This website contain the instructions and files for the workshops on R Commander.
R Commander Refresher Workshop for Community Health Project, 14 March 2022 (1:30am to 4:30pm).
Before attending the workshop, students will need to: (i) download the workshop notes, (ii) place the project folder on the Desktop, and (iii) install R and R Commander. The instructions and materials for the workshop are available below.
(i) Workshop notes: R Commander Refresher Notes.pdf
- Please download the pdf file.
(ii) Project folder (i.e., MD_Rcmdr) with datasets is in the zip file:
- Please download the zip file and unzip it. Place the MD_Rcmdr folder on the Desktop of your computer (see below for a preview of the MD_Rcmdr folder on the Desktop).
- Note that the MD_Rcmdr folder contains four subfolders: code, data, document and output. The data subfolder has two excel files: dataset1.xlsx & dataset2.xlsx.
(iii) To install R and R Commander. you can go to Chapter 5 (page 35-40) of the workshop notes at (i), or the following Youtube clips that goes through the installation steps.
- For Windows:
- For Mac:
(iv) After installation of R and R Commander, open R and R Commander on your computer (go to Chapter 2 of workshop notes at (i) on page 6-7 regarding starting R and R Commander on the computer).
- Make sure you can open the R Console and the R Commander window (see page 6-7 of workshop notes at (i)).
Suggested solutions for the exercises*: R Commander Refresher Notes (Exercise Suggested Solutions).pdf
*Suggested solutions for the exercises will be provided at the end of the day.
Some of the previous sessions conducted:
R Commander Workshop for Community Health Project, 4 January 2022 (9am to 6pm).
Before attending the workshop, students will need to: (i) download the workshop notes, (ii) place the project folder on the Desktop, and (iii) install R and R Commander, and make sure they can open the R Commander window from R. The instructions and materials for the workshop are available below:
(i) Workshop notes:
(ii) Project folder (i.e., MD_Rcmdr_1day) with datasets is in the zip file:
- Please unzip the file and place the MD_Rcmdr_1day folder on the Desktop of your computer (see below for a preview of the MD_Rcmdr_1day folder on the Desktop).
- Note that the MD_Rcmdr_1day folder contains four subfolders: code, data, document and output. The data subfolder has two files: cvdData.RData & hmohiv.RData.
(iii) To install R and R Commander, you can follow the instructions provided by Installing R and R Commander.pdf, or follow the Youtube clips:
- For Windows:
- For Mac:
Suggested solutions for the exercises*: R Commander Refresher Notes (Exercise Suggested Solutions).pdf
*Suggested solutions for the exercises will be provided at the end of the day
Some of the previous sessions conducted:
Past: R Commander Workshop for Community Health Project, 26 April 2021 (9am to 5pm).
Here are the workshop notes: Session 1 R Workshop.pdf; Session 2 R Workshop.pdf .
Suggested solutions for the exercises will be provided at the end of the day: Suggested solutions.pdf
Download the R and R Commander on your own laptop/computer
To install R and R Commander on the laptops/computers, instructions are provided in the R Commander Refresher Notes.pdf (see Chapter 5, page 35 – 40). Here are some Youtube clips that go through the installation steps:
- For Windows:
- For Mac:
After installing R and R Commander, you will need to install an additional R package for the workshop to perform survival analysis (i.e., RcmdrPlugin.survival). To install the package:
- Open R by double-clicking on the R icon.
- A window called “R Console” will open.
- At the prompt (the > symbol), type the following command exactly and then press enter: install.packages(“RcmdrPlugin.survival”)
- R may respond by asking you if you want to use a personal library and if it is your personal computer/laptop, you may want to click on the “Yes” button. If it does not, goto the next bullet point.
- R would respond by asking you to select a mirror site, and listing them in a pop-up box. Choose “O-Cloud [https]” or a nearby location and wait for the installation to complete.
For attendees who are using the R and R Commander installed on their own laptop, download this zip file that contains the datasets for the workshop:
Please unzip the file and place the MD_Rcmdr_1day folder to the Desktop of your computer/laptop (see below for a preview of the MD_Rcmdr_1day folder on the Desktop).
Some of the previous sessions conducted:
- R Commander Refresher Materials for Community Health Project, 16 March 2020 (12noon to 2pm).
- Materials: R Commander Refresher Notes.pdf and
- R Commander Workshop for Community Health Project, 4 Nov 2019 (9am to 5pm): Zip file