CIT plants a tree

The Centre for Instructional Technology combined to sponsor one tree in the Plant-A-Tree project, part of NUSSU SAVE's Campus in a Tropical Rainforest program. The project aims to plant trees on-and-off-campus.

Gopi, Hock Heng, Haixin and her son

Gopi, Hock Heng, Haixin and her daughter

Various departments and individuals from the NUS community gathered on 10/10/10, to plant a total of 30 (that's 10+10+10) trees at nearby Clementi Woods. Three CIT staff and family members helped to plant the CIT tree during the event.

Gopi, CIT's Staff Welfare Chairperson exclaimed, "Plant-A-Tree has been an extraordinary experience for us! We saw the joy of everyone who wants to do something for the environment."

Gopi, Hock Heng and Haixin's son plant the CIT tree

Gopi, Hock Heng and Haixin's son plant the CIT tree

The Tree Planting Certificate

The Tree Planting Certificate

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