AY1516G28 –“Will effective feedback on electrical usage reduce electricity use in Ridge View Residential College?”

Tan Yong Wei Melanzzo (FoS/PMC1), Tong Tsz Hin (SoC/BZA1), Yam Zan-Yang (MDP/CEG1), Yap Jing Yi, Vivian (FASS/ARS1)

Academic Advisor: N. Sivasothi | Student Fellow: Wong Ci Yi

$200,000. That is how much NUS is wasting per year on lighting in common spaces. In this project, we explored how NUS could save electricity by investigating the effect of providing feedback on electricity consumption to residents. 3 posters with different design approaches were presented to 50 residents over a period of 2 weeks (13 – 26 March 2016), and investigated with a survey to determine their effectiveness. The results indicate eye-catching posters with real-time statistics on electrical usage are most effective. In conclusion, the way energy feedback is communicated can significantly impact the receptiveness of the recipients in prompting energy-saving behaviour.

Keywords: Energy, Culture and Lifestyle Trends, Responsible Consumption, Education, Posters, Behaviour Change

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