Quantum noise spectroscopy as an incoherent imaging problem

Mankei Tsang, “Quantum noise spectroscopy as an incoherent imaging problem,” Physical Review A 107, 012611 (2023) [arXiv PDF].

People often asked us whether we can apply our quantum-inspired superresolution ideas to gravitational-wave detection. This paper shows that the answer is yes, if the goal is to detect a stochastic gravitational-wave background. This is because the two problems have the same random displacement model under the hood: randomly displaced photons in the case of imaging, and randomly displaced fields in the case of optomechanical detector. With the correspondence direct imaging = homodyne, SPADE = photon counting in the spectral modes, photon counting turns out to be far superior to homodyne in the same way SPADE is superior.

Quantum limit to subdiffraction incoherent optical imaging. II. A parametric-submodel approach

Mankei Tsang, “Quantum limit to subdiffraction incoherent optical imaging. II. A parametric-submodel approach,” Physical Review A 104, 052411 (2021) [arXiv PDF]. This sequel is a mathematically rigorous proof of the quantum limit first proposed in

See the APS Physics Buzz blog for a popular coverage of the previous works.


Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Quantum Optics

[Update on 1 Oct 2021: the position is now closed.]

Mankei Tsang invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position in his group at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The main job of the fellow will be to perform theoretical or experimental research on quantum-inspired microscopy, although they may also be given freedom to work on independent projects that are of mutual interest to both the fellow and the group. For more information about the interests of the group, see https://blog.nus.edu.sg/mankei/.

The annual base salary will be 60,000–72,000 Singapore dollars, depending on the candidate’s qualifications. Medical insurance will be provided. The earliest start date is 1st July 2021. The initial contract will be 12 months long and extensible by mutual consent. The position will remain available until filled.

The applicant should have a PhD degree in Physics, Electrical Engineering, or a related discipline, a strong track record in theoretical or experimental quantum optics research, and proficiency in statistical data analysis.

A foreign candidate will need to satisfy the government COVID-19 requirements before they may be hired; see https://www.mom.gov.sg/covid-19/entry-approval-requirements.

The applicant should email a curriculum vitae to mankei@nus.edu.sg. Shortlisted applicants will be informed; they should then arrange three reference letters to be emailed to the same address. Please check https://blog.nus.edu.sg/mankei/2021/05/11/job_ad/ for any latest update about the position and email mankei@nus.edu.sg if you have any question.

Theory Postdoc Position Available

[update on 29 March 2021: The position is now closed.]

[update on 28 March 2020: We can now hire only Singapore citizens and long-term pass holders. If you need a new work pass, you need to stay in Singapore while it is being processed. The position will remain open until filled.]

My group has a theory postdoc position that needs to be filled as soon as possible. It is not attached to any project so the postdoc will be free to work on any topic as long as it is of mutual interest. My current interest is in quantum estimation theory, quantum measurement theory, and quantum optics, but I am open-minded. For more information about our research activities, please see https://blog.nus.edu.sg/mankei/.

The base salary will be SGD5,000 per month. There will be standard medical benefits and some conference travel support. For Singapore citizens or permanent residents we also provide CPF contributions on top of the salary. The funding ends on 31 March 2023.

Unfortunately we are only able to hire Singaporean citizens and long-term pass holders in the near future because of government restrictions. If you need a new work pass, you need to stay in Singapore while the application is being processed.

If you are interested, please email your CV and a one-page research statement to mankei@nus.edu.sg. The position will remain available until filled or before 31 March 2021. I will contact you for further information and references if there is a need.

Please feel free to share this news with any potential candidate, and email me at mankei@nus.edu.sg if you have any question.

Quantum limit to subdiffraction incoherent optical imaging

Mankei Tsang, Physical Review A (Editors’ Suggestion) 99, 012305 (2019) [PDF]