International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Singapore

Date: Thursday, 27 January 2022
Time: 7 pm to 8.30 pm

The NUS Global Relations Office and the NUS College of Humanities and Sciences invite you to join us at the live broadcast of the upcoming International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Singapore.  This annual memorial service is organised as part of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) which unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote Holocaust education, research and remembrance and to uphold the commitments to the 2000 Stockholm Declaration. This year, the Israeli and Greek Embassies and NUS are co-organising this event to commemorate the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.  The date, 27 January 1945, is noted for the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps by the allied forces. This year Greece, holds the Presidency for the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

The memorial will be broadcasted live on YouTube:


Upcoming Online Schools in Tübingen, Germany

Germany has voted and is in the process of forming a new government. Not only the strong performance of the Green Party promises great support for climate protection, but the end of the Merkel era is also being eagerly watched by Europe and the world. What influence will the election result have on the European Union, what will change?


Against this background, participating in one of our upcoming Online Schools is even more interesting and exciting! We would therefore be delighted if you could promote and recommend our programs to your students:


Online Fall School 2021:

“Divided in Diversity” – The European Union still in Crisis?

IES, University of Tübingen, in cooperation with Oregon State University (OSU)

November 29 – December 23, 2021

Program Fee: 175 €

Application Period: July 5th– October 31st


Online Winter School 2022:

“The European Union still in Crisis? Politics and Economics in Europe Today”

IES, University of Tübingen

January 05- 28, 2022

Program Fee: 100€

Application Period: August 1st– November 30th


In case you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us or visit

(E-STEER) Sub-Saharan Africa 2021 (Applications ends 22 October 2021)



NUS Electronic Study Trip for Engagement and EnRichment (e-STEER) Programme

Theme: “Sub-Saharan Africa – Introduction, Colonization, De-Colonization, Transformation, Conservation, Fascination”
Venue: Singapore (online)
Date:    6 – 16 December 2021*

*takes place during the 10am to 6.30pm period (excluding weekends) for a total of 26 hours


What is the NUS e-STEER Sub-Saharan Africa?  

The Global Relations Office (GRO) is organising the e-STEER Sub-Saharan Africa programme, which comprises a series of webinars and virtual activities to facilitate an introduction and spur engagements with the intriguing Political History/Economic and Social Developments/Wildlife Conservation/Business Opportunities/Heritage/Cultures of Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Africa. These countries have specially been curated as they have developed strong, bilateral, political, economic and trade ties with Singapore. In many ways, they serve as the gateways for increased business investments, cultural ties, peoples-to-peoples exchanges in Sub-Saharan Africa/Singapore.  Many companies in these African countries are also using Singapore as a base for their expansion into Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa has a population of over 1.1 billion with 6 of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies over the previous decade being situated in this region. With 42% of its inhabitants being younger than 15 years, this represents tremendous potential for social and economic transformations. Through the e-STEER Sub-Saharan Africa programme, participants will discover this relatively unknown continent through an immersive study of a broad range of historical, cultural, environmental, political, business subjects that are presented to guide the participants to understand the strategic imperatives facing this continent. The programme will examine topics beyond the news headlines.


These include:-

: Analyzing the richness of the “Mother Continent” not just in terms of mineral wealth and raw materials which had attracted the Imperialist Powers in their “Scramble for Africa” in the 19th century but also in terms of its cultural offerings, which have a profound effect globally on music, aesthetics and cuisine.

: Venturing to historical venues to hear the stories of injustices associated with the Slave Trade and the African Diaspora since the 1500s and critically assessing its impact.

: Understanding wildlife conservation/biodiversity management beyond the confines of safaris.


: Probing into the little publicized economic transformation successes of African states; and its huge market potentials.

: Examining the Business Strategies of Singapore MNCs/SMEs operating in Africa.

The e-STEER Sub-Saharan Africa programme will comprise two parts:-

  • Part 1 is now open for registration. The programme will mostly be conducted virtually.
  • Part 2 will take place in Botswana/Rwanda/South Africa/Ghana* itself when the current Covid-19 related travel restrictions are lifted. Please note that Part 1 is operated independently of Part 2. That is, participants, joining Part 1 of the programme are not required to continue with Part 2. However, participants who complete Part 1 will enjoy priority admission for Part 2 when it is offered.
    *Subject to confirmation


Why you should participate: 

  • The programme is specially designed to provide participants with a springboard introduction to Sub-Saharan Africa. Opportunities to learn, analyse and synthesize social/cultural/political/economic developments that continue to shape this continent will bring you up to speed from a novice to an enlightened and conversant enthusiast.
  • Learn about the European colonization, including the British Imperial Experience (Boer Wars), and more recently neo-colonialism and its impact on society, economy, trade.
  • Analyze the motivations, legislations and impact of laws under the Apartheid system, the anti-Apartheid resistance, as well as Transitional Justice following its dismantlement in South Africa.
  • Discover the political history of South Africa through perspectives in music.
  • Examine the nexus between Law, Religions and the Environment, through a special focus on the work of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai.
  • Explore issues related to environmental stewardship; and the delicate balance between sustainable development and growth.
  • Learn about African aesthetics – including the influence of Javanese batik on West African fabric designs.
  • Learn about Singapore’s investments in Africa and e-network with senior corporate executives from MNCs, such as Tolaram, on how they have successfully penetrated the African market.
  • Examine the entrepreneurial landscape through case studies of Start-Ups in IT sector (FinTech and Tech).
  • Learn about the economic transformations from governmental officials and academics.
  • Network/expand your social networks with professionals associated with African interests in Singapore, ’meet’ with corporate executives, officials from Singapore governmental agencies and explore professional career options in Africa.
  • Savour authentic and tasty dishes from the Swahili coast, Nigeria and Rwanda, as part of a remote simultaneous dining experience*.

*The programme fee includes a home-delivered meal from Kafe Utu (vegetarian options can be requested/alternative Halal option from another restaurant can also be arranged).



How can I apply?


The e-STEER Sub-Saharan Africa 2021 programme is open to all full‐time NUS students.


Students interested in e-STEER Sub-Saharan Africa 2021 programme will be required to apply for the programme through the Education Records System* (EduRec) by Friday, 22 October 2021.

To find the programme in the system, search using setup ID 02007

Students encountering issues in submitting their application via EduRec may write to Jasper Tang for the application form.

Application results will be announced by Tuesday, 26 October 2021*. Selected candidates will be required to accept the offer in EduRec and pay the programme fee of S$80 to secure their places by Monday, 1 November 2021*.
*subjected to change


How much does the programme cost?

S$80 (inclusive of a home-delivered dinner from Kafe UTU).


All unused monies collected will be returned to participants after completion of the programme.


Who to contact for more information?

Check out the e-STEER website here for more details.


For additional information or related queries, please click here or write to Jasper Tang


AUA Lecture Series 2021: Young Asian Economists

Dear FASS Students,


Asian Universities Alliance (AUA), along with 14 AUA member universities, will conduct an online AUA Lecture Series 2021 programme from 2 September to 16 December 2021 as part of their efforts to work towards the long-term goal of an online shared course.   The theme of the lecture series will be “The challenges and opportunities of Asian economies in the COVID-19 and post COVID-19 era”.  This programme is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students from AUAU members at no cost.


The whole duration of the lecture series is 15 weeks, one lecture per week.  Classes will be held from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  Each lecture is conducted by a member university and will consist of the following 2 parts:

 Part A) a 50-minute lecture introducing the challenges and opportunities of their country’s economy   

             during the COVID-19 or post COVID-19 era;

Part B) a 40-minute freely-designed teaching session, which may include case analyses, multi-

             panellist debates, interviews, discussion groups, a combination of any two components,   

             and/or any other innovative interactive teaching method.

Participants are required to submit essays and meet the class attendance requirements of more than 80% to receive a certificate of completion.  Kindly refer to the pdf file for details.


Please note that nomination is required for this programme. If you are interested to participate in this programme, please send the  following  details to no later than 25 August 2021 (Wednesday):


Full Name




Year of Study

Phone number

Email address



ClassIn Account









AUA Lecture Series Program 0811


2021 SMART3.0 Online Pitch Competition is calling for application!

2021 SMART3.0 Online Pitch Competition is calling for application!


Last year’s SMART2.0 Challenge attracted 106 undergraduate and postgraduate students of 19 different nationalities, representing universities from 8 countries to work together in international and cross-cultural teams. Following such success, we are proud to introduce the 2021 SMART3.0 Online Pitch Competition, where in addition to cross-cultural exposure, innovations and entrepreneurialism are also the emphases. If you have any great ideas and want them to be seen but do not know where to start, this is the competition for you.



Too many great ideas will never see the light of day because not enough people have exposure to thinking like an entrepreneur. The SMART3.0 Online Pitch Competition is designed for anyone from any discipline and no entrepreneurial experience is required. Sign up now and learn to think like an entrepreneur: creating a business plan, determining product/market fit, giving a pitch, etc. under one of the three topics below:


  • Exercise technology
  • Combating misinformation online
  • Environmental sustainability


We will also provide self-paced accelerated entrepreneurial lessons for participants.



Diamond Award: US$5,000 (0-1 team)

Gold Award: US$3,000 (1 team)

Silver Award: US$1,000 (1 team)

Bronze Award: US$300 (5 teams)


How to join

Fill in the form HERE by 31 August 2021.

Upon receipt of your application, we will assign you to a team in the first week of September.



Participant must be:


Further Details & Enquiries

For more details, please visit the SMART 3.0 website.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Temasek Foundation (TF) – NUS LEaRN Young Asian Leaders Initiative

<Message from Global Relations Office>


Hello Students!


Greetings from the Global Relations Office, NUS.


We are glad to announce that applications for the inaugural TF-NUS LEaRN Young Asian Leaders Initiative are now open!


What is the future of work in Asia and how can I develop holistic resilience to prepare for a post-pandemic new economy?

Topics like the one above, and more, have been specially curated for you in a 10-part online workshop to help you get ahead and thrive in the new normal!


Why join this special programme?

One of the biggest concerns facing university students today is whether they are equipped with the resilience, skills and knowledge needed to sustain their mental health and succeed at work in a post-pandemic economy.


This programme, sponsored by TF and NUS, and personally delivered by The Thought Collective Co-founder Kuik Shiao-yin and Pivotal will be focused on:


  1. Developing holistic resilience (physical, mental, social, and emotional), intrapersonal and intercultural skills and understanding


  1. Preparing you for the future of work in Asia


  • Interactive discussions for you to network with peers from the ASEAN region


Hurry! Places for this exclusive programme are limited.


Programme Details

  • Sessions will be conducted online over 10 sessions (once a week) from 1st September to 18th November 2021.
    • Programme schedule available in attached PDF


  • Participants do not have to be from any particular faculty, but should ensure they can achieve programme requirements (as outlined in attached PDF) as far as possible.


What’s more?

This programme is FREE (worth $550) for participants!

Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of participation from Temasek Foundation and NUS

(provided you have fulfilled the programme requirements as outlined in the attached PDF)

TF-NUS LEaRN YALI Details (for Local)


Application deadline: 20 August 2021 

Results will be notified to applicants on 24 August 2021


Please feel free to contact Mr. Charlton A. Lim at if you have any questions.


Be a trailblazer and join us today!


Take good care,

NUS Global Relations Office

NUS e-STEER Israel

NUS e-STEER Israel
Theme: Israel – Unpacking the Start-up Nation: Society, Heritage, Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
Venue: Singapore (online)
Date: 19 – 21 May 2021 (3 days)
NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) and the Global Relations Office (GRO) are co-organizing e-STEER Israel, which comprises a series of webinars and virtual activities to facilitate a specialised understanding of Israel. A small country of barely 9 million citizens, Israel is known for its stunningly disproportionate global impact on scientific research, technological innovations and entrepreneurship, as well as its political influence built on extensive international alliances, an advanced economy and a strong military. Through the e-STEER Israel programme, participants will be exposed to topics beyond the news headlines.

U21 RISE (Real Impact on Society and Environment) showcase and awards

<Message from GRO>

RISE (Real Impact on Society and Environment) is an international showcase of student achievement in sustainability and social innovation. RISE is designed to accelerate the scale and impact of student-led projects by connecting them with a network of experts in academia and industry.

Alongside access to a global network of supporter, teams will have the chance of winning prizes of $2000 each to further develop their project.


Due to the success of RISE 2019, U21 has expanded the competition for this year. Each U21 member institution is invited to nominate up to student-led projects based on an aspect of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Who can enter?

Any National University of Singapore student, either as an individual or in a group. NUS may sponsor a maximum of 4 nominated projects, up to 3 projects led solely by students at their university and one additional joint nomination involving students from 2+ member universities.


What sort of projects can be entered?

Project must directly address at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These aren’t just about environmental action, they cover almost every aspect of environmental and societal development. In practice most non-profit and social innovation projects will already be addressing at least one goal.

The project should be at the development stage, not just an idea. There needs to have been some positive actions taken to turn an idea into reality. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be a fully-fledged enterprise or small business – see the image attached for more details. For examples of the type of projects eligible for RISE, check out the RISE 2019 showcase.


What will students gain from entering?

All entrants will:

–           Gain experience in pitching their project

–           Have the opportunity to win one of four $2000 for their project

–           Be given the chance to network with fellow entrepreneurs


In addition to the above those nominated to the RISE showcase will:

–           Be part of a cohort of finalists from across the world

–           Take part in a bespoke development package for student entrepreneurs

–           Receive a certificate recognising their achievement as a RISE finalist.

–           Have the opportunity to receive pledges of support from U21s global network.

–           Gain feedback on their project from experts in the field

–           Become part of an alumni network of global social innovators.

Information sessions to find out more about the RISE showcase and competition

These session will give more information on what being part of the RISE showcase and awards can offer and will give students an opportunity to ask any questions they may have. Please note as each university runs its own selection process to decide their RISE nominated projects, U21 will not be able to give details about the selection process at our university.

If you have any voluntary, social enterprise or environmental projects that you would like to scale up, develop, and build, then RISE is a platform. Please write in to by 12 Nov 2020 with the following details, we will collate and forward it to Global Relations Office for their consideration if they would like to nominate your project.

  • Team members
  • Project Synopsis


To find out more about U21 RISE visit here:


