Five groups of students delivered oral presentations and one group won the excellent paper award at the third Workshop of Asian Young Geographers

We extend heartfelt congratulations to five groups of students delivering oral presentations at the third Asian Young Geographers Workshop. Kang Siyuan lead the team to win the excellent paper award.

  1. Hou, W., Zhou, Y., Luo, W., & Kwan, M. (2023, December). Mapping environmental suitability changes for dengue in Southeast Asia: 1960-2020. Presented at the 3rd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers, China.
  2. Kang, S., Luo, W., Hu, S., Su, L., & Dai, R. (2023, December). Dual effects of the US-China trade war and COVID-19 on United States imports: Transfer of China’s industrial chain? Presented at the the 3rd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers, China.
  3. Lin, Z. (2023, December). Metamorphosis of power governmentality: The infrastructure as a symptom for power structure in Qianmen Avenue, Beijing. Presented at The 3rd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers, China.
  4. Liu, Q., Luo, W., Zhou, Y., Ran, Y., Liu, Z., Hou, W., Pei, S., & Lai, S. (2023, December). Spatiotemporal variations of “triple-demic” outbreaks of respiratory infections in the United States in the post-COVID-19 era. Presented at the The 3rdWorkshop of Asian Young Geographers, China.
  5. Tian, J., Kumari, R., Zhang, Y., & Järvi J. (2023, December). Greener and healthier urban mobility: A comprehensive analysis of green routes in Singapore using Green View Index. Presented at the 3rd Workshop of Asian Young Geographers, China.