AY1920G16C- “A Compelling Method to Increase Recycling Awareness and Remind People of Proper Recycling Techniques Among RVRC Residents”

Marcus Lee Eugene (SOC),  Raeanne Yong Rui Xuan (FASS), Jessica Charisse Ganadhi (FOS),  Xiao TianLe (FOS)

Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari

The overall domestic recycling rate in Singapore is 20% (MEWR, 2018), and only 60% households recycle their trash on a regular basis (NEA, 2019). Our survey found that recycling participation in RVRC residents (n=50) is 30% – less than half of the national recycling rate, and that inconvenience and lack of recycling knowledge are the primary causes. Furthermore, during a spot check, we found 4 of 9 recycling bins contaminated. Our project aimed to tackle these interconnected problems by testing a specially designed compartmentalised bin, with visual aids to allow easy sorting of trash. Our bin re-design was based on the residents’ survey feedback. The re-designed bins were provided to 12 randomly selected residents, and their use was tracked over three weeks to collect data on recycling. Our findings indicate a significant increase in the rate of recycling and a decrease in rate of contamination among participants, showing the effectiveness of the newly designed bin.

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