AY1516G27 –“Bin It! Nurturing a plastic bottle recycling culture in Ridge View Residential College”

Deanna Lum Yun Ying (FoS/PMC1), Irvin Lim Wei Quan (SoC/COM1), Kimberley Amanda Kao (FASS/ARS1), Nyan Lin Cho (MDP/CEG1), Wee Xin Hao (FoS/PMC1)

Academic Advisor: N. Sivasothi | Student Fellow: Wong Ci Yi

Plastics are primarily produced from petrochemicals derived from oil and gas, and recycling plastics would help reduce the strain on Earth’s natural resources. Recycling can also be seen as a waste management strategy, reducing the strain on our landfills and prevents possible contamination of soils and water bodies. In 2014, the rate of recycling plastics in Singapore stands at 9%. Starting in RVRC, by increasing the number of recycling bins, we will make it more convenient for people to recycle by taking the bins to them and at the same time, start to cultivate the habit of recycling plastic bottles.

Keywords: Culture and Lifestyle Trends, Responsible Consumption, Waste Management, Recycling, Plastic Waste

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