tsang and Carlton M. CavesEvading Quantum Mechanics: Engineering a Classical Subsystem within a Quantum EnvironmentPhysical Review X 2, 031016 (2012)2012-09-10Popular coverage and recent experiments
Ranjith Nair, Brent J. Yen, Saikat Guha, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, and Stefano PirandolaSymmetric M-ary phase discrimination using quantum-optical probe statesPhysical Review A 86, 022306 (2012)2012-08-07
Mankei TsangZiv-Zakai Error Bounds for Quantum Parameter EstimationPhysical Review Letters 108, 230401 (2012)2012-06-06
Mankei TsangContinuous Quantum Hypothesis TestingPhysical Review Letters 108, 170502 (2012)2012-04-26Editors' Suggestion. Synopsis in Physics
Mankei TsangQuantum Nonlocality in Weak-Thermal-Light InterferometryPhysical Review Letters 107, 270402 (2011)2011-12-29
Mankei TsangCavity quantum electro-optics. II. Input-output relations between traveling optical and microwave fieldsPhysical Review A 84, 043845 (2011)2011-10-27Experiments. A figure is chosen as a "Kaleidoscope Image" on the Physical Review A website.
Mankei Tsang, Howard M. Wiseman, and Carlton M. CavesFundamental Quantum Limit to Waveform EstimationPhysical Review Letters 106, 090401 (2011)2011-03-03
Laura Waller, Mankei Tsang, Sameera Ponda, Se Young Yang, and George BarbastathisPhase and amplitude imaging from noisy images by Kalman filteringOptics Express 19, 2805 (2011)2011-01-31
Mankei Tsang and Carlton M. CavesCoherent Quantum-Noise Cancellation for Optomechanical SensorsPhysical Review Letters 105, 123601 (2010)2010-09-13Popular coverage and experiments
Mankei TsangCavity quantum electro-opticsPhysical Review A 81, 063837 (2010)2010-06-30Experiments
Mankei TsangOptimal waveform estimation for classical and quantum systems via time-symmetric smoothing. II. Applications to atomic magnetometry and Hardy's paradoxPhysical Review A 81, 013824 (2010)2010-01-26
Mankei TsangOptimal waveform estimation for classical and quantum systems via time-symmetric smoothingPhysical Review A 80, 033840 (2009)2009-09-28
Mankei TsangTime-Symmetric Quantum Theory of SmoothingPhysical Review Letters 102, 250403 (2009)2009-06-25Experiments
Mankei TsangQuantum Imaging beyond the Diffraction Limit by Optical Centroid MeasurementsPhysical Review Letters 102, 253601 (2009)2009-06-22Editors' Suggestion. Experiments and a Viewpoint in Physics
Mankei Tsang, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, and Seth LloydQuantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency. II. Continuous time limit and state-variable approach to phase-locked loop designPhysical Review A 79, 053843 (2009)2009-05-21Experimentally demonstrated by Wheatley et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 093601 (2010)]
Mankei Tsang, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, and Seth LloydQuantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequencyPhysical Review A 78, 053820 (2008)2008-11-18
Mankei TsangFundamental Quantum Limit to Multiphoton Absorption Rate for Monochromatic LightPhysical Review Letters 101, 033602 (2008)2008-07-17
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisMagnifying perfect lens and superlens design by coordinate transformationPhysical Review B 77, 035122 (2008)2008-01-17Experimentally demonstrated by Rho et al. [Nat. Commun. 1, 143 (2010)]
Ye Pu, Jie Wu, Mankei Tsang, and Demetri PsaltisOptical parametric generation in periodically poled KTiOPO4 via extended phase matchingApplied Physics Letters 91, 131120 (2007)2007-09-28
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisTheory of resonantly enhanced near-field imagingOptics Express 15, 11959 (2007)2007-09-05Experimentally demonstrated by Guo et al. [Opt. Commun. 383, 153 (2017)]
Mankei TsangDecoherence of quantum-enhanced timing accuracyPhysical Review A 75, 063809 (2007)2007-06-11
Mankei TsangRelationship between resolution enhancement and multiphoton absorption rate in quantum lithographyPhysical Review A 75, 043813 (2007)2007-04-20
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisReflectionless evanescent wave amplification via two dielectric planar waveguidesOptics Letters 31, 2741 (2006)2006-08-25Erratum: 32, 86 (2007)
Mankei TsangQuantum Temporal Correlations and Entanglement via Adiabatic Control of Vector SolitonsPhysical Review Letters 97, 023902 (2006)2006-07-11Erratum: 99, 049901(E) (2007)
Mankei TsangSpectral phase conjugation via extended phase matchingJournal of the Optical Society of America B 23, 861 (2006)2006-05-01Experimentally demonstrated by Pu et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 131120 (2007)].
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisPropagation of temporal entanglementPhysical Review A 73, 013822 (2006)2006-01-27Experimentally demonstrated by Donohue et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 243602 (2016)]
Martin Centurion, Ye Pu, Mankei Tsang, and Demetri PsaltisDynamics of filament formation in a Kerr mediumPhysical Review A 71, 063811 (2005)2005-06-17Erratum: 74, 069902(E) (2006)
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisSpontaneous spectral phase conjugation for coincident frequency entanglementPhysical Review A 71, 043806 (2005)2005-04-11
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisSpectral phase conjugation by quasi-phase-matched three-wave mixingOptics Communications 242, 659 (2004)2004-09-03
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisSpectral phase conjugation with cross-phase modulation compensationOptics Express 12, 2207 (2004)2004-05-17
Mankei Tsang, Demetri Psaltis, and Fiorenzo G. OmenettoReverse propagation of femtosecond pulses in optical fibersOptics Letters 28, 1873 (2003)2003-10-15Rediscovered by X. Li et al., Opt. Express 16, 880 (2008). See also Pawłowska et al., Opt. Lett. 37, 2709 (2012) for a demo with femtosecond pulses
Mankei Tsang and Demetri PsaltisDispersion and nonlinearity compensation by spectral phase conjugationOptics Letters 28, 1558 (2003)2003-09-01Experimentally demonstrated by Kuzucu et al. [Opt. Express 17, 20605 (2009)]

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