Urgent maintenance for selected IVLE services on Tuesday 3 July from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs

The following IVLE service will be distrupted on Tuesday 3 July from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs (2 hours) due to server maintenance:

  • IVLE Multimedia Bank (except wmv streaming videos)

Please refrain from uploading and viewing items in IVLE Multimedia Bank during this period.

Please contact the IVLE Team for any enquiries.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Selected IVLE services affected by Oracle database maintenance on Sat 23 June from 2000 hrs to 2200 hrs

The following IVLE services will be unavailable from Saturday 23 June from 2000 hrs to 2200 hrs (2 hours) due to Oracle database maintenance:

  • GEM Module Listing
  • IVLE Profile Page
  • IVLE Gradebook Import
  • Modules Taken

Please contact the IVLE Team for any enquiries.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Selected services affected by network maintenance on Mon 7 May from 1900 hrs to 2100 hrs

The following services will be disrupted on Monday 7 May from 1900 hrs to 2100 hrs (2 hours) due to network maintenance:

  • IVLE Project online meeting
  • IVLE Chat
  • wiki.nus.edu.sg
  • mindmap.nus.edu.sg
  • nuscast.nus.edu.sg

Please contact IT Care for any queries.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

NOTE: This is a separate announcement from the Thursday 10 May maintenance.