Monthly Archives: May 2024

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting from an Environmentalist’s (Not Investor’s) Lens

Environmental, social, and governance (‘ESG’) reporting is increasingly practiced by companies. But is ESG reporting good or bad for the environment? How might we even approach such a question? The investigation of this question lies at the heart of my paper, ‘[ESG] Reporting from an Environmentalist’s (Not Investor’s) Lens’, published in (2023) 47 Environs: Environmental Law and Policy Journal 52-104.

Leading Works on International Law: The International Law on Foreign Investment

Donna Lyons’s edited book, Leading Works on International Law, published at the end of 2023, has chapters by eleven authors describing works the editor had chosen as the leading works in international law published in recent times. The chapters on the works were written by the authors, making it an unusual collection in that each author was given an opportunity of stating how she or he came to write her or his work and what they considered to be the impact of their works. In a chapter titled ‘Battling Against Power: The International Law on Foreign Investment’, I was asked to describe the circumstances in which I wrote my book, The International Law on Foreign Investment (5th Edition, Cambridge University Press, London, 2021). In oriental traditions of scholarship, self-praise is to be avoided but it was, in this case, what I was required to do.