

Professor Michael Emch
Gilings School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology & Geography |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center, 

Dr. Michael Emch is a William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Geography and Epidemiology, Chair of the Department of Geography, and Fellow at the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Emch’s expertise is in infectious disease ecology, neighborhood determinants of health, and geographic information science applications of public health. Dr. Emch leads the Spatial Health Research Group, which conducts research that explores spatio-temporal patterns of disease, primarily infectious diseases of the developing world.


Associate Professor Navneet Dhand

Professor Navneet Dhand
The University of Sydney, Veterinary Biostatistics and Epidemiology |
Asia Pacific Consortium of Veterinary Epidemiology (APCOVE), Director 

A/Professor Navneet Dhand is an Associate Professor in Veterinary Biostatistics and Epidemiology at The University of Sydney. He aims to use epidemiological and statistical tools to improve public health and to solve intricate problems confronting animal industries. His research projects focus on prevention, surveillance and control of endemic, emerging and neglected infectious diseases. A/Professor Dhand is passionate about epidemiology capacity development and leads the Asia Pacific Consortium of Veterinary Epidemiology (APCOVE) that aims to strengthen veterinary epidemiology capacity of eight countries in the Asia Pacific. He also serves as an Associate Editor of Preventive Veterinary Medicine Journal. 

Professor Ming-Hsiang Tsou
San Diego State University, Department of Geography |Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA), Director|
Big Data Analytics Program (Master of Science), Program Director

Professor Ming-Hsiang Tsou is a Professor at the Department of Geography, San Diego State University (SDSU), the Director of Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA), and the program director for the Big Data Analytics Program (Master of Science). Apart from his extensive academic and professional honours, Professor Ming also spearheads interdisciplinary programmes pushing the geospatial and data analytics fields forward. Currently, he also serves on the editorial boards of the Annals of GIS (2008-), Cartography and GIScience (2013-) and the International Journal of Geographic Information Science. Professor Tsou’s research interests spans Human Dynamics, Social Media, Big Data, Visualization, Internet Mapping, Web GIS, Mobile GIS, Cartography and K-12 GIS education. 

Professor Wen Tzai-Hung
National Taiwan University, Department of Geography|
National Taiwan University,
College of Science, Spatial Information Research Center, Director

Professor Wen specializes in modeling geospatial process in the human environment, especially spatial diffusion of epidemics, population mobility structures, and human-environment interactions from local, regional to global scales. He has served extensively on the editorial boards of prestigious journals such as BMC Public Health, PLOS ONE, and currently heads the Journal of Population Studies as Editor-in-chief. Professor Wen is also an exemplary educator who has received numerous teaching awards in the past decade.


Professor Joerg Henning
The University of Queensland, School of Veterinary Science, Veterinary Epidemiology |
The University of Queensland Students and Admissions, Director

Dr. Joerg Henning is an Associate Professor in Veterinary Epidemiology at the School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Australia, with over 15 years of research experience in epidemiology and biostatistics. Dr Joerg’s research mainly focuses on identifying sustainable and acceptable interventions to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in developing countries. His research interests spans a wide scope of animal-related issues including zoonotic diseases, infectious diseases and management of poultry, attitudes and behaviours of small-scale farmers, extension programs to improve livestock health, the translation of research outcomes while considering farmer’s attitudes, behaviours, cultural background and literacy, research linking livestock production to human nutrition, and the analysis of wildlife data. Dr Joerg has also worked as a consultant for international organisations such as the FAO, World Bank, ILRI and others

Dr. Roderick Embuido
Médecins Sans Frontières Indonesia, Medical Coordinator

Dr. Roderick Embuido is a paediatrician from the Philippines and has been with Médecins Sans Frontières since 2008 when he was first a medical doctor on his first mission in South Sudan. He has since worked in other various countries with the organisation such as Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, India, Venezuala and more in different medical capacities. He is currently the Medical Coordinator for MSF in Indonesia. Prior to his roles with MSF, Dr. Embuido was a rural health physician with the Department of Health in the Philippines, as well as a paediatrician at a private practice. 



Professor Ryan A. Chisholm
National University of Singapore, Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Asst. Head of Department 

Associate Professor Ryan is the Assistant Head of Department at the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore.  Professor Ryan is a theoretical ecologist with an interest in tropical forest ecology and biodiversity. His current major research projects aim to understand the mechanisms responsible for large-scale patterns of tree diversity in tropical forests and to estimate extinction rates in the tropics, through quantitative tools from mathematics, statistics and computer science. His lab focuses particularly on tropical forest tree communities, which are renowned for their high diversity

Dr. Vipat Kuruchittham
Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN), Executive Director

Dr. Vipat (Pat) Kuruchittham is the Executive Director of Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN), a regional One Health network of 92 universities in 8 Southeast Asian countries and 6 universities in Taiwan, working to develop a resilient and competent One Health workforce by leveraging education, research, and training. Before leading the network, he worked to improve population health and higher education at U.S. CDC, UNDP, Thailand Ministry of Public Health, Malaria Consortium, SEAMEO Regional Center for Higher Education, and Chulalongkorn University. He holds a Ph.D. in Health Systems Engineering with a minor in public health and MSIE in Decision Science and Operations Research from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Yann Boucher

Professor Yann Felix Boucher
National University of Singapore, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health|
NUS Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE), Principal Fellow

Associate Professor Yann Felix Boucher primarily leads his research team in Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, and also serves as a Principal Research Fellow at the NUS Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE). Professor Yann also lectures on the One Health approach in the School, and serves on the editorial board of multiple journals including Environmental microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Frontiers in Public Health.  Professor Yann’s research interests spans across discovery and characterisation of novel pathogens, molecular microbial ecology of enteric pathogens, and the evolution of novel pathogens on human timescales.”

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