Dr Elaine Ho, Associate Professor of Geography, and Dr Peter Borschberg, Associate Professor of History, are profiled by Chow Yian Ping in September’s ZbBz, a bilingual SPH publication available for download at S$10. They are featured alongside another NUS academic, Dr Darren Yeo, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, and Dr Federico Lauro, Associate Professor at the College of Science, NTU. The cover story, “At the Ends of the Earth” illuminates how, contrary to the stereotypical image of professors sequestered in university campuses, many academics travel to exotic locales in pursuit of their research goals.
In separate interviews, Dr Ho and Dr Borschberg shared their experiences of research beyond their workplace. Dr Ho makes annual visits to recently fabricated villages at the border between China and Myanmar in her study of the displaced Kachin ethnic minority in Myanmar. She recounted in the interview her close shaves with danger, which motivated her to prepare a will. Dr Borschberg is a regular visitor to the great and ancient libraries of Europe where he seeks to uncover materials about the early history of Singapore. In the interview, he spoke of some of his memorable encounters in the various libraries with people from all walks of life.
Read the article in Chinese (at no cost) here.
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