Patient-centred medical care model

It is very exciting to be working with an extremely talented, innovative and passionate group of individuals striving towards improving healthcare for everyone in Singapore through transdisciplinary research and work. The exchanges and interactions have been very fruitful and engaging. The team work was recognized in a recent PS21 ExCEL Awards Ceremony in Singapore with a GOLD award at the PS21 ExCEL Awards 2014, Most Innovative Project/Policy category.

Towards a better healthcare for everyone through trans-disciplinary research and work in the NUHS family.


Vital statistics

“It has been said that a vital statistician spends his life on the records of human sorrow, deaths and more deaths, nice, neat records, tidy columns of figures with all the tears wiped off. Some vital statisticians saw the tears; Farr did.” (Greenwood, 1948)

The International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013)

The International Year of Statistics (“Statistics2013”) is a worldwide celebration and recognition of the contributions of statistical science. Through the combined energies of organizations worldwide, Statistics2013 will promote the importance of Statistics to the broader scientific community, business and government data users, the media, policy makers, employers, students, and the general public.

Subject Matter Experts Uncover the Stories Data Wants to Tell

“To push through to the next, even more interesting result, we need to understand what our results mean; our second- and third-order results will only be useful when we understand the foundations on which they’re based. And that’s the real value of a subject matter expert: not just asking the right questions, but understanding the results and finding the story that the data wants to tell.”


“There is no science of the individual, and medicine suffers from a fundamental contradiction: its practice deals with the individual while its theory grasps universals only”– O. Temkin

“The doctor does not treat ‘man’ except accidentally; he treats Callius or Socrates or someone else described in this way, who is accidentally ‘man’. So, if someone has grasped the principles of the subject without having any experience, and thus knows the universal without knowing the individuals contained in it, he will often fail in his treatment; for it is the individual who has to be treated.”– Aristotle

Quotes on Mathematics

“How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality?” — Einstein A

“In most sciences one generation tears down what another has built and what one has established another undoes. In mathematics alone each generation adds a new story to the old structure.” — Hankel H

“The mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s or the poet’s must be beautiful; the ideas, like the colours or the words must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in this world for ugly mathematics.’’ — Hardy GH